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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. pierremgi

    Feedback tracker, Phabricator, Maniphest

    This new tracker is the lethal weapon to kill feedback. :16_6_8:
  2. pierremgi

    IA apex see behind wall

    @greenFist This feedback merits a little bit more attention. Even on Tanoa, if enemies have knowledge about an adverse unit, they can fire on it, through walls. It's not absolutely weird with most of calibers, but clearly, the position of covered unit seems updated. That's more problematic.
  3. It's not the same problem. Hellcat doesn't have any scriptable magazine. The BI commands ammo, someAmmo don't return anything for this helicopter. The class is not set like the other ones. You can do what you want, AIs don't know it's an armed helo.
  4. Hi, I experienced 2 hard crashes after launching 3D eden and simply visit Tanoa without any player (or else) placed on map. I was just traveling with the camera for few minutes. Each time, the CPU crashes, no time for any report, no more video signal, no disk access! Just have to do a hard push on the on/off button on my computer. I have absolutely no problem using 3den for making mission, spending time to built a base in 3D or placing units (2D or 3D). It's just this specific use of the camera whcih leads to a crash. My config: W10, Intel i5-3470 @3.20 GHz, 6 G DDR3, Nividia Geforce GTX 970.
  5. Probably the same issue : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192509-addon-folder-mod-storage-issue/?hl=storage See the "solution".
  6. pierremgi

    MGI Tactical Pack v3 released

    Too much FPS demanding at this stage.
  7. pierremgi

    FPS drop after long pause (esc in SP)

    Thanks. It's not the same problem as mine occurs only when i pause the game. I investigated deeper and this seems linked with a custom GPS display. Everything goes well when playing (autozoom, adapted scaling and more) but something is "stacked" or "calculated" when paused. I cut the RSC when paused (no more GPS display) but something stays with the addMissionEventHandler "Draw3D"... If anyone experienced this kind of problem... Thanks
  8. Hi all, I experience severe FPS drop (3 4 remaining FPS), or even game freezing, when i play SP and pause the game with my addon calling for many EventHandlers. Everything goes well if I play normally, even if I use for some short time the debug console. No problem in MP as well. So, the bad things come with a long time pause. I'd like to know if there are some known issues with the game paused (esc key) for several minutes. Thanks
  9. I hope so. I failed to parameter the revive system and the respawn (holding space bar to respawn instead of waiting healed).
  10. New Apex revive seems to allow reviving options by Medic, all with medikit, all with firstAidKit... great!
  11. Sure, because BI has a solution for Apex campaign. Any mission maker succeed in a respawn/revive code? How does it work on Coop servers?
  12. So, I could spend nites and days, trying all lines of codes and re-launching Arma. I try to make a respawn system. Same as Apex, basic. but my small mission (one player on Tanoa) send plenty of error messages and stay stuck in map view after countdown. Solution is to alt F4 (quit) arma! I placed a respawn_west module respawn for blufor. My description.ext: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; respawnDialog = 1; enableDebugConsole = 2; //onLoadIntro = ""; //showGroupIndicator = 1; respawnTemplates[]= {"Counter","Menuposition","revive"}; respawnonstart = -1; What did I miss? How to obtain the Apex respawn system, editing a MP mission? Thanks
  13. pierremgi

    setUnitLoadout mess ammocount

    A little work around to respawn with the same loadout as when dying (all ammo in all magazines are saved). {_x addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", { _unit = _this select 0; if (!isPlayer _unit) exitWith {removeSwitchableUnit _unit}; // optional [_unit, [missionNamespace, format ["cur_inv_%1", _unit getVariable "invKill"]]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; _unit setVariable ["MGI_ammo1",_unit ammo (primaryWeapon _unit)]; _unit setVariable ["MGI_ammo2",_unit ammo (handgunWeapon _unit)]; _unit setVariable ["MGI_ammo3",_unit ammo (secondaryWeapon _unit)]; _unit setVariable ["MGI_mags",magazinesAmmoFull _unit]; _unit setVariable ["MGI_weapon",currentWeapon _unit]; }]} forEach playableUnits + switchableUnits; {_x addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", { _unit = _this select 0; _corpse = _this select 1; if (!isPlayer _unit) exitWith {deleteVehicle _unit}; // optional [_unit, [missionNamespace, format ["cur_inv_%1", _unit getVariable "invKill"]]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; {_unit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _unit; _unit setAmmo [primaryWeapon _unit, 0]; _unit setAmmo [handGunWeapon _unit, 0]; _unit setAmmo [secondaryWeapon _unit, 0]; { if (((_unit getVariable "MGI_mags") select _foreachindex select 3) <= 0) then {_unit addMagazine [_x select 0,_x select 1]}} forEach (_unit getVariable "MGI_mags"); _unit setAmmo [primaryWeapon _unit,_unit getVariable "MGI_ammo1"]; _unit setAmmo [handGunWeapon _unit,_unit getVariable "MGI_ammo2"]; _unit setAmmo [secondaryWeapon _unit,_unit getVariable "MGI_ammo3"]; _unit selectWeapon (_unit getVariable "MGI_weapon"); removeAllWeapons _corpse; removeBackpackGlobal _corpse; removeVest _corpse; removeAllAssignedItems _corpse; removeAllItems _corpse; removeGoggles _corpse; removeHeadgear _corpse; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [(getPosATL _corpse),["WeaponHolderSimulated","groundWeaponHolder"],5]; }]} forEach playableUnits + switchableUnits;
  14. In Vanilla Arma 1.58, place an ammo bearer as player, place a crate with arsenal in init field: this addAction [">Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; preview open arsenal and remove all magazines from the backpack or remove them from inventory, close arsenal eventually, re-open arsenal: all magazines are present in the backpack, refilled at full. Is it possible to let the loadout as it was before opening Arsenal? It's a waste of time for any custom config to remove what should be not here. Or at least add an option: - auto refill according to the type of unit; - do not auto refill at Arsenal opening NB: This feature occurs only for the backpack... vest and uniform are not automatically refilled. Thanks
  15. pierremgi

    Loadout\Arsenal bug - fix it please

    Looks like this old post: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190924-automatic-backpack-refill-with-arsenal/?hl=backpack Why not make backpacks loading similar as vests or uniforms? I mean don't change automatically the loadout?
  16. pierremgi

    Server Browser Trouble

  17. pierremgi

    Server Browser Trouble

    How can you lower the ping rate?
  18. Yes, very annoying behavior.
  19. pierremgi

    Action menu is bugged - can't switch weapons

    I must admit sometimes, I don't read all spotrep sitrep in depth. Just because it's not my native language and i prefer to play Arma... like some others i presume. Fortunately, i missed this "issue" just because i denied the new Apex key binding. I guessed it could be a lot of work to re-adjust all my keys. I'm left handed and I have to live in this right handed world. Btw, BI made an effort to add key binding for camera editor... but that doesn't work for up / down / left / right arrows. I don't now why.
  20. pierremgi

    Squad Radar - RESOLVED

    You can wait using MGI tactical pack ;)
  21. pierremgi

    Server Browser Trouble

    Say Greenfist I had this issue playing at one of my friends' home, not at my home. With a very powerful fiber connection and very low pings on every servers (a real difference with my usual config! I never saw a green ping before). So, there was no filter used like for badcontrakt, just happened when a server kicked us for any reason (we have plenty of mods and we don't like to guess what mods we need for what game we will try to join, both of us). Then, back to servers page, there was no more list and internet bent for several minutes (except TV). I'm rather sure Greenfist is on the right track but I don't really understand what to do. Btw, we were on v 1.60 before Apex.
  22. pierremgi

    Connecting without mods

    Did you try to make "BattelEye not required"?
  23. Did you use some mods. More exactly, do you have some mods loaded even if you don't use them? One known mod altering the language of vanilla unit (CSAT or else) is Unsung Bravo. Reds speak Vietnamese. And when player open Arsenal, you have also Vietnamese voices, what ever mission you play. Too much intrusive.
  24. Hi, With previous version (1.60) the mod storage allowed to path another HDD than the Arma one. I used to have Arma on (small) C\: SSD and a bunch of addons on E:\ HDD. Since Apex, all Steam mods are considered as "corrupted" with 0 Kbyte. I succeeded to reload local mods (non-steam) from E: in the watched folder, but Steam loaded remained corrupted even if i deleted them, unsubscribed the subscribed again. The solution was to "restore default" the mod storage. Addons remained in the c:\..\steamApps\workshop\content\107410... folders of addons. So my 2 cent question: - why always modifying something working for a weird solution, probably untested in every config? - how transfer the addons (several Gbytes) to the HDD and keep clean the SSD for Arma engine? Thanks :rolleyes:
  25. Lock / unlock vehicles with trigger. unassign the units. There are some commands for that.