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Everything posted by mech79

  1. OK i looked everywhere could not find the post that mentioned this. Could you link the loadout.sqf or do I need to make it myself I have tried installing this, but I get the choice to select VVS from my crate, but not menu or anything comes up. I have a container with add action in it and a marker on runway for testing purpose. I cannot get this to work. Help? Edited I have got it to work, but still need the load out.sqf if anyone has one handy.
  2. mech79

    Arma 3 Repsawn Issues

    What is the best way to move a respawn point? As the mission progresses I want the respawn to automatically move with the players since on altis on mission I use half the map and it takes forever to drive across the map.
  3. I agree take your time. I just attached the mission I had to give an example of two scripts conflicting.
  4. Ok man is there any way you can help me? I have gone through both files merged or deleted what I found duplicates of, but it continues to tell me the same thing. I am not a scripter and i cant find where it calls for the files to change it. I currently use the BTC script for revives and am having terrible issues where it deletes ammo or fills back back with multiple cloths and items. Was hoping you could look at it at somepoint and help me out. This would also help out for other scripts people run.
  5. This is the mission I am trying it on https://www.dropbox.com/s/d5w8k8xmlllio14/Agia_Marina_Defuse_the_bomb.Stratis.rar but I am getting an issue. G_Defines.hpp, line 21: Rsc Text: Member already defined.
  6. mech79

    Defuse the Bomb

    How do I adjust the timer on this script? I got into bomb timer and adjusted the 60 in this script to 120 but still starts at :45. hintSilent format["Bomb Detonation: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; nevermind its in the trigger...lol doh!! ---------- Post added at 00:34 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ---------- What would I do to trigger the timer once the code has been found. Kind of like they realized that someone was hacking the laptops for info Another thing not all players get timer or ability to search the briefcases in your sample mission k0rd Great script, but it conflicts with BTC Revive and respawn and I cant figure out why. Anybody? Edited If using in MP each player can find a different code as a code is randomly placed for each player. The player that is defusing the bomb can not use a code another person has located he must use the one set up for them. It works great, but make sure someone else gets their own code in case you die. They wont be able to use yours as the bomb will explode.
  7. mech79

    =BTC= Revive

    Question I use this script (({!(alive _x) || _x in heli} count (units alpha)) == count (units alpha);) in a trigger so when my team gets on the chopper it ends the mission. I have the team leader's init (alpha = group this;) and works fine in begining of mission. when a player dies and is revived or respawned it seems that he loses the init script. Is there a way to keep this from happening?
  8. mech79


    Any questions just let me know
  9. mech79

    =BTC= Revive

    I have asked the same thing and never got an answer the coding they gave here before didnt work for me
  10. mech79


    Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/grmdibf86m792pr/Moving_North_2-4.Stratis.rar
  11. Is there anyway to get the soldiers closer together? If I place the object in a house two of the guards are always outside unless the building is big. Just for knowledge I used pens for object markers. That way I dont run into the same problem with helicopter pick ups.
  12. mech79

    =BTC= Revive

    Any word yet on why when revived losing ammo for AT or when resawned no ammo at all?
  13. Maybe mess with this code in a move point condition real close to the trucks. ((!alive Unit1) or (Unit1 in Humvee1) or (Unit1 in Humvee2) or Unit1 in Humvee3)) and ((!alive Unit2) or (Unit2 in Humvee1) or (Unit2 in Humvee2) or Unit2 in Humvee3)) ... Etc, Etc. Not sure if it will work but I use it like this for helo transports. ((!alive Unit1) or (Unit1 in rescue1)) and ((!alive Unit2) or (Unit2 in rescue1)) and ((!alive Unit3) or (Unit3 in rescue1)) and ((!alive Unit4) or (Unit4 in rescue1))\ Ok I read it wrong sorry. This will keep the groups from moving to next point until all the personal are loaded into trucks.
  14. mech79

    =BTC= Revive

    I will try it and see Yes even with changes I am still losing ammo for AT launchers with every revive and when I respawn my ammo is completely empty.
  15. mech79

    =BTC= Revive

    So I am having two issues. First when I do respawn it respawns me with no ammo for any type of missle launcher, but will reload magazines for guns. Second issue when down to last ticket it will spawn you up in the air and you can't respawn at any base or mobile point.
  16. Can we get a Hotfix for the Defense Module Error. I have tried so many different things and have found other people have had the same problem. It tells us that we need to have a curator synced to the module which we already do. This started last patch. I would like to be able to use my defense missions again. Thanks
  17. mech79

    Defend module Error

    Has this been fixed yet anybody know?
  18. mech79

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    Does anybody have a good mission that the loiter waypoints are working? I want to put a mission together using this but when i set any way point the air craft refuses to follow them. 87th_Neptune you said place those commands in the init line. WP only have condition, on activation, or scripting. I have tried it in Activation and scripting. Either way the plane fails to follow the WP's
  19. I finally got it to work using my original script
  20. Yeah tried that as well and still takes off with out players
  21. mech79

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    I have placed the loiter radius and type commands in and I am either typing them wrong or something cause they never work.
  22. mech79

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    How is this mod going? I never could get the loiter script to work as needed to make this thing automatically rotate around a city when a waypoint is reached.
  23. Ok I have tried numerous ways to get a helicopter to land and load me and my friends without having to use transport module. Cobra I have added the script you have posted I have used a trigger linked to the move WP after load with this in condition
  24. mech79

    Defend module Error

    Same Problem here. I did notice they added new game modes to that module wonder if that cause the problem.
  25. mech79

    Defense Missions

    Yeah did all that it is all there as he has it, but still nothing.