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About Painmace

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Black Legion Purge troopers preparing an ambush Mods: Legion Studios, Polpox, Kholo, various static animation mods (like 5 different)
  2. Well in case someone wonders, I got it kinda figured out, talked to another modder who used the same model
  3. Hey, so I'm a novice when it comes to modding and coding. Iv already tried re-texturing some Arma3 content so I got the basic hang of that. However I'm trying to make a dress blue with a model from CUP. When checking the "hiddenselections", "hiddenselectionstextures" and "uniformmodel" they are all empty where as for example the beret from ArmaA 3 is "model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPB\BLUFOR\headgear_beret02a";"' Iv tried filling these out and the mod itself works. However the texture I made is not showing, only the original and I am assuming that is cause CUP models dont work the same was as the vanilla? This is the specific code for it that I have writen Can anyone explain to me why its not working?
  4. Painmace

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    How does this mod work with ACE3?
  5. Dont know if you already coverd this in an earlier post. In the OP you mention you want to be uniqeu with your choice of weapons. What about the Ak5 that the Swedes use? Or the Finnish Rk types (not sure which they use)? Also, how are you handling the "Scandinavian" terrain? Are you making your own terrain models? (idk the term for terrain stuff)
  6. Painmace

    COWarModI44 Compatible

    Really cool mod, is it compatible with the standard missions etc? or will it break the game?
  7. Heyo, really like the mission, however. Do you know by any chance how to edit the mission so there can be 16 players? (2 squads) I tried just copy pasting the group that already existed but that broke the script.
  8. Heyo, really like the mission, however. Do you know by any chance how to edit the mission so there can be 16 players? (2 squads) I tried just copy pasting the group that already existed but that broke the script.
  9. Hello Anyone know anything about hosting I44 servers? We got a server runing with I44, CBA CO and ACRE, however, when we try to join with the same mods as the server we get kicked with message like: "*position of the folders/program*i44\addons\oca.pbo csj_109g.pbo csj_b17.pbo csj_bballoon.pbo csj_chute.pbo csj_engine.pbo... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys." Nvm i fixd above problem.
  10. Painmace

    Norwegian Units

    Not sure if anyone already asked this (to lazy to read through the comments), anyways, why no snow camo????? Planing to add that? ---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:08 ---------- Also I can't find the supply crates D: D: Could it be that they got over ruled by another unit mod?
  11. Painmace

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    So, after I "patched" the game, my keys for AGM doesn't work at all. None of the work and they did (today) before I "patched" the game. Anyone know what the problem might be?
  12. Painmace

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Anyone know where you can find missions for this map? Me and my friends want to play but I cant find any missions for it :/