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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. What is your script? First everything you need is it unless you don't need any advice in a forum.
  2. Few problems: The spawn takes no argument, so _x means nothing in the spawn You cannot use sleep inside an Event Handler, use spawn inside _x in HitPart Event Handler means nothing. I think you want (_this#0#0)
  3. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Transformation_Widget
  4. Use Effect Dropper object(Artwork Supporter Props>Misc).
  5. Config Viewer is only for viewing config and you can NEVER change config in-game (without using Diagnostics Exe AFAIK) however, if you want to emulate initSpeedY, you can do this using addEventHandler and setVelocity. At least this script fits to these AMRAAMs very well. blackwasp addEventHandler ["Fired",{ if (_this#4 == "ammo_Missile_AMRAAM_C") then { _ammo = _this#6 ; _ammo setVelocity (velocity _ammo vectorAdd (_ammo vectorModelToWorld ([0,0,-25]))) ; } ; }] ;
  6. You simply cannot without using MODs. However you can use setPylonLoadout to change the pylon loadout forcely. gryphon setPylonLoadOut [6,"PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_C_x1",true] By the way in vanilla you already have AMRAAM C for Gryphon, aren't you?

    I need help with this scripts

    Where's the script? Do you mean thislist?

    Using Params in spawned script

    Read the documentation carefully. params takes string to work. params ["_unit", "_debug", "_switch", "_cLo", "_cHi", "_aLo", "_aHi"];
  9. statement = "this animateSource ['lights_em_hide',1];[this,'CustomSoundController1',1,0.2] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_setCustomSoundController'];"; The way in configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "C_Van_02_medevac_F" >> "UserActions" >> "beacons_start" >> "statement"
  10. It IS possible but just with switchMove, playMove, playMoveNow or something like that, it never requires to use my functions, more like you shouldn't. My functions are designed to take just for photos, though possible to use to make Armachinima.
  11. Title. Sorry if this is wrong topic... So far I know how to make custom mimic configuration but no way to make proper face mimic rtms. Any suggestions, tutorials or success reports?
  12. What do you mean dynamic animations? As long as the animation stored in CfgMovesMaleSdr allows to use weapon, the function will do the thing.
  13. POLPOX

    Get all cfgPatches

    "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgPatches") apply {configName _x}
  14. You may need to check Attributes > General > Overview > DLC and Require DLC in Eden Editor. Adding DLC assets expect map (The only DLC/Expansion related one is Tanoa) in a mission in Editor or on-the-fly never add DLC icon or make the mission DLC protected.
  15. POLPOX

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    Well, I'll buy GM on BI Store directly anyways, but, I give my :thinking_face: a little about the revenue. 50:50? BI didn't provides support for developing Creator DLC but BI takes 50? Hmm. I'd say, wish the actual developers recieve like 10 or 15 percent more. Also, what if I bought Creator DLC on Steam? BI:Valve:Developers 35:30:35 or 20:30:50?
  16. Looks like addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo and Global only generate a weapon if ["All of", "arguments strings", "have", "valid", "classname", []] rearmTruckOne addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo ["arifle_MX_F", "muzzle_snds_H", "acc_pointer_IR", "optic_Aco", "bipod_01_F_blk", []]//works rearmTruckOne addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo ["arifle_MX_F", "muzzle_snds_H", "acc_pointer_IR", "optic_Aco", "some invalid class", []]//doesn't work rearmTruckOne addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo ["arifle_MX_F", "muzzle_snds_H", "acc_pointer_IR", "optic_Aco", "", []]//also doesn't
  17. The goal: Add a button in the Context Menu of Eden Editor That only appears if you opened on certain object type Tried to do something on conditionShow, but looks no luck. Something I wish to do (Not actual config): class CfgVehicles { class ObjectA { CustomConditionVariable = 0; }; class ObjectB { CustomConditionVariable = 1; }; }; class ctrlMenu; class Display3DEN { class ContextMenu: ctrlMenu { class Items { class Transform { items[] += { "Something" }; }; class Something { text = *Title*; action = *Some action* ; conditionShow = "selectedObject * (1 - CustomConditionVariable)"; }; }; }; }; And if you open the Context Menu on typeOf == ObjectA, the button appears. Is there anyway to add variables to the Simple Experssion?
  18. POLPOX

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    When there're like 3-4 Third-Party DLC... AKA Creator DLC, will bundle that contains Creator DLCs with cheaper price available or not? Currently I'm planning to buy Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany anyways.
  19. POLPOX

    military simulator yet you die through walls

    Ok before posts follow, let me clarify: Arma 3 is not a simulator intended to be realistic but just a game for fun purpose. You know, there's no “military simulator” that lets you spawn tons of Aircraft Carriers midair. Unrealistic, eh? Of course this never means glitches are allowed to alive. Looks like you just didn't get fun from Arma 3 much. Guessing Arma 3 and Real Virtuality Engine become too large to handle by Bohemians. That's why they're working on the new game engine, Enfusion. I'm not a big fan of DayZ so didn't played so much, but I feel things are improved. By the way what do you mean dying through walls? High caliber and/or high velocity projectiles let you die through walls apparently.
  20. POLPOX

    Define and call Function

    Make sure these things: Reload the Description.ext by save mission or load mission. You'll need to do this for applying every single modifing. Check your configs are added to the missionConfigFile properly. Go check through Config Viewer. Check your function is added to the functions library properly. Go check through Functions Viewer. Check the file path and/or file name. Either the file itself and path in the Description.ext. Read the article again.
  21. POLPOX

    Define and call Function

    Ah I am terribly sorry. I mean the file name. You should have fn_ prefix but not fnc_ for the sqf file.
  22. POLPOX

    Define and call Function

    Not fnc but fn. Also you can find your function via the Functions Viewer.
  23. Sorry, what? Arma 3 never had M4A1. They wanted to add it to the game for once as an asset of the Expansion, but never impelemented.
  24. Use number (0 or 1) instead or convert "true" string to true boolean by using call compile.