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About DatSync

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Nice, this look like a mission I will play looking forward it.
  2. DatSync

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Learn to code and update it yourself. they do this as a hobby and its take time meanwhile google is your friend multiple version got updated.
  3. DatSync

    How To Make Files All Lower Case

    find . -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; This is what you are looking for "cd" to your directories and use it. its on the wiki by the way https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server
  4. DatSync

    Zee - M107 - announcement

    Really nice model and awesome work, this and HE ammo must be so fun lol I didn't know the M82 was that old, this rifle always remind me of the good old PTRS 41 Aka Blyat stick
  5. I did a rollback with DDU to your driver and got 10 solid more fps...I think they did a big mess or my install was not clear with the latest one.
  6. Very interesting benchmark so far I also never experienced the FPS bug with Tbb4 malloc. have you tried different nvidia driver by any chance ? I'm sure some old driver have way better fps in Arma3 my firestrike score have moved down too much since recent nvidia driver (980 ti owner)
  7. Don't worry Dwarden I was just trolling man, anyway really great stuff I'm sure the 64 bit binary will at least improve performance for server I have doubt for client side though but even if its 5 fps its an improvement. And don't bother with profiling branch for 64 bit we will wait for Dev Branch to try it I prefer to wait when its ready than a rushed fix. Vulkan api would be a dream for next arma with its heavy CPU bound.
  8. Sorry if off topic but I just comeback after a week and see that on roadmap That some sweet news from Dev (troll) When can we test the real performance branch ? Installing V6 on my server I was stuck with V4 for now and didn't had any problem. Edit and offtopic 2 : How did you manage to make x64 work is it because Arma 3 gonna switch on Enfusion ?
  9. Use #chmod -R 775 /folder If some mods can't be read or something else. To all of you who can load some mods but 3/4 get loaded are you sure that this mod is in lower caser and have all his .pbo in lower case also ? Use this in a folder who have Case sensitive problem : find . -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; Edit : @Higgins try to make a "mods" folder I'm running like this |--serverfiles | |--mods | | |--@mod1 | | |--@mod2 | | |--@mod3 | | |--@mod4 So I run -mod=mods/@cba_a3\;mods/@rhsafrf\;mods/@rhsusf Try to run like this and tell me if its work
  10. Hello Feint, Not sure if you are still working on this but would it be possible to integrade this into the free look system of Arma 3 ? that would be awesome for first person user without trackIR Thanks,
  11. Are you running built in mission script like vcom AI or something ? I tested in editor and doesn't have any AI problem
  12. Reporting fast so far no crash and I average 5 to 10 more fps I don't know what you did with the allocator but its very good I average 45-50 fps now on my server with Antistasi running
  13. Thanks gonna test this so far no crash on my server or on client yet with the previous build lets see with this one.
  14. Since you are on linux you have to lower case everything @CBA_A3 need to be @cba_a3 you can use this Also mods separation need too have a semicolon separation like this "-mod=mods/@cba_a3\;mods/@rhsafrf\;@mods/@rhsusf" (I use a mods folder that why there is a mods/ ) and also are you mods folder ch modded 775 ?
  15. Did you did a force_install_dir <path> before ? It should only replace your serverfiles