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Everything posted by aluc4rd

  1. Hello! We finally deployed sling loading to the development branch and as usual we'd love to hear your feedback. But first some overview. Sling loading is by default available to all current helicopters except of AH-99 Blackfoot and Mi-48 Kajman. In Helicopter Movement section of Controls you can find two new actions related to sling loading: Rope Interaction (default keybind is B) and Sling Load Assistant (default keybind is Right Ctrl+B). Multiple objects (for example Supply Boxes, Quadbike, Rubber boats etc.) are configured for sling loading so you can just place them in editor and you are good to go. In future we will add comprehensive learning missions, at this moment you can just discover secrets of this new functionailty by yourself. Also as was mentioned in changelog, we added new scripting commands for sling loading so you can have fun with them too. Please be so kind and share with us your experience! We're specifically looking for feedback on these these topics: Usability - is sling loading understandable enough? Difficulty - is lifting cargo too hard or easy? Multiplayer - do you have any issues with sling loading in multiplayer? But we are grateful for all for your valuable, constructive and civil feedback.
  2. Hello! we deployed Vehicle in Vehicle Transport functionality to development branch. In short: · you can transport various vehicles with both new VTOLs: Y-32 Xi'an and V-44 X Blackfish (in future some existing official vehicles could be tweaked for this functionality, but probably after APEX) · functionality is similar to embarking crew, so just drive near ramp and if vehicle can fit in, new action Load vehicle should be visible in action menu · in editor you can simply load/unload vehicle with drag&drop · we also added 2 new waypoints: VEHICLE GET IN (for transported vehicles) and VEHICLE GET OUT (for transport vehicle) · you can also order AIs to Load/Drop vehicle via context menu - once again, we wanted to be consistent with behavior of similar features (crew embarkation, sling loading...) · if you unload vehicles in air, they should be dropped on parachute (but transport must be in specified height so parachutes can open successfully) · there is also new indication icon in vehicle info tab with 3 states - 1.) cargo space in transport vehicle is empty 2.) there is vehicle(s) in cargo space and 3.) you can't unload vehicle(s) (for example you can't drop vehicles if VTOL is upside down) Please be so kind and share with us your experience! We are grateful for all for your valuable, constructive and civil feedback. Just a note, functionality is still work in progress, but except for fixes and tweaks fundamental behavior won't be changed. We noticed some of you were expecting more immersive solution (driving in/out) and indeed we researched multiple approaches, but they led to overwhelming amount issues which couldn't be solved with given engine restrictions, resources and time. Please take in mind, that our functionality should be available for AI, commanding, waypoints, multiplayer, Eden Editor, Zeus and mods. This is why we settled on current implementation. Oh, you can also check documentation on wiki with general overview and new parameters. There are still missing new scripting commands but they will be added soon. Scripting commands related to functionality: canVehicleCargo enableVehicleCargo getVehicleCargo isVehicleCargo setVehicleCargo vehicleCargoEnabled
  3. Hello! Today we deployed our advanced helicopter flight dynamics model to the development branch. You can find more information in the recently released OPREP, but, in short: The advanced flight model is an optional feature, which we hope will make helicopter gameplay more authentic, challenging and enjoyable to master. You can switch to the advanced flight dynamics model in Game Options (section General) and try it with each helicopter we have currently in game. Please be so kind and share with us your experience! We're specifically looking for feedback on these these topics: Flight Experience - behavior and handling of helicopters GUI- layout customization, lucidity, informativeness etc. Controls - schemes usability, customization, controllers issues and related But we are grateful for all for your valuable, constructive and civil feedback. Oh, and don't forget, this is just a first step and we are still working on the RotorLib functionality, alongside the other key features of the Helicopters DLC. Happy flying!
  4. Regarding waypoints - we known about that issue but weren't able to fix it properly before launch. :( It is already fixed in our internal version and should appear in editor soonTM. Sorry for the inconvience.
  5. Yes, if you want to use different parachutes in different transport vehicles, you have to configure it separately for each vehicle. Also, as stated in documentation, same parameter used in transported vehicle class will override value in transport vehicle, so you should be able, for example, to drop tanks on two parachutes (you will need special model for this) and other vehicles on normal parachute. Yeah, there are these two: vehicleTransporting 0 when the vehicle is not transporting any vehicle, 1 when it is. vehicleTransported 0 when the vehicle is not being transported, 1 when the vehicle is being transported in another vehicle. Possible to reproduce with Arma 3 vehicles? I'm afraid we don't have capacities to solve all issues related to community content. :(
  6. Same command should be used, this way: objnull setVehicleCargo cargo vehicle - will unload specific loaded vehicle transporting vehicle setVehicleCargo objnul - unload all vehicles
  7. These commands should be already in dev branch: canVehicleCargo enableVehicleCargo getVehicleCargo isVehicleCargo setVehicleCargo vehicleCargoEnabled Well, definitely won't be changed for Apex, after release we could probably consider it.
  8. Yes, because of dimensions - speedboat is too high, wide and even long. You can try it in editor and see it clips a lot. Other thing is that in reality it could be kinda complicated to load this type of boat into vehicle - sling loading seems like a better variant of transporation (and you can sling load speedboats with Huron and Taru). Ad cargo positions - for our VTOLs we decided to have separate personal and vehical transport variants so you can maximum amount of soldiers/vehicle inside and any changes to models are not reasonable at this point. If you place VEHICLE GET OUT waypoint (after we fix its visibility issues) in air, it works as a paradrop waypoint. If you mean loading animations like vehicle driving in/out of cargo space, we tried it but it looked really bad and there was a lot of related issues. :(
  9. Oh, my bad. I'm afraid only one cargo space per transport vehicle is possible. :( We already have some ideas how to expand this feature post Apex, but no promises for now. Nope, should be normally visible in editor like this. I'll try to check what the issue could be.
  10. Nope, it works only with vehicles. There should be 2 waypoints called: VEHICLE GET IN VEHICLE GET OUT Yes, there a parameter for transport vehicles: exits[] = {"VTV_exit_1", "VTV_exit_2"}; // Memory points in model defining loading ramps, could have multiple See the documentation.
  11. Yes, in this case is clipping allowed and transport vehicle shouldn't explode. We are experimenting with tech for hiding parts of transported vehicles, but not sure if it will be ready for Apex - there are some complications. :(
  12. You should be able to use setvehiclecargo command in 2 variants for this: objnull setvehiclecargo cargo vehicle - for unloading specific loaded vehicle transporting vehicle setVehicleCargo objnul - for unloading all vehicles - will check it, can probably move exit point a bit - known issue, should be hopefully fixed soon - ramps will be disabled on transport vehicle variants and you will load vehicles through them - similar to crew which is also embarking through closed doors - we've experimented with animations for loading and unloading vehicles, but couldn't produce anything reasonable - it looked bad and led to another pile of issues - yes, mass of loaded vehicles is added to transport vehicle - in short: in transport vehicle model is cargo space defined by two memory points, bounding box of transported vehicle is compared with this cargo space if can fit in, there is also weight limit defined in config - see documentation for more details
  13. Hi, there is a new thread for gathering feedback related to Vehicle in Vehicle Transport functionality, so you can discuss this new feature there. We are grateful for all your valuable, constructive and civil feedback. Thanks. :)
  14. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Hi, I'm afraid it is not possible to lift multiple objects with basic Arma 3 Sling Loading functionality.
  15. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Sling loading works same way with both flight models - standard or RotorLib. On model must be placed memory point and in config must be these two lines: slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingLoad0"; //name of memory point must be same in confing and in model slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 1500; //maximal cargo weight (in Kg) which can helicopter lift Then it should work. Please check Controls settings - because rope interaction key was during development changed from 2xR to B (sling load assistant is Right Ctrl+B). Maybe the issue is there?
  16. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    I'm afraid that in this case is vanilla Arma 3 implementation of sling loading not usable. But you can always use script commands - relevant ones are here
  17. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    "component0x" isn't memory point for sling loading - they are named "SlingLoadCargoX" where X is number (so for example "SlingLoadCargo1"). Count of memory points defines how many ropes will be used for lifting cargo. Example from config: slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = { SlingLoadCargo1 SlingLoadCargo2 SlingLoadCargo3 SlingLoadCargo4 }; In this case cargo will be lifted with four ropes. Same named memory points must be placed on model of cargo. On mentioned metal barrel is placed only one memory point so one rope is used. ---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 ---------- Hi, it's known issue and assigned for fixing, but at this moment I'm afraid can't tell when in will be fixed.
  18. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Yeah, Buzzard (AAF) and Neophron (CSAT) can be lifted by both new helis (Tatu/Huron). Wipeout is too heavy.
  19. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Hm, not sure if Field Manual is ideal for a list - maybe community would be better. As for implementation - you only need to add memory points to config and model (see this reply). Should take a few minutes per object. Depends on how precise you want to be with placing memory points.
  20. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Hi, which truck was it? With vanilla sling loading Hellcat can lift max offroad so maybe it was scripted and then there can be issues with physics. Do you have same issue with for example Hellcat lifting quadbike?
  21. aluc4rd

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Limits of both new helicopters (Taru and Huron) are in Field Manual, older helis are missing this information - can be added, good point.
  22. aluc4rd

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    See Sling Loading thread - Huron can lift 10 tons, Marshall is 22,9 tons. MRAPs are maximum you can lift with vanilla implementation. For further SL discussion please use dedicated thread.
  23. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Quadbike, UAV (Ababil, Greyhawk), UGV, rubber boats, armed boats, SDV, CSAT and IND planes, MRAPs, offroad, SUV, hatchback, kart, van - almost everything which is lighter than 12 tons.
  24. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    If you place sling loading memory points to model and in config of cargo, it will work even with AI (command menu, waypoints). In config it looks like this: slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = { SlingLoadCargo1 SlingLoadCargo2 SlingLoadCargo3 SlingLoadCargo4 }; Number of memory points coresponds with number of deployed ropes. You still have to use setMass command to change the weight of cargo if it is heavier than heli limit (for Huron it is 10 tons).
  25. aluc4rd

    Sling Loading Feedback

    It's defined only in models - you can use scripting command "getMass" to get the value.