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Everything posted by mech79

  1. I am trying to get virtual Artillery shells to come in at the beginning of the match to the base we are sitting at. I currently have objects placed and am using triggers to create and delete bombs but missing the incoming artillery sound that would make it complete. Can anybody help with this.
  2. Is there a script to automatically generate an AI chopper to fly in with a vehicle under its belly like the sling script and get them to drop off the vehicles? I have a mission a friend and I are doing where we are fighting our way into altis and basically need to make it look like vehicles and choppers are bringing in people and supplies. I have seen the script for spawning a vehicle under a heli when a trigger trips but I want the heli to spawn with vehicle under it and drop it at a certain way point then fly off and chopper gets deleted. ok so I got script to work. This is what I am using and trying to figure out why the waypoints are not working for these Hunters I created. _supply = _this select 0; _chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F"; _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 0, getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 1, 100]; _drop2 = createVehicle [_supply, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE']; createvehiclecrew _drop2; _drop2 attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, -1.3]]; waitUntil {position _drop2 select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; detach _drop2; _drop2 setPos [position _drop2 select 0, position _drop2 select 1, 0]; sleep 25; _wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1]; _drop2 setWPPos markerPos "wp"; _drop2 setWaypointSpeed "Normal"; _drop2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _drop2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; _drop2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
  3. I would like to take and add ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; And have it added to this vehicle respawn script used to add VAS to the vehicles each time they respawn. /************************************************************************** Add to vehicle's init in the editor null = [this] execVM "Scripts\MHQvehicleInit.sqf"; ***************************************************************************/ _spawnDelay = 5; // Time for respawn /////////////////////////// VEHICLE ACTIONS /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actions are public for jip's fnc_vehAction2 = { _this addAction ["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>","VAS\open.sqf", nil, 1, false, true, "", "alive _this && {speed _this == 0}"]; publicVariable "fnc_vehAction2"; }; fnc_AddVehicleActions = { private ["_vehAction2","_vehicle"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; // calls the functions to add actions to the vehicle _vehAction2 = [_vehicle,"fnc_vehAction2",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; /////////////////////////// EXECUTE SQF's ///////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// THE REST OF IT //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // Load Initial vehicle variables _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehName = vehicleVarName _vehicle; _vehiclepos = getPos _vehicle; _vehicledir = getDir _vehicle; _classname = typeOf _vehicle; // _run keeps the loop going and keeps given name of vehicle from the editor _vehKilled = false; _run = true; // init addactions and external sqf's call {[_vehicle] call fnc_AddVehicleActions}; call {[_vehicle,_vehName] call fnc_ExecVehSQFs}; while {_run} do { sleep 1; // rest between alive checks if (!(alive _vehicle)) then {_vehKilled = true; sleep 1;}; if (_vehKilled) then { sleep _spawnDelay; deleteVehicle _vehicle; sleep 2; // set vehicle position and name _vehicle = _classname createVehicle _vehiclepos; _vehicle setPos _vehiclepos; _vehicle setDir _vehicledir; _vehicle SetVehicleVarName (format ["%1", _vehName]); publicVariable format ["%1", _vehName]; // Calls to add actions and execute other sqf's call {[_vehicle] call fnc_AddVehicleActions}; call {[_vehicle,_vehName] call fnc_ExecVehSQFs}; call {[_vehicle,_vehName] call fnc_ExecVehSQFs}; // Respawn and init done! _vehKilled = false; }; }; This is the other script that is used fnc_vehAction2 = { _this addAction ["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>","VAS\open.sqf", nil, 1, false, true, "", "alive _this && {speed _this == 0}"]; publicVariable "fnc_vehAction2"; }; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _vehicle = _this; _vehiclepos = getPos _vehicle; _vehicledir = getDir _vehicle; _classname = typeOf _vehicle; // Add vehicle actions _vehAction2 = [_vehicle,"fnc_vehAction2",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; waitUntil{!alive _vehicle}; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _this; sleep 5; _vehicle = _classname createVehicle _vehiclepos; _vehicle setPos _vehiclepos; _vehicle setDir _vehicledir; _vehicle execVM "scripts\vehicleInit.sqf"; Any help would be nice.
  4. NVM I just figured out I could place a respawn module for each vehicle and place what ever code I want it to run within the respawn module expression area.
  5. Does anybody have a script or wants to do a script that when a person is shot you have to bandage and give blood and morphine like AGM but then call in transport in order to take them back to base for a revive. This way it can be a little more realistic as the person that is shot would be medivaced out then reinforcements would come back in which would be the heal partner. Is anybody up to the challenge? I don't know enough about scripting to be able to do something like this.
  6. Ok so is there anyone that can put a script together for a medivac? The system in A2OA campaign '100 Days' is kind of like what I want except instead of corpman healing everybody he loads injured into chopper and returns them to base. Is there anybody that can make this work?
  7. Are you trying to spawn a laptop randomly? If not a laptop is placed using editor under "Empty/Objects (small)/ Laptop". Then you name the laptops whatever you are going to use for code.
  8. mech79


    I have been looking for the same thing with no luck. I know that it was available in Arma 2. What I am looking for is a system that when a player is shot he goes unconscious. A transport can then be called in for you to load the player into then RTB. Once at base the player can revive and use the same chopper to come back to the fight. Kind of like getting reinforcements during battle. I would also like the ability to add a medic that I can chose to heal players on the ground then get back in chopper and head back to base.
  9. Is there a way to set up a script or something to where respawn is disabled for players until they are within a trigger or something like that? What I would like to do is use a carry/drag/load script to place downed teammates into a chopper or vehicle and they can only respawn when taken back to a base or camp. Is this even possible?
  10. T800 I am trying to get Cobras script to work on MP. It is kind of the same thing but places a code on the Laptop for disarming a bomb. Problem I am having is when I play with friends if I find the code it may be 123456, my friend will find a code on another computer 098765 and if he uses mine or I use his bomb goes off. It is making a seperate random placement and code for each player instead of one for everyone. I have tried to add IfServer codes but never seems to work. Can you look at it and see if you could help. Here is the link- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173540-Defuse-the-Bomb&highlight=defuse+bomb
  11. That is basically what I would like to use but when the injured returned to base they would respawn and could then get a chopper ride back out.
  12. Thanks I will take a look. Its that or just leave respawn at base with helicopter available. Checked it out and all he has is a heli above a marker where you can respawn and jump into AO. I want to be able to bandage someone up then wait for evac load them on to evac and when they reach base they can respawn and fly back in.
  13. Darn I was hoping somebody would have thought this was a good Idea and took the challenge...lol.
  14. mech79

    Helicopter Positions

    Thank You worked perfectly.
  15. I know to place AI into a Helicopter use the moveindriver, moveincargo, moveingunner, but what is the command for the copilot seat. I have tried moveincommander as well and none of them seem to work. Also what is the script to remove the gunners from a helicopter I place so that the pilots remain and can be used for transport with gun positions available for group.
  16. mech79

    Helicopter Positions

    It is just an empty Ghost Hawk that I placed two pilots down and was trying to seat them first is simply "p1 moveindriver this". Just cant figure out for copilot. Is there a simpler way to just remove gunners to empty those seats?
  17. mech79

    Helicopter Positions

    That did not work Grumpy. I have tried that and still does not put the person into the copilot position.
  18. mech79


    Thanks It has been awhile since I have built a mission in Arma and missed that.
  19. mech79


    Shuko on a mission I am building I am using a small object (a pencil) grouped with markers for randomness to spawn Hostages and enemy with a trigger. I can not find a way to get a task to update and place a marker at the objects location only a markers location. Since the object is randomly being placed at different marker possitions I can't just use a marker name. Am I missing something and can you please help me out with this. I though maybe run a script that created a new marker at the object once object was spawned? There has got to be a simpler way...lol.
  20. /i have searched and found a couple of good Hostage scripts I wanna try, but how would I place the script to activate and place a random hostage or two only after a laptop or intel was found that is also random to find. Basically I want to place multiple intel or Laptops around different camps. A team must enter the camp and locate these different intel to find the location of the hostages(s). At the time the right intel is found I want a hostage placed randomly on the map by using markers in a script that places a hostage within the radius of the marker I placed so they are not in the same building every time. I would like this to work on a dedicated server since I play online a lot. Can anybody help? I have tried searching but was unable to find anything close to what I am looking for, just random hostage placement scripts.
  21. Grumpy I couldn't get that script to work do you have like a sample mission or something. I can usually figure things out better once I see them in action of what they are supposed to do. Currently I have an object grouped to lots of markers for randomness. I tried using your code, but what is to supposed to produce exactly. I read that other link you sent but nothing there matched what you wrote so was a little confused. Thanks
  22. Ok this is slowly moving forward. I was able to group and object and have it randomly spawn in different locations. I then use a program that allows me to download intel and once done it activates a trigger which then runs both hostage script and AI spawn script. Three things... First- Jshock the new task is not appearing now that I am using an object. It was when using marker during testing phases any ideas? Second- can I just change hostage name in script and have it loop for second object so a name conflict doesnt happen or is there an easier way to run our script twice for two different objects. I have setup a total of 12 possible places for Hostage to be, so I split that amount between two objects to make the mission a little longer. Any thoughts? Again thank you all for the info. Third- The hostages are not always spawning in the buildings so I would like them to be seated instead of laying down unless you can think of why they are not always spawning in a buildings or houses
  23. Ok so another idea is this place "X" amount of markers grouped to an object like a pencil and have that object run the script. I have been trying to get your script to work with just a marker or an object and can not. It creates a task and places a task marker in lower left corner of the map out in the ocean. I don't understand why it wont work. I used null = ["mrk1"] execVM "JSHK_hostages.sqf"; naming the object or marker "mrk1". I also tried it this way null = [mrk1] execVM "JSHK_hostages.sqf"; NVM It was working with quotations with a marker but it is placing the hostages under the floor and behind the building. Is there a way to get an object to work since I can place multiple markers and group to object for random placement