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Everything posted by somesangheili

  1. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Yes, I'm fully aware that you can do that in Eden. I think you misread what I said. Let me quote myself... And since when did my name become 'OP'? :P
  2. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Bug: when pressing J to bring up the diary, your rank symbol on the top right will be corporal, no matter what rank you are
  3. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Long story short, they had to scrap a lot of stuff in 2012 or 2011. And I think that F-35 was just a place holder. They have learned from their mistakes and now they're showing us almost nothing from future things like Apex in case it might be scrapped in the future. Anyway, what does this have to do with hidden textures...?
  4. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    I would but I have no idea how to get the skins from the garage to the 2D editor. I'll remove them if someone tells me if it's possible to do that ^ or when Apex is released and the 2D editor is gone
  5. I agree, and what I hate about this icon, is that it always comes up when your clip is empty and you need to reload. This is especially annoying when you are a sniper. Most times when sniping you spend ages between each bullet trying to get a good shot on a target. Sometimes IRL you pull the trigger, only to realise you have no bullets left (like that scene from The Hurt Locker). In Arma vanilla this situation wouldn't be possible due to the annoying icon that comes up telling you that you are out of bullets.
  6. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Bug: passengers in Zamak fuel, ammo and repair trucks are clipping in their seats
  7. somesangheili


    Compatible was probably the wrong word -.-, what I meant was all vehicles in Altis have their wheel on the left, so if you wanted a civilian vehicle from Tanoa to be in Altis, it would feel like it was an Altis vehicle, due to the wheel being on the Altis (left) side.
  8. somesangheili


    I guess the only reason they made it like that is so Tanoan civilian vehicles would be compatible with Altis and other terrains...
  9. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896463899/44A3CD3016F8B9B6337C988606CE18E68B592D5F/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896464890/53AF94DBD5AEE6D8149C5913AD14282B3752EA77/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896465932/DB1257617B85BEC79DB2B9CFB400FEFB6D593686/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896467463/D98BD59EA9DD9042C48814A49A31B582DEC319FD/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896468622/38675F901E892A3FE8AC761586BF1F7CDE41246B/ ...And a strange blood glitch I witnessed... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509278725896476064/4CEAFE4A2BD4B6BFAD62A9EA7D4E552209A9273F/
  10. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    All of these skins are already in the game's files, so no mods required. Just script inits.
  11. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Actually shadows seem to be glitched with a lot of other things too (vehicle turrets, player models?, etc). Hope this gets fixed...
  12. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Bug: shadows are glitched for caps and possibly other hats
  13. somesangheili

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Great job so far, these models look superb. Are you going to fully texture them too? And are you planning on making more OPTRE assets when you are finished with these two?
  14. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Bug: the 2 passengers of the fuel, ammo and repair Zamaks are clipping in their seats
  15. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/180646-list-of-all-hidden-texture-inits/#entry2847578 There you go The 'apc_wheeled_03_ext_co.paa' is for the NATO Gorgon. You can find the inits for it in the link above.
  16. somesangheili

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Currently experiencing AI getting stuck next to rocks and buildings (as in they walk next to them and then don't move). They get stuck there forever and there is no way to get them out of it. Kind of ruins mission flow.
  17. somesangheili

    No New Font ( Please go back to the old one! )

    Meh, this scenario kind of reminds me of new YouTube layouts. Everyone hates it at first but then overtime everyone gets used to it. I don't see a need for it to be changed back. It's just a font.
  18. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27570(sites module broken) This bug is going to ruin a lot of missions if it makes it into stable. EDIT: tis fixed! Seems like posting bugs here is very effective
  19. somesangheili

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27507 This bug has been fixed on dev branch for three RC updates. It would be great if the fix made its way to the RC as well. It's a pretty serious gameplay breaking bug IMO, I would hate for it to be in another stable build.
  20. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

  21. somesangheili


    They're probably gonna release the proper trailer for Apex with its release, just like how they've done that with all their other stuff. I really hope this time we'll get the trailer 1-2 months before release
  22. It says on dev branch that 2D will be removed with Apex
  23. somesangheili


    Oh right, hadn't noticed that mods now only use vanilla categories in Eden
  24. somesangheili


    From 27-1-16 dev branch changelog: I haven't seen these subcategories on Eden yet (probably because these men have yet to be added), but it sounds to me like we're going to be getting many reskins of NATO and CSAT infantry for Apex