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About akvadakar

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  1. akvadakar


    Do you mean WW4 Ext MOD? The class names for that: Vehicle and Unit Classes There's now some txt files with class names inside WW4_EXT\_docs\Class names. Here you can check spreadsheets with the unit names and classes of the vehicles and units used in WW4 EXT: (Outdated) https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By2CaodBQ84GT3RYVW5fWEIzT1k&usp=sharing&tid=0By2CaodBQ84GN1RDM0ctazhyNlk#list Also you can create any unit in mission editor and write in its init (initialization) field: hint format ["%1", typeof this] Then preview the mission and you will see the class name of that unit in-game as hint. If you need weapons / mags class names: hint format ["%1 %2", weapons this, magazines this] (I hope I recall it correctly)
  2. So is that CPU solid? I have seen here that if I want good performance I should have i5 & 4.0 + GHz :-(
  3. Hey guys, I would like to buy this notebook: https://www.czc.cz/dell-inspiron-15-gaming-7566-cerna_3/200715/produkt Dell Inspiron 15 (7566) 1072 EUR / 1140 USD / 29 000 CZK Intel Core i7-6700HQ (2.6GHz, TB 3.5GHz, HyperThreading) 16GB RAM DDR4 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M 4GB GDDR5; 128GB SSD & 1TB HDD; I wonder if it is good enough (at least 30+ fps on medium / high settings) because I am afraid of ARMA 3 performance on notebooks. Also I hope that 128 GB SSD is enough for ARMA 3. I am a little bit worried about that graphic card (9XX serie) because someone told me that nowadays I should buy 1XXX series. I am not sure about that CPU cause it may be performing worse than desktop CPU. If anybody knows about better notebook let me know - it seems like this notebook is overpriced. Any ideas?
  4. akvadakar

    CW40K mod BETA

    Here is the 2nd mission from the old campaign: http://www.mediafire.com/file/f2266gmm2w556l6/Vraks2.CW40KVraks.pbo I will not redo the 3rd mission because it would be too difficult with the recent CW40K release.
  5. akvadakar

    CW40K mod BETA

    Hey guys, long time ago I created 3 missions for Vraks campaign but I could not fix them for the new MOD until now! So here is the 1st mission from the campaign: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6l6ug2c2rg702x6/Vraks1.CW40KVraks.pbo I hope I will find motivation to fix the other 2 missions too.
  6. akvadakar


    Ah I am sorry guys, I had to change my HDD to SSHD so I lost most of my data. Anyway, the only thing you have to do is to change class names in init.sqs file from original OFP to WW4 class names. (+ put the units on map so it does not lag when you spawn new unit)
  7. akvadakar


    New update for no-addon version (see the first post) - I will try to create the WW4 2.5 version ASAP. Up to 3 players can be Zeus now. However they share some variables so it can be tricky sometimes ;) Also updated some scripts and added a few new options in Zeus menu.
  8. Just a random suggestion - Could you remove pistols from all units in this MOD? You know it is pretty frustrating to see AIs running around with their pistols.
  9. akvadakar

    Can't add my server to OFP_Monitor servers list

    I use these ports for port forwarding: 2302, 2303, 2304
  10. akvadakar

    Cold War Enhanced

    Is this meant to work in multiplayer too?
  11. akvadakar

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/10/28/world/europe/ap-eu-russia-islamic-state-threat.html?_r=0 Current russian strikes make more people join rebel groups.
  12. akvadakar

    Multiplayer in 2015

    Download OFPMonitor to see MP servers.
  13. akvadakar

    Windows 10 compatibility with OFP/ArmA:CWA

    I got the same problem like stgn - I must reset resolution each time I launch the game. Everything else works fine.
  14. akvadakar


    Updated Zeus (no-addon version only) Added "tasks" (hints), much faster Zeus UI, Zeus can revive all dead players by 1 click in his menu, Players can see friendly/enemy units markers (depends on MP lobby setting), players see map animation when Zeus teleports them + bug fixes.
  15. akvadakar

    Dynamic MP mission

    I am not sure what you mean by that term *dynamic* but here are some: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/178378-dynamic/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/115868-cti-dac-hybrid-mp-mission/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/134242-cce2-beta-7x-series/#post2247893 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184645-zeus/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172614-oxygen-limit/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183055-builders/