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About laamapalmu

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  1. laamapalmu

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    When I use A-164 gatling gun, it plays the audio twice. Also if I do a hard landing with helicopter, it does the crash sound twice.
  2. laamapalmu

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Oh boy your twitter post gave a good laugh. It should be BISsoft in the end ;) Testing a mission with many AI's and vehicles, good luck with that. Playing as a pilot on a multiplayer with 9fps is quite unpleasant, followed with fps drops and all. Probably have to overclock 8350 4-core to 5.5Ghz to run it stable 25fps on multiplayer... 2018 Arma 4 "Made to be unplayable" 59.99$ Arma 4 DLC "Barely playable" 49.99$ Arma 4 DLC "When 4 fps isn't enough" 24.99$ Arma 4 DLC "Utilize more than 10% of your cpu but no more than 15%" 19.99$ 2023 Arma 5 "Oh we can utilize more than 1 core!?! :blink: " 2029 Arma 6 "Now in 64-Bit"
  3. laamapalmu

    Official launcher isn't working

    Yeah same here. No actual window for launcher. Not in Dev not in standalone
  4. Umm... i just downloaded the latest Dev version 1.23.125519 and I'm trying to play [bOOTCAMP] There is no text or anything. I wanted to try the VR. Here's a picture :mad::mad::mad::mad: http://i.imgur.com/YN4caqO.jpg
  5. It would be nice if Sunglasses work'd. I was on foot, the sun was shining toward my face so I didn't see almost anything. So sunglasses could simulate real ones and there is Hotkey to toggle them ON/OFF.