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Everything posted by DSabre

  1. (Me262: simple cockpit added) (He111: fixed sharp edges and added some decals) v 3.4.1. - Luftwaffe interior update for Do 335, Me 262, Ba 349, Ho 229 (added some simple generic cockpits) - Tweaks to Fw 190, Bf 110, He 111 (Made a new simple Revi 12, fixed some issues with the canopies) - every cannon shell is now a tracer, for standard guns it is every 3 or 5 or something like that
  2. The Bf 109 will come if we hit 100k subscribers. My Ta 152 is nearly finished. The Condor and the Pe-8 are actually on my list (which doesn't mean they will ever be in game - but there is a chance). It is a lot more likely that I will work on updating the existing stuff though, and adding another 1 or 2 planes in between eventually.
  3. v. 3.4. - TeTeT added fully operational aerial torpedos! (beware, ship AA range got extended a little to counter) - submarines can sort of dive now (better to start them underwater though) - Bf 110 updated/ general Luftwaffe update - some performance tweaks to scripts
  4. DSabre

    Nassau 1715

    Your team approach to sailing is quite brilliant! Also totally caught me by surprise to be able to climb all over the masts and sails! - Hats off.
  5. v.3.3.1. hotfix for Me-262 material bug
  6. v.3.3.0 -fixed turrets, -some planes now have separate muzzleflashes, for mixed armament (FW190, A6M, MS406,..) - thanks to Luca for bugging me about it! -added pre alpha preview of Tu SB, P-39 and MS.406,
  7. v. 3.2.1 -fixed Zeus - thx to Kju -probably fixed factions for ALIVE? Can you have a look BvB1? -some small tweaks (added Ju-88 BmB version as default) -default matching Night Fighter liveries -the W-34 also got one of the new LW default textures and a whatyacallit around the engine
  8. You're welcome. I can fix that later today. Also found a fix for the pilot messing with showing stuff in Zeus thanks to Kju.
  9. The new toys! V 3.2 As mentioned I have removed a lot of clutter from the mod (most of the unfinished interiors and textures). This may affect some missions and the integration mods : ( Upon request I can upload an old version to steam WS so people can fix missions or whatever. -Further changes to flightmodels to balance them better (ongoing process, 30% finished) -All aircraft now feature one default livery only in the base mod (more liveries in extra mod to be launched soon). -Carriers can now repair and refuel (near island), Added some extra factions (in an additional mod) Added A5M (without interior), Added A-26 (without interior), Added M6a K (without interior), Added preview of Ju-88 (without interior), Added Ki-100, Added P-51B, Updated P-61, Updated F6F, Updated F7F, Updated TBM Avenger, Updated SBD Dauntless, Updated B-17, B24, and B25, Special thanks go out to TeTeT who developed and contributed a carpet bomb module that is also very good to make bombers fly in formation! He also had a look at the flak script and improved it! This also helps the searchlights to keep track of planes. Many thanks! PS: Not to forget the F-18s safety weapon which is necessary for the bomb bays (without that they would always be open...) My own version always bugged you about getting reloaded or other annoying things, so that is not so trivial. Actually that is really another thing that should be ingame by default. As well as an option to holster the side arm (if you ever have wondered why all my pilots are unarmed -that's why). PSS: If you actually used the retextured Me-262 and Bf-110 impersonating the Ki-45 and Ki-201 Karyu - they can be found in the extra livery mod.
  10. Thanks for that info Mauler. Do you have any pictures how they look like? Only had the wiki picture of a T-6 with rockets so I assumed it would be similar Thanks Steven. Will do : )
  11. thought you were looking for the dc 3 wreck. that's in civil aviation. If there's no dedicated c47wreck in the current released version, it's in the next release.
  12. The dc-3 is back in the civil aviation mod and pretty outdated. Secret weapons has its own C-47 and C-47 wreck. Next version it will even fly properly
  13. That's awesome - Thank you very much! Yes it helps. I read somewhere that the CAC Boomerang / CA-12 used them to mark targets for Corsairs and were called smoky Joes. I think the T-6 did this kind of thing too. So this is a great addition, and something I never managed to pull off. Many thanks!
  14. smoke marker rockets.. awesome. I tried to make some for the Ca-12 but failed. Is it possible to add it to my aircraft? If so, what`s the hardpoints[] name : )?
  15. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    That's the texture we have. You'll have to paint over it. Remaking the seams/rivets is not that bad really once you get started. In fact if you did that - I could use the seams/rivets for a better nohq map : )
  16. The next version will see a lot of changes that may or will affect missions and other mods dependent on Secret Weapons! If you want to preview it add me on steam. The most serious change affects the textures. -Most aircraft textures have been renamed from the generic texture,texture2, etc to F6F_co or F7F_co. Makes it easier to work on. All non default textures are bundled in an extra pbo and a lot have been removed. This makes it a lot easier for me to add more factions like ROCAF, RAAF, RAF and so on. -A lot of aircraft got some upgrades to function or interior -A few more aircraft will enter the arena (P-51B, A5M, Ki-100, A-26, M6V2-K) -Flight models will change so that high power fighters have an easier time with interwar aircraft as it should be -Ammo is under evaluation. Wrong ammo class names will be fixed. This may affect magazine names too.
  17. Good questions. The ships can be forced to stay immobile by removing the driver or fuel. For planes there is some way involving waypoints for single aircraft where you set the waypoint to Open Fire, Keep Formation. Don't team them up. They will break formation eventually though. They can not level bomb. Use dive bombers instead or learn how to script missions. Tetet has solved this by adding the carpet bomb module Or wait till I make my AI bomber autopilot which will force them to fly in a straight line - But I have no idea if that is even possible and it could be years.
  18. DSabre

    Lockheed C-130

    v 1.4 -de mirrored the ship. removed the strange door on starboard. (you will have to apply your custom textures twice or you will only retexture one half of the plane) -fixed physX -cleared some clutter (removed some textures) -added proper interior shadows -jato bottles attached via eden menu will now work and add the script to any version attached to -HUD display can be stowed (only glass, not the actual mfd) -non cargo versions can now load one small car additionally to passengers -tanker action moved down to bottom of action menu - no more fun ejections mid mission -fixed tanker memory points, they were a little off center. Drogue now retracts completely
  19. DSabre

    APL C-130

    Updated to v 1.34 -fixed physx nerf
  20. v 3.01 -searchlight now emits light thanks to a hint by S.Compton. -fixed missing sound of F4U -flak script tweaks (88 fires slower, allowing AI to actually aim the thing - searchlight still has high 'rpm') v 3.1 -added Coolman Mod53 Scooter -facelift for M.B.5 -facelift for P-51 -preview of Ca-12 Boomerang -other random changes *** in future update notes can be found on steam ws***
  21. v 3.0 -Ryan PT22 is back -C47 added, DC-3 went back to civil aviation mod -changed some factions -most sounds redone -flak generators can now be switched on or off, also from ingame by standing next to it there are 2 types: some that shoot visibly, some that are in stealth mode (flak88 and searchlight) -updated La5, Ju87 -further changes to flightmodels -some textures updated -a few more accessories available -small scooter added (very wip) -a lot of other things I can not remember right now
  22. new normal maps for He 111, SBD, La-5, A6m, New gunner turret for SBD F4u now has extra texture for the right wing. (as with the P-51 - in case of custom textures put the texture on the plane twice for camo1 and camo2) New Liveries new interior (Fw 190) v 2.97 small tweak update: -added new M2 model for B17,24,25, - decreased gunner turret range and made them less likely to hit -Fw 190: added paint schemes, added better interior -F4u: changed fuselage and cabin, made r wing a separate camo. for custom textures: slap texture on twice and it will work again -He 111: added normal map -La 5: work in progress to exterior -A6m: changed normal map -Dauntless: added normal maps and better turret -thanks to Kju for allowing me to use the IFA gunsight reticle, -further changes to flight model
  23. Staszow field proven physX gear Triple M10 triple rack for M8 v 2.95 -added preview of Fw 190 (A3) -made P-51 texture mapping 2 sided (optional, camo1 and camo2 selection). Just slap on your custom one sided texture twice to make it work again. -tweaks to flight model. Fighters handle a little more realistic (not implemented for all yet).
  24. v. 2.90 - changed factions to IFA/FoW standard (blue=axis, green=allies) - tweaks to the navy, cannons now even fire when player is aboard (thx Kju!) - minor changes to some aircraft - artillery pieces were repainted and now have wreck models - added vanilla repaint pilot/sailor
  25. I have an A-26 - without interior. With all the whining about missing interiors it will take a very long time till it is ready for release.