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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. AI can't provide support from Blackfish...? Place an AI Armed Blackfish along to a town with OPFOR vehicles/units and place a LOITER waypoint, and it can't kill anybody even skills are maximized. Mission (Development Branch needed) What do you think with this?
  2. I can't test any soundtracks... Thank......... Tanks!
  3. Stand-alone MOD version is on developing with some bonus contents. Stay tuned!
  4. Needed tweak or not? The patch is pretty odd for me.
  5. Hey, I don't know if it is only for me but... hey, Minigun 20 mm for Armed Blackfish is too weak for human targets? I shot that Minigun almost 100 rounds from 1500m away to a soldier and I couldn't kill him because of its accuracy. And, we need press Next Weapon(F) for 4 times to change weapon from Cannon 105 mm to Minigun 20 mm in the Left Door Gunner seat.

    Vehicle Icons for displays

    Are you looking for this? configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf vehicle player >> "picture"
  7. IMO Slammer wreck (left, second from the bottom) needs to fix its color.
  8. Field Manual>Assets>Weapons Info>9M135 Vorona and MAAWS Mk4.
  9. How about add a unit who have MAAWS to the Syndikat faction? Since MAAWS was cut from Apex, that would be fit with the universe and settings. And, let us read the field manual of free weapons without purchase.
  10. Put Zamak in your search field.
  11. I'm going to love every asset from this DLC:) however, when will HEMTT and Hunter (and Stomper) get olive camo?
  12. Any news about this? We can hide the blur with this hideSelection ["rotors_blur",true] anyways.
  13. Small thing: Debris of destructed fruits (Orange, Pumpkin) don't have correct hit material but dirt. EDIT: Also, they are too tough against explosions.
  14. I can't reproduce that for me. ["Arma 3","Arma3",181,144418,"Development",true,"Windows","x64"]
  15. This is a stupid opinion - is this even possible that hide a part of ghillie suit that collide with the view when the first person view? Update the game engine or change the suit's model?
  16. If you use #(select) script command in #define, it causes an error. #define DEFINE_TEST player setPos [getPosATL player select 0,getPosATL player select 1,(getPosATL player select 2) + 1] ; //Works well #define DEFINE_TEST player setPos [getPosATL player # 0,getPosATL player # 1,(getPosATL player # 2) + 1] ; //Error
  17. Nicely done BI. EDIT: Woah, you guys expecting something about performance? Ha. I AM ACTUALLY LOVING THIS NEW FEATURE.
  18. Thank you for report @SkyeGuy . I am assuming the occasion and trying to solve this problem but before that, can you try to activate the script via init.sqf? Like: _nil = ["init",<ammobox>] execVM "plp_loadout.sqf" ; /*Something server-side script*/ Make sure it is running on any server/client. If my anticipation is correct, this will run as well.
  19. I want a script command that adjusts fuel consumption. If we can RTB to refuel after every each of CAS Mission, this would be nice.
  20. Sad news. Let's hope they find some answer to this problem or we can shoot enemy tank through a wall.
  21. ["Arma 3","Arma3",181,144365,"Development",false,"Windows","x64"]
  22. Hm? I can load a Marshal into a V-44 in-game. Speaking of, Marshal with slat armor shouldn't be loaded in V-44. Is this possible with the current game engine?
  23. Turrets of every Armored vehicle are don't have any collision.
  24. I think bags on Armored Cars should be painted as depending on their faction and camo. Russian tradition.
  25. There is no way to solve this unless they update the game engine.