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About Barba-negra

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    Gunnery Sergeant

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  1. Barba-negra

    create monitor object

    if friend the name of the object is correct, I think it is a problem in the configuration of the creation of the object as such
  2. Barba-negra

    create monitor object

    ah ok friend I understand, excuse me, could you give me a graphic example? is that I do not have much knowledge in this please
  3. Barba-negra

    create monitor object

    Hello friends, greetings to all, I come here to ask for help, I am trying to create an object that serves as a monitor and helps me transmit images and videos, but I do not know what I will be missing because the object does not give me an image screen, I have the object created, and the configuration script like this: this is the created object that acts as a screen: this is the configuration in the config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class Barba_Bama_Config { units[]= { "" }; weapons[]={}; requiredAddons[]={}; requiredVersion=1; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class Barba_Bama_Config { displayName="Barba_Bama_Config"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class NonStrategic; class Leaflet_base_Fd: NonStrategic { mapSize=0.20999999; _generalMacro="Leaflet_base_Fd"; scope=0; scopeCurator=0; displayName=""; model="\Barba_Bama_Config\emptyd.p3d"; icon=""; vehicleClass="Small_items"; destrType="DestructNo"; cost=100; }; class Poster_base_Fd: Leaflet_base_Fd { mapSize=0.41999999; _generalMacro="Poster_base_Fd"; }; class Land_Poster_01_Fd: Poster_base_Fd { mapSize=1.1900001; class SimpleObject { eden=0; animate[]={}; hide[]={}; verticalOffset=0.0049999999; verticalOffsetWorld=0; init="''"; }; editorPreview=""; _generalMacro="Land_Poster_01_Fd"; scope=1; displayName=""; model="\Barba_Bama_Config\Poster_01_Fd.p3d"; icon=""; posterSize=2; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\Barba_Bama_Config\Textures\negra.paa" }; }; then I put the object in the editor and try to make it reproduce an image: Monitor1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, 'Medidor0.paa']; but it doesn't show me the picture, what is missing? please help
  4. Hello friends, greetings to all, I come here to ask for help, I am trying to create an object that serves as a monitor and helps me transmit images and videos, but I do not know what I will be missing because the object does not give me an image screen, I have the object created, and the configuration script like this: this is the created object that acts as a screen: this is the configuration in the config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class Barba_Bama_Config { units[]= { "" }; weapons[]={}; requiredAddons[]={}; requiredVersion=1; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class Barba_Bama_Config { displayName="Barba_Bama_Config"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class NonStrategic; class Leaflet_base_Fd: NonStrategic { mapSize=0.20999999; _generalMacro="Leaflet_base_Fd"; scope=0; scopeCurator=0; displayName=""; model="\Barba_Bama_Config\emptyd.p3d"; icon=""; vehicleClass="Small_items"; destrType="DestructNo"; cost=100; }; class Poster_base_Fd: Leaflet_base_Fd { mapSize=0.41999999; _generalMacro="Poster_base_Fd"; }; class Land_Poster_01_Fd: Poster_base_Fd { mapSize=1.1900001; class SimpleObject { eden=0; animate[]={}; hide[]={}; verticalOffset=0.0049999999; verticalOffsetWorld=0; init="''"; }; editorPreview=""; _generalMacro="Land_Poster_01_Fd"; scope=1; displayName=""; model="\Barba_Bama_Config\Poster_01_Fd.p3d"; icon=""; posterSize=2; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\Barba_Bama_Config\Textures\negra.paa" }; }; then I put the object in the editor and try to make it reproduce an image: Monitor1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, 'Medidor0.paa']; but it doesn't show me the picture, what is missing? please help
  5. Barba-negra

    Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear 731

    In this second tutorial video for the SSBN 731 Ohio class submarine mod, we will be covering the missile tube system, the safety procedure and launching the missiles at targets. If you would like to see more of these videos, you can subscribe to the channel. Or you can keep up to date on our workshop page as we will post the links and updates there. If you have any question about the mod you can ask them on our workshop page.
  6. Barba-negra

    Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear 731

    hello guys, new update of the ship to a version 2.0, air to ground missile system with a system of safety and integrity tubes for missiles
  7. I understand is fine my friend
  8. @pierremgi However, something strange is happening, after a period of transmission the screens turn black and no longer transmit the image, why is this happening?
  9. Now I understand, I will review that and do the necessary tests, thank you for your time, sir @pierremgi :)
  10. Another question about cameras, is there a maximum distance that the object can for transmission on screen on a dedicated server?
  11. ohhh mister @pierremgi What a pleasure to talk to you again, hehehe, you helped me a lot with my project, currently I am still improving it, I invite you to try it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2107281042 regarding the cameras, is there the possibility of having more than two cameras? I was thinking of having 5 cameras, but I have some doubts about that, what does this mean piprendertg and uavrtt? and can I have this repeated for other cameras? or must they be different?
  12. Hi guys, how are you? I have a problem, I am trying to create two cameras for each screen each, but when I try, they both show the same screen despite the fact that I am placing the screens separately, what is happening, I am using the following code: scripts1: [[],"camara1.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",0]; vistaentrada setObjectTexture [0, '#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(piprendertg,1)']; cam = 'camera' camCreate [0,0,0]; cam cameraEffect ['internal', 'Back', 'piprendertg']; for '_i' from 1 to 2 do { CAM attachto [cam01,[0,0,0.1]]; CAM setVectorDirAndUp [[-3.0,1.35,109.8],[-10.9,84.04,14.99]]; }; scripts2: [[],"camara2.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",0]; vistaAfuera setObjectTexture [0, '#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt,1)']; cam_03 = 'camera' camCreate [0,0,0]; cam_03 cameraEffect ['internal', 'Back', 'uavrtt']; for '_i' from 1 to 2 do { CAM_03 attachto [cam03,[0,0,2.33]]; CAM_03 setVectorDirAndUp [[12.0,1.35,-80.8],[-5.9,84.04,24.99]]; };
  13. Barba-negra

    building with leaks

    Oh seriously? I did not know thanks my friend, I thought that property had nothing to do with it
  14. Barba-negra

    building with leaks

    I have followed all the steps of other building models, putting their characteristics in the config.cpp, and the LOD characteristics in the object buider, such as LOD geometry, class house properties, everything, I do not understand how the water still gets
  15. Hi guys, how are you? I would like to ask if it is possible to deactivate it CarAttenuation, since I need all the external audio to remain the same when entering a vehicle that I am making, will there be the possibility of doing it?