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Everything posted by Maff

  1. Pierre, I posted a similar post a short while ago. Your post did not show up when I was frantically searching. I have posted a workaround I have been using in there, however it is far from ideal. Hopefully someone has a solution... Being ArmA, it will be something stupidly obvious and we will both be sick.
  2. I have been attempting to create ellipse and rectangle "Area" markers with create3DENEntity in the 3DEN Editor (via the Debug Console) for an unhealthy amount of time. I have successfully created each "Icons" markers. Easy! _m = create3DENEntity ["Marker", "mil_dot", [0,0,0]]; _m set3DENAttribute ["Position", (getPosATL player)]; _m set3DENAttribute ["size2", [2,2]]; _m set3DENAttribute ["rotation", (random 360)]; _m set3DENAttribute ["baseColor", "colorRed"]; I just cannot figure out what the "itemClass" would be for either an ellipse or a rectangle. I have read through the BIKI and experimented with different 3DEN commands to return attributes of existing Area markers but to no joy. I have also been through the Config Viewer but I cannot seem to find the Area markers in CfgMarkers! The workaround I have been using is to create any "Icons" marker, and edit the mission.sqm. Example: dataType="Marker"; position[]={7003.4668,5,3916.792}; name="arrowMarker"; type="mil_arrow"; a=50; b=50; id=17; to... dataType="Marker"; position[]={7003.4668,5,3916.792}; name="arrowMarker"; markerType="RECTANGLE"; type="rectangle"; a=50; b=50; id=17; Of course I could just use the createMarker command in a script but that would be admitting defeat. I have no issues with using the workaround but I think it is well beyond the time to ask for some MUCH APPRECIATED help. Thank you.
  3. Sorry mods... I have just noticed a similar post, this did not show up when I was frantically searching.
  4. Maff

    Respawn Loadouts

    It is very early in the morning here so I may have skipped your post a bit. The only thing that is jumping out at me is The missing semicolon at the bottom of your onPlayerRespawn.sqf. I have added it for you. // Heli PT if (player isKindOf "O_Soldier_PG_F") then { [player] execVM "scripts\loadouts\ParaTrooper.sqf"; }; Hope that sorts it for you.
  5. Nice one! This will save me many, MANY hours marking out AO's.
  6. Try; this setVectorUp [0,0,1]; This levels the object to the terrain for me.
  7. Unit position needs to be a string. try; this setUnitPos "DOWN";
  8. Maff

    Stop Scientist Fleeing

    In the Scientists init line: this disableAI "MOVE";
  9. Post your .RPT file or any error messages you or others are getting.
  10. That's it. Is it working for you? As far as I know there's no real difference between addEventHandler and addMPEventHandler. I could be wrong though. EDIT;
  11. We both overlooked something. null = [this] execvm "rifle.sqf"; I also moved the addEventHandler to the end of the script. Try it now.
  12. That looks a little more like it. I haven't really used eventHandlers before. Is the script firing on respawn? If you're using ACE, why not use the "Respawn with same weapons/mags" module? I remember it duplicating backpack gear sometimes so you need to check that out.
  13. I came across this script a while ago by an unknown author. It is called getAllBuildingPositions.sqf It copies all enterable building positions to your clipboard. allpositionsarray = []; _pos = [0,0]; randomweapon_buildings = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 60000]; { _building = _x; _buildingpos = []; _endloop = false; _poscount = 0; while {!_endloop} do { if(((_building buildingPos _poscount) select 0) != 0 && ((_building buildingPos _poscount) select 1) != 0) then { _buildingpos = _buildingpos + [_building buildingPos _poscount]; _poscount = _poscount + 1; } else { _endloop = true; }; }; if (count _buildingpos > 0) then { for[{_r = 0}, {_r < count _buildingpos}, {_r = _r + 1}] do { _pos = _buildingpos select _r; _posnew = _pos; if(_pos select 2 < 0) then { _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1]; }; _z = 0; _testpos = true; while {_testpos} do { if((!lineIntersects[ATLtoASL(_pos), ATLtoASL([_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (0.1 * _z)])]) && (!terrainIntersect[(_pos), ([_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (0.1 * _z)])]) && (_pos select 2 > 0)) then { _posnew = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (0.01 * _z)]; _z = _z + 1; } else { _testpos = false; }; }; player setPos _posnew; sleep 0.5; waitUntil{velocity player select 0 == 0 && velocity player select 1 == 0 && velocity player select 2 == 0}; allpositionsarray = allpositionsarray + [getPos player]; }; }; }foreach randomweapon_buildings; clipBoardString = ""; { clipBoardString = clipBoardString + format["%1 ",_x]; }foreach allpositionsarray; copyToClipboard clipBoardString; NOTES: I suggest you use; this allowDamage false; on your player as I've died half way through running the script before. Nightmare on the larger maps! Be patient and avoid touching your mouse and keyboard! Give it time to return all building positions. When you stop teleporting around the map then you're good to tab out and paste the returned positions into notepad.
  14. waitUntil {alive player}; _unit = _this select 0; // Edit- Maff. removeAllWeapons _unit; removeBackpack _unit; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_Battery_Rangefinder"} foreach [1]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_20Rnd_762x51_S_M110"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_20Rnd_762x51_T_M110"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; _unit addWeapon "ACE_M110"; _unit addWeapon "ACE_Kestrel4500"; _unit addWeapon "ACE_Rangefinder_OD"; _unit addWeapon "ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_Brown"; _unit addWeapon "GBL_camelbak"; {_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade_West"} foreach [1]; {_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellRed"} foreach [1]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_Bandage"} foreach [1,2]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_Morphine"} foreach [1,2]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_Epinephrine"} foreach [1]; {_unit addMagazine "ACE_Medkit"} foreach [1,2]; {_unit addMagazine "7Rnd_45ACP_1911"} foreach [1]; {_unit addMagazine "GBL_US_MRE_MexicanStyleChickenStew"} foreach [1,2]; _unit addWeapon "Colt1911"; [_unit, "ACE_Morphine", 4] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "ACE_Bandage", 4] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "ACE_Medkit", 2] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "ACE_20Rnd_762x51_S_M110", 3] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "GBL_US_MRE_SpaghettiMeatSauce", 4] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 3] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "HandGrenade_West", 1] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "SmokeShellRed", 1] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "GBL_Waterbottle", 6] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; [_unit, "ACE_Battery_Rangefinder", 1] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine; _unit setVariable ["ACE_weapononback", "ACE_M136_CSRS"]; Why are you using exec after the eventHandler? Should this not be execVM also? I also notice that you are running a script called rifle.sqf but in your post you have called it m110.sqf. Maybe you should double check your script names.
  15. I have been working on a small collection of addons for Arma 2:CO for myself and a few friends. This started as a simple weapon, equipment and unit renaming addon but as I've been reading through the ACE, BI and VBS2/JCOVE configs the ideas have been flowing! I have started to experiment with creating my own ammunition and magazines just to see if I can do it. The below examples are from JCOVE Lite and I'm guessing these values are intended to be randomised with each hit. Is this correct? If so, is this possible to do in Arma 2/3 and are there any issues with doing this? I have tried to test with "B_556x45_Ball" ammunition in Arma 2 but I honestly can't tell - My targets are dead in one shot using; class BulletBase; class B_556x45_Ball: BulletBase { hit = "6*1.2"; }; *** As I'm typing this, I recall using a script that displays target damage and where they have been hit. I'll look that out and crack on *** EXAMPLES FROM JCOVE LITE; class vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_AP: vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Ball { hit = "8*1.2"; }; class vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Silent_AP: vbs2_ammo_B_556x45_Silent { hit = "8*0.80*1.2"; }; class vbs2_ammo_B_127x99_Ball: vbs2_LargeBullet { hit = "(15 + (7))"; typicalSpeed = "0.75*855"; airFriction = -0.00068; tracerScale = 1.5; model = "\vbs2\data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; };
  16. Ahhh, right! I was sure I was modifying B_556x45_Ball itself. I was getting different hit values each time I updated the config. Do you know if there's any particular reason why it's been done that way? I mean, why put "8*1.2" instead of just 9.6? It seems daft. I've been using the config references. Very handy.
  17. From what I understand... B_556x45_Ball gets all the relevant values from BulletBase (Which is already in Arma 2) and I need to update the hit value (or any other value I want to alter) for B_556x45_Ball. Is that NOT what I've done? Do I not need "more info than just the hit damage"? Don't worry. Can someone tell me what the hit values mean in the VBS2 config examples in the first post. I thought they were a sort of "formula" to give a random amount of damage with each hit. If this is the case, I was wondering if it was possible to use this "formula" in Arma 2 and how it is calculated.
  18. while {true} do { waitUntil {((vehicle player == MGG) || (vehicle player == HAT1) || (vehicle player == HAT2) || (vehicle player == HAT3) || (vehicle player == M1131) || (vehicle player == M1132)}; player allowDamage false; hint "You can not take damage"; waitUntil {((vehicle player != MGG) || (vehicle player != HAT1) || (vehicle player != HAT2) || (vehicle player != HAT3) || (vehicle player != M1131) || (vehicle player != M1132)}; player allowDamage true; hint "You can now take damage"; };
  19. haha I'll wait until it's fixed before I steal it. :D Just joking. I done a little searching and found this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Muzzle_Flash_Bug I'm not sure if it is at all helpful. I'm almost at a loss but I haven't given up YET though!
  20. Nice work so far! It's a shame there hasn't been more advice in this thread. I've seen something similar to this on a vehicle mod a long time ago where the mounted GPMG's showed a constant muzzle flash even if they were unoccupied. I don't have a clue why this happened. The only answers I got were; "It's a bug." or "It's F*CKED!". Would you be willing to send me a link to your addon so I can take a closer look?
  21. Hello, again. I'm not sure why the weapon isn't showing up in your gear. Looking through a couple of weapon addons I noticed that there is no .paa at the end of picture. Try - picture = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\w_805A1acg_ca"; As for explaining the lines in Config.cpp in human language - I've taken a shot at it. Also bear in mind I'm brand new at this. class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class BL_CZ_RIFLES { list[] = {"BL_CZ_RIFLES"}; // No idea if this is needed. This is telling Arma to load this addon before any other addons?? }; }; }; class CfgPatches // this i gues says the game that the actual mod starts here right? { class BL_CZ_RIFLES // I believe this tells arma the name of the mod, yes. { requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons_ACR"}; //this tells the game that ACR DLC is needed to run the mod requiredVersion = 1.00; // Minimum game version required - I have all my addons with requiredVersion = 1.6; units[] = {}; // Not sure - For vehicle addons, to tell what units need to be in vehicle? weapons[] = {}; //Not sure - For unit & vehicle addons, to tell what weapons need to be equipped by unit(s) or vehicle? }; }; class CfgWeapons // Weapons config starts here { class CZ805_A1_ACR; // Not sure either! class CZ805_A1_ACOG_ACR : CZ805_A1_ACR //First is the CZ805ACOG wich is based on CZ805A1 from ACR DLC { displayName = "$STR_MREK_CZ805acg"; // this points the game to stringtable.csv where the name of the gun in different languages is specified. model = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\CZ_805_A1_ACOG"; //This tells the game wich model to load. modelOptics = "\Ca\weapons_E\SCAR\ACOG_TA31_optic_4x.p3d"; // Same as above but for optics picture = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\w_805A1acg_ca.paa"; //Picture in gear menu. class OpticsModes // this tells the game what optics modes the gun has available { class ACOG // 1st optics mode is RCO ACOG { cameraDir = ""; // no idea what that does distanceZoomMax = 300; // This, I'm almost certain, is the weapons zeroing. distanceZoomMin = 300; // See above - I've kept both of these values at 300 - Don't really need to change the zeroing with an ACOG. memoryPointCamera = "opticView"; //this tells the game wich of the points in memory lod in the model to use. opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1; // selfexplanatory opticsFlare = 1;// true or false needed - True means that lens flare should be shown while using the optic. opticsID = 1;// Maybe sets optic as default? opticsPPEffects[] = { "OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1" Post-process effects applied while using this optic - No idea of different effects if any. }; opticsZoomInit = 0.0623;// Not sure - I've played around with these values within Kolimator : ACOG and haven't noticed ANY changes. opticsZoomMax = 0.0623; opticsZoomMin = 0.0623; useModelOptics = 1; visionMode[] = { "Normal"// You can give scopes "NVG" or "TI" capabilities. Or all 3 if you wish... visionMode[] = { "Normal","NVG","TI"}; }; }; class Kolimator : ACOG //Backup sights { memoryPointCamera = "eye"; // memory point, we allready know what that is. opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; opticsFlare = 0; opticsID = 2; opticsZoomInit = 0.5; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; useModelOptics = 0; visionMode[] = {}; }; }; class M203Muzzle; //Specifies Grenade launcher, for later use. reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\CA\Sounds_ACR\weapons\cz-805_reload",db-30,1}; drySound[] = {"\CA\Sounds_ACR\weapons\dry", db-40,1}; class Library {libTextDesc = $STR_ACR_LIB_CZ805;}; }; class CZ805_A1_HOLO_ACR : CZ805_A1_ACR { displayName = "$STR_MREK_CZ805holo"; model = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\CZ_805_A1_HOLO"; modelOptics = "-"; picture = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\w_805A1holo_ca.paa"; class OpticsModes { class Kolimator { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = false; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomInit = 0.5; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; visionMode[] = {}; opticsFlare = false; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = false; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; cameraDir = ""; }; }; }; class CZ805_A1_GL_ACOG: CZ805_A1_ACOG_ACR { scope = public; displayName = "$STR_MREK_CZ805GLACOG"; model = "\BL_CZ_RIFLES\CZ_805_A1_GL_ACOG"; picture="\BL_CZ_RIFLES\w_805A1GLacg_ca.paa"; handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\M16GL.rtm"}; dexterity = 1.6; muzzles[] = {this, M203Muzzle}; class M203Muzzle: M203Muzzle { begin1[] = {"ca\sounds_e\weapons_e\grenade_launcher\gr_launcher_3", db0, 1,200}; begin2[] = {"ca\sounds_e\weapons_e\grenade_launcher\gr_launcher_4", db0, 1,200}; soundBegin[] = {begin1,0.5, begin2,0.5}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"ca\sounds_e\weapons_e\grenade_launcher\gr_launcher_reload",db0,1,30}; drySound[] = {"ca\sounds_e\weapons_e\grenade_launcher\gr_launcher_dry",db1,1,40}; displayName = $STR_ACR_DN_CZ805G1; opticsZoomMin = 0.22; opticsZoomMax = 0.95; opticsZoomInit = 0.42; }; }; };
  22. Damn, I'm lost too! I've been looking through the weapon configs in A2SM_Data_APL and I don't see a class for a HOLO sight anywhere. I hope you get there in the end.
  23. I've only just got into addon configs so I'm definitely the worst person to be offering advice. I wanted to rename ACE and BIS weapons to British designations, after a lot of trial and error I got there... Kind of. I kept getting error messages saying "XXXXXX already defined". After a good nights rest I came up with the idea of making separate pbo's within my addon. So... Put class CfgPatches { class CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG { requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons_ACR"}; requiredVersion = 1.00; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class CZ805_A1_ACR; class CZ805_A1_ACOG_ACR : CZ805_A1_ACR { displayName = "$STR_MREK_CZ805acg"; model = "\CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG\CZ_805_A1_ACOG"; modelOptics = "\Ca\weapons_E\SCAR\ACOG_TA31_optic_4x.p3d"; picture = "\CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG\w_805A1acg_ca.paa"; class OpticsModes { class ACOG { cameraDir = ""; distanceZoomMax = 300; distanceZoomMin = 300; memoryPointCamera = "opticView"; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1; opticsFlare = 1; opticsID = 1; opticsPPEffects[] = { "OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1" }; opticsZoomInit = 0.0623; opticsZoomMax = 0.0623; opticsZoomMin = 0.0623; useModelOptics = 1; visionMode[] = { "Normal" }; }; class Kolimator : ACOG { memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; opticsFlare = 0; opticsID = 2; opticsZoomInit = 0.5; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; useModelOptics = 0; visionMode[] = {}; }; }; }; }; in a folder called CZ805_A1_ACOG and PBO it. Then put class CfgPatches { class CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG { requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons_ACR"}; requiredVersion = 1.00; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class CZ805_A1_ACR; class CZ805_A1_HOLO_ACR : CZ805_A1_ACR { displayName = "$STR_MREK_CZ805holo"; model = "\CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG\CZ_805_A1_HOLO"; modelOptics = "-"; picture = "\CorePatch_CZ805_A1_ACOG\w_805A1holo_ca.paa"; class OpticsModes { class Kolimator : ACOG { memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; opticsFlare = 0; opticsID = 2; opticsZoomInit = 0.5; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; useModelOptics = 0; visionMode[] = {}; }; }; }; }; in a folder called CZ805_A1_HOLO_ACR and PBO it. I hope this is useful in some way. I'll keep an eye on this post as I think this could help me in the future.
  24. -Why only half of my script "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf" ran when used in the console (I can include this if you wish). Your flyingDestroyerT1 script had a 2 errors that I noticed. It works now. To use it in the debug console, use... _handle = [player] execVM "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf"; You weren't giving any arguments/parameters. ////////////////////////////////////// // // // The Real American Destroyer // // By: ReWind // // Steam: // //http://steamcommunity.com/id/45645667867834534/ // Maff - You forgot to comment out the link! ////////////////////////////////////// //Identifing Player //Spawning the Apache on players position //Moving player in driver seat of Apache //Spawning Destroyer on players position //Attaching Destroyer to Apache //Getting player Direction before spawn //Telling player the direction they faced //Setting Apache and player direction where player looked _unit = _this select 0; _position = getPos _unit; // you can spawn this anywhere since your player is automatically moved to driver _vehicle = "BAF_Apache_AH1_D" createVehicle (_position); // You may change "BAF_Apache_AH1_D" to any vehicle classname you want and it will function the same _vehicle engineOn true; // False to spawn the vehicle off _unit moveInDriver _vehicle; // !!You NEED this otherwise there is no way to get into the driver seat!! _vehicle allowDamage true; // Set False to make the chopper indestructable (if you crash a heli while invincable it still often times explodes) _vehicle0 = "Land_Destroyer" createVehicle (_position); // There is also another boat I think it is called "Land_Fragetta" not sure but you can interchange them however the props will not allign properly _vehicle0 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 0, 0, 4.5]]; _vehicle0 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicle0 setDir 180; _direction = getDir _unit; hintSilent format["Based on the direction you were looking, the Object will spawn facing: %1 degrees",_direction]; _vehicle setDir (_direction); _unit setDir (_direction); //Adding other props to give detail _vehicleProp13 = "C130J_static_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp13 attachTo [_vehicle,[7,0,11.5]]; _vehicleProp14 = "C130J_static_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp14 attachTo [_vehicle,[-7,0,11.5]]; _vehicleProp13 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicleProp14 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicleProp13 setDir 180; _vehicleProp14 setDir 180; _vehicleProp1 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp1 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.65, -25.22, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp2 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp2 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.65, -25.22, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp3 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp3 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.6, -27.82, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp4 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp4 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.6, -27.82, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp5 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp5 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.5, -31.3, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp6 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp6 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.5, -31.3, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp7 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp7 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.5, -33.9, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp8 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp8 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.5, -33.9, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp9 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp9 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.39, -37.38, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp10 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp10 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.39, -37.38, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp11 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp11 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.34, -39.28, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp12 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp12 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.34, -39.28, 16.5]]; //Maintaining smokes when player is alive //Spawning Blue Smokes //Attaching Blue smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer //Starting cleanup, when vehicle is not active, smokes stop, props are then removed. Also deletes props if the vehicle explodes while {alive _vehicle} do { if (vehicle player == _vehicle) then { hint "Vehicle Active: True"; _vehicle1b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.5]]; _vehicle2b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.7]]; _vehicle3b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.9]]; _vehicle4b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.1]]; _vehicle5b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.3]]; _vehicle6b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.5]]; _vehicle7b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.7]]; _vehicle8b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.9]]; _vehicle9b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,6.1]]; //Spawning Red Smokes //Attaching Red smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer _vehicle1r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.3]]; _vehicle2r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.5]]; _vehicle3r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.7]]; _vehicle4r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.9]]; _vehicle5r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.1]]; _vehicle6r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.3]]; _vehicle7r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.5]]; _vehicle8r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.7]]; _vehicle9r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.9]]; //Spawning White Smokes //Attaching White smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer _vehicle1w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,4.3]]; _vehicle2w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,4.1]]; _vehicle3w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.9]]; _vehicle4w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.7]]; _vehicle5w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.5]]; _vehicle6w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.3]]; _vehicle7w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.1]]; _vehicle8w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,2.9]]; _vehicle9w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,2.7]]; sleep 15; } else { hint "Vehicle Active: False"; sleep 1; hint "Removing inactive spawns and ending script"; deleteVehicle _vehicle; deleteVehicle _vehicle0; deleteVehicle _vehicle1b; deleteVehicle _vehicle2b; deleteVehicle _vehicle3b; deleteVehicle _vehicle4b; deleteVehicle _vehicle5b; deleteVehicle _vehicle6b; deleteVehicle _vehicle7b; deleteVehicle _vehicle8b; deleteVehicle _vehicle9b; deleteVehicle _vehicle1r; deleteVehicle _vehicle2r; deleteVehicle _vehicle3r; deleteVehicle _vehicle4r; deleteVehicle _vehicle5r; deleteVehicle _vehicle6r; deleteVehicle _vehicle7r; deleteVehicle _vehicle8r; deleteVehicle _vehicle9r; deleteVehicle _vehicle1w; deleteVehicle _vehicle2w; deleteVehicle _vehicle3w; deleteVehicle _vehicle4w; deleteVehicle _vehicle5w; deleteVehicle _vehicle6w; deleteVehicle _vehicle7w; deleteVehicle _vehicle8w; deleteVehicle _vehicle9w; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp1; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp2; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp3; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp4; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp5; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp6; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp7; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp8; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp9; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp10; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp11; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp12; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp13; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp14; }; sleep 3; hint "script cycled"; sleep 1}; // MAFF - You forgot ";". -How to get the TP infront of me command/script to work. Why? haha I'll get back to you on that. -any basic info I should know about the debug console since I found little to no info/help on it. I've only just downloaded the debug console so I can't help you on that one. -Why/how can I spawn vehicles in debug (I've seen it happen in Arma 3) "BAF_Apache_AH1_D" createVehicle position player;
  25. Incorrect. I know for a fact that setObjectTexture works with BAF units. setObjectTexture only works on units or vehicles that have hiddenSelections defined in their config file. hiddenSelections for BAF units... hiddenSelections[] = { "Camo","Camo2","Camo3" }; I used the following in my gear script to give my BAF units a Counter Terrorism look. BLACK.paa is just a 512x512 black image - Nothing fancy. I added in an ACE balaclava to complete the look. _unit setObjectTexture [0,"client\loadouts\textures\BLACK.paa"]; //Camo _unit setObjectTexture [1,"client\loadouts\textures\BLACK.paa"]; //Camo2 //_unit setObjectTexture [2,"client\loadouts\textures\BLACK.paa"]; // Camo3 // Commented out as not needed. PMC units have only 1 hiddenSelections and I'm guessing that sebbepwnyou has worked that out. sebbepwnyou, Maybe it's because I'm tired but your script isn't making sense to me. } forEach (vehicles); // Ummm? Are you looking to add policeskin.paa to the Soldier_Crew_PMC class at a specific point or on player join. If you respond with more info I'll be happy to help you out.