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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. I've been trying to get Bis_fnc_kbMenu to work and I'm going absolutely mental. I'm calling it with [["TEST","['Safehouse','Manhattan',['JNA_SAFEHOUSE_COOPER_SEARCHED_0','JNA_SAFEHOUSE_COOPER_SEARCHED_0'],nil,nil,true]"]] execVM "test2.sqf" (I'm using test2.sqf as I copied the code out so I could play around with it a bit). Basically I can get to the point where the line that calls Bis_fnc_kbTell looks like it should (tested with copyToClipboard), I can get it to the point where I can immediately plug it manually into Bis_fnc_kbTell and it works, but in context (i.e. when being called) it comes up with 'Manhattan' not found in cfgSentences, but when doing it manually it works absolutely fine. I can't find a single working example of this anywhere, I'm confident it's never popped up in an official mission.
  2. Legend, I got to using _kbArray select 0 but my attempts at using call compile just ended badly, must have been using it wrong. Thank you very much.
  3. Jona33

    Getting kicked off every server

    I can't find it either, they might have moved it or it might only appear when you first sign up or something. I think it's around five posts however.
  4. Jona33

    Getting kicked off every server

    Requires a few posts, I can't remember what the requirement is. It's in the rules but it's hidden away in a little note down at the bottom, they really need to make it more obvious.
  5. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152866-General-Discussion-(dev-branch)&p=2942963&viewfull=1#post2942963 They'll be back apparently.
  6. Crap sorry, must have been a typo.
  7. _type=getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "arifle_Katiba_F" >> "Type"); For a primary weapon it is 1, a handgun is 2 and a launcher is 3.
  8. Excellent, must have downloaded the wrong things when I was looking. Thanks for the help!
  9. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You can work around the no updates thing, but you have to use a third party launcher as far as I can tell (you can't really do it accidentally). @Kose21-you probably need version 1.44 at least, 1.42 might work but why use an outdated version of the game?
  10. Various ways to change the direction e.g. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorDirAndUp or https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp however since I tend to cry at the sight of those as I struggle to figure out what I need to do the easiest way is to use Bis_fnc_setPitchBank, so [object,pitch (probably 180),bank (probably 0)] call Bis_fnc_setPitchBank. Doubtless less efficient, much easier. Actually setVectorUp isn't that hard, just play around with it a bit.
  11. If you mean you're doing it with a script, the range should be 0-1, if you setting it to 2.0 that will presumably giving them a maximum value, hence they will shoot ridiculously well.
  12. Hopefully this is the right place to ask, is using the voice acting from the ARMA II campaign acceptable in ARMA III missions, I'm porting Manhattan at the moment and I wanted to be sure that it would be OK to use the voice acting before spending time on it. The impression I'm getting from the post below is it probably isn't (since I assume the campaign isn't in the mentioned data packs) however I figured it would be worth asking. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148171-Forward-porting-of-Arma-content
  13. Jona33

    Future story ideas

    1: Very much either, you have British gear in game by default (works best if you don't include the US as well as most of the kit is exactly the same with different textures), however there's some decent modern british mods. Depending how close you want to keep it to the real world situation the British fighting on a Greek island doesn't make a huge amount of sense, 2035 does give you quite a lot of scope without rewriting bits of history (or set it in 2015 and produce an alternate-history), it's just worth thinking about. 2: If you go for 2035 you have British uniforms and vests in game already, the black MXs and the camo MAR-10 for instance are designed for the british faction, vehicles are trickier as there's nothing unique but then again, if you don't use the US there's no sign of the originals so you can claim this is British only stuff. 3: In the real world I don't see a lot of reasons to fight over Altis, at the moment there's no real reason to invade a bit of Greece. Obviously the location of Altis is wherever you say it is, so you could claim it is a vital staging post between turkey and greece (based on a CSAT including Turkey versus a western aligned Greece, making Altis the dividing point in a future scenario-WW3 or approaching WW3 style. 4: Absolutely sod-all, Islamic extremists on a Greek island doesn't make sense, you could claim the island is actually nearer the middle east, off the coast of Israel and Lebanon but that's a bit of a stretch. Given how many chapels there are it's an odd place for IS to make their home. 5: Depending what you decide CSAT represents, but if you stick to the idea it represents Iran then absolutely zilch, bearing in mind Iranian backed Shia militias are currently one of ISIS's main enemies.
  14. Jona33

    Display variable in chat

    Format is just a command that takes a variable and converts it into a string for you, the %1 (make sure it is %1 not 1%) refers to the first argument that you give to it (in the square brackets), basically _argument1=16; _argument2=randomUnit; hint format ["number=%1 and unit=%2",_argument1,_argument2]; would give you a box saying number=16 and unit=randomUnit
  15. A USMC helicopter lands at a CDF base http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-23_00006_zpsc2noqo2w.jpg CDF soldiers manning several checkpoints in Northern Chernarus http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-22_00003_zpsfdlbmfby.jpg http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-22_00005_zpspa5l55ax.jpg http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-22_00002_zpsnrxy8g0y.jpg A US marine runs to board a helicopter http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-23_00001_zpskxdqayyt.jpg http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p439/jas-taylor/2015-05-23_00009_zpsabvf1esr.jpg
  16. Usually get that as well when doing a lot of object placement, just open up the mission.sqm, find Item3, find the row that says type=""; and replace "" with some valid class (e.g. "B_Soldier_F" then save it and reopen the mission from the game. If it happens again the Item should be different and you'll need to do the same thing, in any case when it opens properly check the bottom left corner of the map [0,0,0], there will probably be a couple of things there to delete.
  17. Yeah that's the end of Adapt at that point, I know the mission you're talking about I think (you're supposed to attack some helicopter crews?), just go the longer way round (approach from the south west) if I'm remembering it right. I didn't have any problems with the red areas, I did do it in the black of night with flashlight off and spent five minutes running into a fence before I checked my GPS and realised I wasn't moving, that was a pain.
  18. Sorry should have quoted his post, Fennek's right. Relating to this topic I can just imagine hundreds of robocops swarming Stratis-not exactly the idea no doubt but my inner ten year old would be giggling in glee.
  19. You're great at texturing, just got to improve the checking the thread title before you post now. :D
  20. I'll check for you later but you should be able to do the sidequests just fine, there should be a red dashed line marked on your map, make sure you don't go beyond that as that's the limit of the area.
  21. Jona33

    Slaughter Asset A2 Import

    I've literally just been looking for something like this, thanks very much.
  22. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Go into the editor, press the config viewer button (top bar, looks like a cog), find cfgWeapons and cfgMagazines, the relevant stuff starts with rhs_ Alternately use the export function in the virtual arsenal.
  23. Jona33

    Waypoint facing?

    You can use setFormDir <-- would need to be (group this) setFormDir 000 (obviously replacing 000 with whatever direction you need). https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFormDir
  24. Confirmed, when walking weapon down or in combat pace with weapon down a unit's launcher will basically detach and hover in the air, after a few seconds (presumably when the animation loops?) it will snap back to position. This goes on indefinitely. Can be seen on the walking units in the virtual arsenal when you've got a launcher.
  25. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Check the cutscene animations, it's probably one of those.