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Everything posted by dingos8

  1. dingos8

    Authority 20 player coop.

    I'll test it as soon as I can get online this evening. I am not currently running Battleye on the test instance of my dedicated server. I use Eliteness 3.45 to de-pbo and pbo missions.
  2. dingos8

    Authority 20 player coop.

    I'm running 1.76 on the server. FWIW I can hear ambient sounds while on the loading screen, but the game is in all other ways frozen. I changed init.sqf line 10 to true per your request; following are the reports you requested. I joined the server at 1740 PST and let it attempt to load for 15 minutes, as you can see the server RPT has no entries past 17:41:13 Server RPT Client RPT
  3. dingos8

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Good catch, just an oversight on the command line on my part. No, I'm not running anything that requires CBA, and haven't changed anything in the mission. I get identical results with or without CBA. Thanks for looking at it; I'll keep poking at it on my server to see if I can find a fix.
  4. dingos8

    Authority 20 player coop.

    This mission looks great, and and so far it's a ton of fun, nice work Tankbuster! Anybody having trouble running the mission on a dedicated Linux server? I've been playing with it on my desktop with no problem, but when I run it from my server it hangs at the loading screen after I choose a role. I don't see any glaring errors in the rpt. Any thoughts?
  5. I second Tuskegee_99th. Being able to make global changes with the scripts vs manual changes in game has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes me to make missions; which means I get more time to play said missions.
  6. I second Tuskegee_99th. Being able to make global changes with the scripts vs manual changes in game has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes me to make missions.
  7. @Wyqer Thank you for the advice. I'll correct error and update to latest version.
  8. FOB menus (Arsenal, Redeploy, HALO, etc...) missing from action menu. Anybody else experiencing?
  9. ^^^ This. I forgot to make a symbolic link from my install directory to my server directory. I am ashamed. Thank you all for your suggestions and advice!
  10. Sorry, I forgot to mention that, jets not found: 9:01:52 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | GAME DIR | fe7fe478146f0ef6a041a282d2a745c2a0f4c225 | c23729b0 | 9:01:52 jets | jets | true | NOT FOUND | | | 9:01:52 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 4c9d9b395d33d01e5d465d0777b70d23b48eb1d0 | f66326b3 |
  11. In truth, all releases are awful for at least a week :) By "can't load" I meant that when I try to run a mission on my server featuring Jets DLC content I get an error that I can't play that mission as the jets dlc content has been deleted. For example, if I run the KP Liberation 0.95 mission the error I see states that the aircraft carrier object has been deleted. I take that to mean that the server does not have the Jets content loaded; even though I have jets called in my startup parameters like so. -mods="curator;kart;heli;mark;jets;expansion;dlcbundle;mods/@armaem;mods/@cba_a3;" Since I haven't been able to find any other Linux servers running Jets content, I presumed that we aren't able to run it yet.
  12. Time to raise my stupid question count by one. Am I correct in assuming that a dedicated Linux server can't load the Jets DLC? If it can, how is it done?
  13. dingos8

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    IIRC, you can play without the Helicopter DLC, you will just need to use the Ghosthawk instead of the Huron to lift the containers. You can play with the RHS mods, but you'll need to edit the classnames_extension.sqf file, or use one of the RHS versions found elsewhere in this thread for the RHS troops to show up in game.
  14. dingos8

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks T.Fork, those scripts are great, they're originally from https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/155690-ai-spawn-script-pack/, I especially like the airdrop and patrol scripts. When entering buildings, the AI even close doors after themselves to avoid giving away their position. However in this instance the mission does seem dependent on them, if I remove the 6 km_x entries from the addons at the top of the sqm, the mission won't run because they are called further along, 176 times to be exact. My best guess is it's something in-house from the Killah Potatoes, and I don't want to break the mission by trying to remove them all. I'm sure jus61 will clarify soon. Best, dingos8
  15. dingos8

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi jus61, I'm eager to try out your Chernarus variation, but I'm getting kicked because I'm missing the following "addons": "KM_ClassesModule", "KM_AmbientCombat", "KM_FillHouse", "KM_HeliParadrop", "KM_RandomSectors", "KM_ReinforcementChopper" I see that those resemble the LV scripts, but what addon is that? Thanks!
  16. dingos8

    Enhanced Movement

    Outstanding mod! My team and I can't imagine playing without it, and it will always be allowed on our server at accidentallytactical.com.
  17. dingos8

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Please disregard, I'm still receiving these errors, but am able to run the mission. I run a dedicated Linux server and would like to run this mission but I get the following errors while loading. Has anyone else had problems with locality? Global namespace not passed during: false 22:37:21 Error in expression <false> 22:37:21 Error position: <false> 22:37:21 Error Local variable in global space
  18. dingos8

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

  19. dingos8

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Excellent work zbug, our team has been enjoying this for months! Thank you and your group for the hard work that makes this mission so fun!