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Everything posted by Locklear

  1. Locklear

    Problems with custom backpack

    Nice one. :) Please define the backpack inside the CfgVehicles class instead of CfgWeapons.
  2. Try inheriting the beret from H_Beret_blk. Concerning other headgear, the inheritance should go as follows: H_Booniehat_khk_hs: H_Booniehat_khk H_PilotHelmetHeli_B: H_HelmetB H_Cap_red: HelmetBase H_MilCap_gry: H_MilCap_oucamo The original structure with the ItemInfo subclass is correct. That's because there's another hiddenSelections[] property there; when it's missing, the texture doesn't appear when a soldier wears the item. PS: You actually don't have to keep the aforementioned inheritance, the point is not to omit the hiddenSelections[] property, but it should just be easier to do it that way, since the item keeps the original configuration.
  3. We're considering some improvements, but I can't promise anything at the moment.
  4. It depends on what they're hiding on revolving. But adding a hide animation for the grenade wouldn't change behavior of anything else, since it should work with a separate selection. However, since the animation source is the same, the grenade would disappear once the last bullet of a magazine is fired, as well. Btw, firing the grenade triggers the revolving animation source as well, so it affects any animations which uses that source. And switching fire mode between the rifle and UGL changes revolving, too. That's what I meant by "weird interactions".
  5. You can hide it based on the "revolving" animation source. It's 1 with the full magazine (= a loaded grenade) and 0 with empty. However, it changes with bullets, too, so there would be some weird interactions in some cases.
  6. Exactly, kind sir, that's what I wrote in my post. ;) Basically, that's the way to get to the items you need, so then you can look for how to move them wherever you please. :) (I can take a look at that myself, but no sooner than tomorrow, apologies.) Thank you, larrow, for mentioning that. I personally prefer config solutions over script ones whenever possible, but I understand it might not be always efficient to create an addon for little things.
  7. Well, you can get inside of an array thanks to "select". player addweapon (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 0) This gives me the weapon I have in a backpack. The attachments of that weapon follow the weapon in the array. 1 is a suppresor, 2 is a side attachment, 3 is for optics, 5 for bipods. player addweapon (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 0); player addPrimaryWeaponItem (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 1); player addPrimaryWeaponItem (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 2); player addPrimaryWeaponItem (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 3); player addPrimaryWeaponItem (weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player select 0 select 5); So this gives me an exact copy of a weapon in my backpack.
  8. :ph34r: Apparently, there's this BIS_fnc_baseWeapon function, which should help getting the base class of a weapon, which is already configured with attachments = it has a separate config class with the LinkedItems class containing various accessories (like in my sample config above). Attaching something to a weapon during a mission is a different case, though, since that does not alter the weapon class. If a player (or a unit) has a weapon with accessories equipped, weaponAccessories can be used (for example: player weaponAccessories primaryWeapon player returns an array of all the accessories of the primary weapon of the player. And the "player" can be replaced by another unit. Finally, you can get to weapons in a backpack thanks to weaponsItemsCargo, for example: weaponsitemscargo unitBackpack player Hope that helps. :)
  9. I'm not sure if I understand correctly. If you have a soldier with a certain loadout, it's very easy to restore such loadout on respawn. There are weapons[] / respawnWeapons[] and similar config properties exactly for that. But if you have a soldier grabbing some items during mission, and you want to restore those, it's of course a bit more complicated, since it will require some scripting.
  10. Ideally, I'd suggest creating a little config entry for that. Basically, you create weapons with those accessories, and then you can add those guns to the crate easily, since they have unique class names. The config entry might look like this: class cfgWeapons { class arifle_MX_F; class custom_MX_ACO_F: arifle_MX_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "CowsSlot"; item = "optic_Aco"; }; }; }; class custom_MX_FL_F: arifle_MX_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsAcc { slot = "PointerSlot"; item = "acc_flashlight"; }; }; }; };
  11. Locklear

    H_BandMask wrong icon

    This is actually no bug. Those assets have never been finished, we just keep the WIP data in the game in case someone from the community wants to use them for something. Such assets have scope 1, so they are (under usual conditions) hidden from the editor or Virtual Arsenal, but they are accessible via scripts, they can be inherited from in config, etc. (Well, inheritance would work even with scope 0, but you get the point. :) ) However, we do not plan to create specific icons for these asset at the moment, apologies for any inconvenience.
  12. Well, magazines are not in the cfgPatches class (simply put, there's just units[] for the cfgVehicles classes, and weapons{] for cfgWeapons classes). The problem with models/icons is probably caused by wrong paths, or maybe textures are not packed. I can't really tell from what I see here (since it's not even clear what magazines have problems, and where). If you could be more specific, I might be able to find a way how to help. :)
  13. If your class cfgPatches contains only the requiredAddons[] property, it wouldn't work. The correct syntax of the cfgPatches class is described here. That should do the trick, I hope. :)
  14. Locklear

    Retextured Config

    So, what uniform you wish to retexture? Since you inherit your soldier from I_Soldier_base_F, you use Combat Fatigues [AAF] (\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d) which originally has this texture: \A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_co.paa.
  15. Locklear

    Retextured Config

    Your Custom_Uniform class is actually a soldier, so it's a bit confusing to name it this way. ;) But that's not the issue. The uniformClass property in the soldier's (Custom_Uniform) class should be "Kryptec" (= the name of the uniform's class). The uniformClass property in the uniform's (Kryptec) class should be "Custom_Uniform" (= the name of the soldier's class). Also, the model property in the Kryptec class is not supposed to be a uniform's model. Rather, it's a so-called suitpack – the folded thing you see on the ground when you insert a uniform in the editor. For more information, feel free to check my guide.
  16. The texture should be defined as #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0,mc), I guess.
  17. Locklear

    Guerrilla retexture issue

    Not in both, just in the soldier's config. In short, the uniformClass proeprty in soldier's class points to a uniform class, and the uniformClass property in the ItemInfo subclass of a uniform's class points to a soldier's class. Also, the model property in a uniform class is actually not a uniform, but a "suitpack" which appears on the ground when a uniform is placed from editor or inventory and such. So the model should be, for example, something like "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_original_F.p3d". For more information, you can check my guide. Good luck. :)
  18. Thank you for pointing this out. It will be fixed in Dev-Branch soonâ„¢.
  19. Locklear

    Backpack HPP config

    Replied to your PM, so for others: there's an "item_xx" macro defined in this config, so when "Item" appears, it's not recognized as the macro. Capitalization has to be the same.
  20. Locklear

    headgear and vest always on the ground

    Glad to help. :) And, erm… sorry for not being more specific about where to find the property. ^_^
  21. That's not a bug, the position is correct. There's a minor glitch with that, indeed, which shall be eventually fixed, but please note that its priority can't be very high at the moment.
  22. Navid: It's fixed in Dev-Branch, should be on Main Branch in 1.54. Hunter: Not sure what you mean, could you please elaborate?
  23. Making a new class for a weapon with desired attachments is the way to do it.
  24. Locklear

    Backpack Base Config

    For others: the original problem is solved, the allowedSlots property has to be written as allowedSlots[], since it's an array. Otherwise, curly brackets mess up the config structure.