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  1. chain

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yea it works, just its a bit buggy at the moment. Zombies attack each other, fps lags when zombies spawn in, zombies will continue to spawn in no matter what. Also for some reason (maybe not related to the script) but when you jump in vehicles you are stuck in them. Ryanszombies module spawners work way better :) (just the zombies do no damage in exile). This is the git im using for the fix: https://github.com/rscaptainjack/ZOMBIES_CODE
  2. chain

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I have been looking into the zombie damage problem for nearly 2 days now. Have made no progress. So am giving up. If anyone else has this problem just use this zombie script, its a shitty fix but works. http://www.exilemod.com/forums/topic/release-exile-z-server-files-add-zombies-to-server-v0-9-19sp2/ It would be awesome if the ryanzombies team could fix the problem.
  3. chain

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I don't think they officially support any mod. I believe they do have their own way of setting damage, probably because of the health scanner system they have. Here is an bit of code taken from ExileServer_object_player_network_loadPlayerRequest.sqf (found in exile_server.pbo) Just from this you can see they have split the damage between multiple body body parts. Idk if or how or why this would conflict with ryanszombies though.... name _player, if (_player getVariable ["ExileIsDead",false]) then {0} else {1}, damage _player, getFatigue _player, _player getVariable ["ExileHunger", 100], _player getVariable ["ExileThirst", 100], _player getVariable ["ExileAlcohol", 0], getOxygenRemaining _player, getBleedingRemaining _player, _player getHitPointDamage "hitHead", _player getHitPointDamage "hitBody", _player getHitPointDamage "hitHands", _player getHitPointDamage "hitLegs", Edit: Took a look at the exile client mod, just in the config found this. So I would think, the way exile is handling there med system basically nullifies the way Ryan is calling sethit or setdamage. Could be wrong though. class CfgFirstAid { access = ReadAndWrite; vehicleFireCoef = 6; CollisionFactor = 0.001; MinCollisionSpeed = 0.5; collisionHeigth = 120; collisionAngle = 0; MinCosSpeedAngle = 0.6; SpeedReduction = 0.242; HealingDuration = 4; HealingLeaderDistance = 20; CriticalHeadHit = 1; CriticalBodyHit = 1; InjuredTreshold = 0.1; HeadHitLimit1Threshold = 0.5; HeadHitLimitThreshold = 1.01; HeadHitLimit2Threshold = 1.01; HandsHitLimit1Threshold = 0.5; HandsHitLimit2Threshold = 0.85; LegsHitLimit1Threshold = 0.5; LegsHitLimit2TThreshold = 0.85; firstAidScript = ""; HealSpeedMedic = 1.5; HealSpeedSoldier = 0.05; HealSpeedAutomatic = 0.004; MinHealingDistance = 10; HealDiffMupliplier = 1.2; BleedingInjuryMinProjectile = 0.1; BleedingInjuryMinExplosion = 0.2; BleedingInjuryMinImpulse = 0.4; BleedingInjuryMax = 1; BleedingFrequency = 1; BleedingFrequencyMin = 0.25; BleedingFrequencyMiddle = 1; BleedingFrequencyMax = 2; StabilizeTime = 5; BleedingFrequencyMinSound = 0.5; BleedingFrequencyMaxSound = 2; DrowningInterval = 1; DrowningDamage = 0.005; InjuredSoundIntervalMin = 2; InjuredSoundIntervalMax = 10; PulsationSoundInterval = 1; BurningSoundInterval = 1; ConsumedOxygenThresholdSound = 0.2; BreathingFade = 0.2; UnconsiousTreshold = 1.01; UnconsciousPulsesNumber = 10; UnconsciousPulsesOffset = 0.3; UnconsciousSoundIntervalMin = 1; UnconsciousSoundIntervalMax = 5; UnconsciousPulsationSoundVolume = 1; };
  4. chain

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Currently trying to figure out how to fix the Zombie damage in Exile but am having no luck. Has anyone else made progress? 10/10 mod btw Ryan :D
  5. chain

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Hey what are the gunstats for the 8.6x70mm sr98. I need them in order for the Ace 3, AtragMX to work. By defualt ace does not have the rifle/gun as an optionc so I cannot correctly use the AtragMX to calculate firing soloutions. The rangecard works though.
  6. Hey, using the latest version of CBA (v2.0.0.150817). When Ingame with my milsim unit we all get the same message in the bottom left hand corner of our screen. The message being "waiting for custom radio channel". The message would then disappear but would change our Short range radios channel and freq (we use the tf_anprc152_1, short range radio). After about 5-10min the message would re-appear. Changing our channel and freqency yet again. EDIT: Disregard was my scripts fault.
  7. chain

    UIcorrections Suite

    Could you please add a feature, which gets rid of the Parachute UI. As in the velocity and height bar.
  8. Awesome Script. Really loving this :) Ths script does conflict with ACE3 though, specifically the ace_parachute.pbo. What happens is your parachute despawns and spawns 3 times then you fall mid air. Not sure why though. Just thought I would let you know. I made a ticket so they can look into it :) https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/1983
  9. chain

    Zero Dark Zero

    Tried using all the aircraft, they all had the same problem. I think its a conflict with one of the many mods I was running, probably ace. The thing is though it would work with the mods as long as the description.ext wasn't available. Yea I know it should have no affect at all that's why its really weird haha. I waited 8min at one stage.
  10. chain

    Zero Dark Zero

    Hey, Goblin for some reason the HALO modules will not work with my description.ext. The aircraft spawns in but the Jumpmaster and Crewmaster do not. If I remove the description.ext then the units spawn in. Here is my Description.ext enableDebugConsole = 1; respawn = 3; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE respawndelay = 15; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE disabledAI = 1; // NO AI-CONTROLLED PLAYABLE UNITS - ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE disableChannels[]={2,4,5,6}; // GLOBAL, SIDE, AND GROUP CHANNELS ONLY REMAIN - ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE Author="SOCOMD HQ J4"; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE loadScreen = "MissionPicture.paa"; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE OnLoadName = "SOCOMD Stratis HQ"; // MISSION NAME HERE TO BE DISPLAYED ON LOAD SCREEN OnLoadMission = "Dynamic Missions - Every deployment is unique."; // SHORT MISSION DESCRIPTION TO BE DISPLAYED ON LOAD SCREEN - ONLY A FEW WORDS PLEASE overviewPicture = "MissionPicture.paa"; // PROVIDE A PICTURE OF YOUR MISSION WITH YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SOCOMD ADMIN TO ADD AND HAVE IT DISPLAYED IN THE MISSION SELECTION SCREEN overviewText = "SOCOMD Stratis HQ<br />Commandos: Up to 2 Platoons and 3x3-man weapon crews (Maximum of 53 Commandos = 6x8 Patrols, 3x3-man weapon crews and 2x3-man HQ's)<br /><br />5th Aviation Rotary: Up to 8 Rotary Pilots<br /><br />5th Aviation Fixed Wing: Up to 4 Fixed Wing Pilots<br />"; // RECOMMENDED & REQUIRED GAME ASSETS class Header { gameType = Coop; // Game type, see accompanying 'GameTypes' document minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 22; //max # of players the mission supports }; EDIT: I found that it seems to be these two lines respawn = 3; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE respawndelay = 15; // ONLY SOCOMD ADMIN TO CHANGE that are causing the crewmaster and jumpmaster not to spawn. I have no idea why. It is a huge bug though. Dont know if it is the latest Arma 3 update that caused this.
  11. The mod seems to be out of date with CBA as none of the keybindings and configuration work. Any chance of an update soon?
  12. Hey all, My mislim unit rents a 40 slot Arma 3 server in Australia and we usually struggle for frames as we have quite a large unit. Last night i was running a scripted mission for about 18 guys, normally my frames would average 15-20. The operation was quite hard and long, due to this a lot of people died or had to leave due to time constrictions. As each player left though everyones frames increased though as this happened. Towards the end of the operation I was left with 7 players connected to the server and I was averaging 60 frames. I know mod count and scripts affect performance. I was wondering though why as the player count dropped the fps increased. If anyone could tell me why this happens or what is the cause, that would be awesome.
  13. Did anybody ever end up fixing the machine gun zoom bug?
  14. Will the mod be updated so that you can use bipods, with certain weapons (e.g. Minimi)?
  15. chain

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Just looked at your Weapons config and quickly edited it, copied this line over to the Minimi class. class UnderBarrelSlot : COREVUnderBarrelSlot {}; New code listed below. My unit cant play without the bipod on the minimi, so we really are dependent on this update :p class Auto556x45_Minimi_A : Auto556x45_Negev { author = "WarfareThai";:) displayName = "FN Minimi Para (Belt)"; model = "\corevweaponsextaf\weapons\MINIMI_IRON"; picture = "\corevweaponsextaf\data\equip\w_minimi_ca.paa"; initSpeed = 866; inertia = 0.8; discreteDistance[] = {300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\corevweaponsextaf\HandAnim\machinegunlight.rtm"}; reloadAction = "GestureReloadM200"; modes[] = {"FullAuto", "close", "short", "medium", "far_optic1", "far_optic2", "HiRPM"}; class Single : Single { class StandardSound : StandardSound { begin1[] = {"\corevweaponsextaf\Sounds\556x45_m249_1", 1, 1, 1000}; begin2[] = {"\corevweaponsextaf\Sounds\556x45_m249_2", 1, 1, 1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5}; }; initSpeed = 866; dispersion = 0.002; reloadTime = 0.085; recoil = "recoil_single_sdar"; aiDispersionCoefY = 22; aiDispersionCoefX = 25; }; class FullAuto : FullAuto { class StandardSound : StandardSound { begin1[] = {"\corevweaponsextaf\Sounds\556x45_m249_1", 1, 1, 1000}; begin2[] = {"\corevweaponsextaf\Sounds\556x45_m249_2", 1, 1, 1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5}; }; initSpeed = 866; dispersion = 0.002; reloadTime = 0.085; recoil = "recoil_auto_sdar"; showToPlayer = true; displayName = "Low RoF"; aiDispersionCoefY = 22; aiDispersionCoefX = 25; }; class HiRPM : FullAuto { reloadTime = 0.052; recoil = "recoil_auto_mk20"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_prone_mk20"; displayName = "High RoF"; textureType = "hirof"; aiDispersionCoefY = 22; aiDispersionCoefX = 25; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "A Paratrooper model of the FN Minimi light machine gun, with a shortened barrel and a telescopic stock. The FN Minimi light machine gun was developed by the Fabrique Nationale company in Herstal, Belgium. Its various modifications have since been adopted for service by many NATO countries. The weapon only has a fully automatic mode of fire. The weapon is belt-fed, with belts stored in ammo boxes. It can also accept detachable M16 magazines. Effective range: 500m."; }; descriptionShort = "$STR_desc_short_556x45_LMG"; deployedPivot = "bipod"; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 155; class MuzzleSlot : MuzzleSlot { compatibleItems[] = {"muzzle_snds_M"}; }; class UnderBarrelSlot : COREVUnderBarrelSlot {}; }; arraySwitchMags[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow"}; strSwitchMagsTo = "Auto556x45_Minimi_B"; class ItemInfo { priority = 1; RMBhint = "FN Minimi Para (Belt)"; onHoverText = "FN Minimi Para (Belt)"; }; }; class Auto556x45_Minimi_B : Auto556x45_Minimi_A { author = "WarfareThai"; displayName = "FN Minimi Para (STANAG)"; model = "\corevweaponsextaf\weapons\MINIMIS_IRON"; reloadAction = "GestureReloadSideFeedLeft"; dexterity = 1.4; inertia = 0.5; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow", "COREVMagazineMinimi200"}; modes[] = {"FullAuto", "close", "short", "medium", "far_optic1", "far_optic2"}; class Single : Single { initSpeed = 866; dispersion = 0.0017; reloadTime = 0.052; }; class FullAuto : FullAuto { initSpeed = 866; dispersion = 0.0017; reloadTime = 0.052; displayName = ""; textureType = "hirof"; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 146; }; arraySwitchMags[] = {"200Rnd_556x45_Box"}; strSwitchMagsTo = "Auto556x45_Minimi_A"; class ItemInfo { priority = 1; RMBhint = "FN Minimi Para (Magazine)"; onHoverText = "FN Minimi Para (Magazine)"; }; };