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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. I want to add as many as I possible fictional ticker news to this resource. If you have some idea, please share me. Anything. Community-related, Bohemia Interactive-related, Armaverse-related, or maybe *cough* a British computer-game company what creating F1 games and breaks up with Bohemia Interactive 10+ years ago *cough* related. Something like, “BRASS won the Bohemia Cinema Awards” or “IDAP staff was injured in his demining work in Altis.” Also, I am planning limited time ticker news, like, a news “Situations in Altis are stabilized” is only for August 2035.
  2. I personally don't like any MODs to add some assets, because they don't fit to the 2035 universe, make the performance poor and are don't pass any BI's QAs. (Exclude Arma 3 Aegis cough) I don't want to marge Modern Armies to the Altis, and vice versa. So, I mostly play Arma 3 with no MODs, or just only few add function MODs.
  3. You don't need to look at configs, but use worldSize script command. [worldSize/2,worldSize/2] to do this.
  4. Uh-oh. Maybe I missed something at addAction. BIKI says it don't working on dedicated. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u-q_NPA0B_wuehxakNgOZ-SOnNw8CboM/view?usp=sharing I don't know this will run as well but... please test this. Make sure everyone is running this script.
  5. At least in Development Branch, there are no performance differences.
  6. That's the old one. 2012-era, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead era and not suitable for 2035 universe. This is the resource that reproduction of the AAN screen in cutscenes videos in Arma 3 like this or Apex Protocol.
  7. Oof, guess I forgot many thing to change before publish it. Change this in line 101 ["_debug",true,[false]], to ["_debug",false,[false]], that'll do. Since a year was passed from the last modified the script, 4 years was passed from the first version of the script. Guess this is the time to re-create this script again.
  8. Thank you for using my product. Please remove or comment out hint str _attachObj ; at line 924. Due to I'm lazy, it's not fixed yet :p
  9. I want to make a dialog with backgrounds and a text and make the text behind the backgrounds. Is there anyway to achieve this, or suggestions?
  10. Well, if it is the only way to do it... I'm working on it. Thank you @gc8.
  11. class RscBackground; class RscTitles { class SomeTitle { class controls { class SomeBG: RscBackground { colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,1} ; }; }; }; }; I thought this'll inherit resource options properly but don't. (RscBackground is not defined) How can I define some resources correctly in description.ext?
  12. POLPOX

    For X time do {code}

    for "_i" from X to Y do {} If X == 0, Y == 9, it'll execute 10 times
  13. You can't repaint vest via script.
  14. You can't use this or any other script commands as a variable name.
  15. Don't forget the more destructable and enterable Tanoa structures. I am still waiting for them!
  16. Sorry for late, and yes, define a and b as a Fighter and an ammobox. The script will execute depending on passed object, so no need to think carefully. Since many months were passed, I don't know how should I deal with this script. I am not currently working with this. Maybe I should remake this.
  17. *cough* failed to update once. It should be fixed now.
  18. Confirmed and fixed. Hotfix will launch soon.
  19. Creating a guide around there. Main Menu related. What MODs using along?
  20. The update is live! Download it now in Workshop. Changelog will be frontpaged soon.
  21. configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "IND_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "I_G_InfTeam_Light" >> "name" configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "O_G_InfTeam_Light" >> "name" These are unlocalized.
  22. Does anybody notice the Pistol Flashlight for ACP-C2, 4-Five, Zubr? When and why it is now available in vanilla? IIRC it is not available in vanilla recently...
  23. Is this an achievement for “3 or more hours of playing in an armored vehicle with the first person view” isn't it? If so, the Japanese translation is wrong. Which means just “3 hours of playing in an armored vehicle.” Should be “一人称視点で装甲車両に 3 時間乗り込んだ。” or “装甲車両の車内で 3 時間過ごす。(一人称での車内視点、照準器、車外視点のみ)” or something.
  24. Good news if you are tuned for this topic yet, the stand-alone MOD version is here with some bonus contents! Hope your creativity is boosted with the MOD!