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Everything posted by magnetar

  1. Hi Silola, The download link is dead. Could you update it? Gruß,
  2. This functionality is no longer supported in the 3D editor. BI removed it.
  3. magnetar

    ASR AI 3

    If I understand this correctly, placing in init.sqf or a function at postInit a script which changes the global variable i.e. usebuildings, one could configure ASR AI's default settings for a group of missions. Am I correct?
  4. magnetar

    ASR AI 3

    Quick question. Can this mod be still disabled in version 0.9.30 by setting the following variable on the server? asr_ai3_main_enabled = 0 If not, is there another way?
  5. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    You have babel ;)
  6. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    I have been trying to access the gitlab webpage, but I get: 502. Whoops, GitLab is taking too much time to respond. in the following links posted on the first page: - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/home
  7. magnetar

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I am still of the opinion that the overcast weather from before the visual upgrade was better when there was rain. It gave a more menacing feeling. At the moment, even with rain and lightning slider to maximum position it still looks like the picture on the right, which would be, for me, a situation where the weather was cloudy but no rain/lightning. Other than that and the previously mentioned issues with nights, I feel that this update shows how much this game is improving. Keep it up!
  8. I do not know if this has been proposed, but for the sake of removing alt-tabbing, could this editor be integrated directly into the editor itself? Having the ability to modify external, but mission specific files, directly from the 3D editor is one of the features I am mostly missing. Somehow it makes the ·3D editor feel crippled.
  9. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    ACRE has a much more simulation approach than TFAR. You can check the documentation of ACRE 2 in the wiki: http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/home
  10. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Yes, it is possible. There is the function acre_api_fnc_setSpectator that does exactly this. More information can be found inhttp://acre.idi-systems.com/api/api_general.html#acre_api_fnc_setSpectator
  11. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    ACRE2 development has never stopped. They are making constant progress towards a new release. http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/activity. On the Zeus side, they fixed the ability to speak through Zeus controlled units in the upcoming version. http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues/77
  12. You need double quotes around dispersion.sqf. This is how strings are passed when they are inside a string. Hope it helps! _Events_Vehicle = [ ["[_vehc] execVM ""dispersion.sqf"""], [], [] ];
  13. magnetar

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I like the new lighting system with the exceptions that are being listed here, like night lighting etc. However, I would like to add that the darkest clouds in the old system look more realistic to me if you want to simulate an incoming storm. One of the images of the OPREP shows what I mean: the new clouds in the visual update do not give the impression of being ready to downpour water and the overall scene seems too bright for a heavy cloud situation. The image with the previous lighting gives the impression of more menacing clouds. But I guess all boils down to personal preferences. In any case: impressive overhaul!
  14. I think this problem is due to how DAC is designed. In my case what I often do is to introduce more riflemen or ammo handlers in the array in order to increase their chances of appearing, but that does not guarantee anything. If you want more controlled spawns, I would suggest other scripts like EOS or T8-Units. The latest works really well alongside DAC since groups spawned using T8-Units can "talk" to DAC units and ask for help for example. For my missions i personally use a combination of DAC+T8-Units: DAC for more general patrols and T8-Units for more specific tasks and/or compositions. Hope it helps. :)
  15. magnetar

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Yes it does. You could in addition force enable/disable this feature at any given moment by using the function acre_api_fnc_setSpectator. It is described here
  16. My bad!!! I compared my version to yours on github and yes, the variable got somehow deleted... probably during the changing of T8U_var_AllowDAC but I am still wondering how could that happen. Nevertheless, "Ashamed" describes pretty much it :D Thanks again and good luck with those PMCs and horrible gangs :D
  17. Hi T8, I was playing a mission alongside DAC with DAC support enabled and I consistently got this error in RPT: 23:45:05 Error in expression <_gvar_DACcalled", -99999 ] ) < ( time - T8U_var_DACtimeout ) } ) then { private> 23:45:05 Error position: <T8U_var_DACtimeout ) } ) then { private> 23:45:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: t8u_var_dactimeout 23:45:05 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\T8\fnc\fn_onFiredEvent.sqf, line 211 I used v0.61 for this mission. Consider me at hand for any further information and/or tests you may require :)
  18. Looks promising! I will have a look once I get out of work.
  19. Please do not install speed radars... :D
  20. Cool. It's Christmas again! Awesome new features! Thanks a lot!
  21. magnetar

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi genesis92x! Awesome AI mod. It is a clear improvement over vanilla! I have a strange question. I am in the process of making a mission template for my group and I was in the process of integrating VCOM AI into it. With the script version, I can easily activate/deactivate it using a mission parameter. Would it be possible to do the same using the addon version? Cheers.
  22. magnetar

    ASR AI 3

    You could try the following (I hope it helps) mod_asrai3 = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "asr_ai3_main"); if (mod_asrai3) then { player sidechat format ["ERROR: ASRAI 3 is is loaded!"]; };
  23. And it works alongside DAC! In my opinion a combination of T8 and DAC works like a charm!
  24. magnetar

    =ATM= Altimeter

    Awesome! A more in depth solution compared to the one in ACE3! Cool stuff!
  25. From rereading the documentation I conclude that DAC_Reduce_Value is a global setting and cannot be tweaked for different zones...