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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. LSD_Timewarp82

    GSP Sniper and Marksman Weapons

    Downloading NOW. Thx dude :)
  2. Cool, cant wait ^^ looks really cool :) In the Vid, in minute 1 as you died, did Zeus Kill you? ^^
  3. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Yeah, thanks dude. It´s 6 a.m. in Germany but i dont give much to it, DL now and playing^^
  4. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Cant wait, i use your Weapons since your first release and they are still active, daily using :) Looking forward for new version ;)
  5. If you are from Europe you need to press Shift + Z for talking
  6. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Lol, the next one with a high end pc and low frames. How suprising..
  7. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Well, thats correct. GPU+CPU Power doesnt matter at Arma in the current state of the Game. A couple of weeks ago i built a PC for a customer with a Overclocked Hexacore Intel and 3x780Ti´s, SSD and the best crap you can buy for money. So i ve decided to start a benchsession to compare his rig to my with 770GTX SLi. There was no feelable (compared to the frames while playing) significant difference to my system. Such things like 2-3 Frames more in this or that situation are complete useless. U only need to look in Steam Discussion panel how many high end pc users have problems with this game, the world wide web is full of those threads. Just think logical... In my opinion only the devs have the oppurtunity to edit the engine in a way that the user would be able to feel the increase of smoother gameplay. It´s no offense to the devs of course.
  8. LSD_Timewarp82

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Sounds like a blessing. Should be adjustable to set them off...
  9. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    And dont forget ridiculous commands like -maxmem=16384 and -high and the other ones which brings 0 pfs^^ Those are "Expert" suggestions.... Hahahahahahaha
  10. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Answer: not a single system can run Arma3 in this way how you dream or imagine it. It´s the engine of the game. You can buy 4 GTX Titans or whatever, the disappointing face is for free then.
  11. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Any ETA of the new version? The M107 beast needs to be silenced^^
  12. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    M107 sounds very cool with this supressor. Looking forward for your next release :)
  13. Why should it not work? I use the A2 Heli ports and other stuff like RDS in my Singleplayer mission. U just need a tool that u can spawn those things. Something like fhq_debug or MCC...
  14. Oh man, what did this stupid Zeus Lightning is searching in ur mission... This mission is "not doable" and with this destroying Lightning my AI clowns are more confused as they usual are... Was on my way to clear a base and there strikes the Lightning and destroys me and my dumb team and the Construction truck as well. This is not cool for me :(
  15. LSD_Timewarp82

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    I downloaded the FX Version as well, thats why i ask^^
  16. I updated my userconfig. Its not the first time i install a mod...
  17. Ok thanks, i will try the "Progress setting" today first time ^^
  18. Yeah, it doesnt matter what u have for defend your base, it seems when u go away from ur base the AI is going to "sleep mode" or something, means that the stupid AI doesnt do anything to secure the base. It´s ridiculous how stupid they are, the Cheetah AI tanks which should keep the sky clean is shooting on the Enemy chopper, but its preety always after he dropped the enemy reinforcements. Thats so annoying. The Kuma Tank is stupid too, he always shooting too late... I dont think i can finish the mission ever, enemys AI are much more "intelligent" as the own AI soldiers. Looking forward for new releases, i think SaOk will manage it. The best mission in A3 in my opinion
  19. LSD_Timewarp82

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    Ah okay thanks, i´ve managed it. Are all functions suppose to work, mean such things like " AI Simulate dead" and the all other cool stuff?
  20. LSD_Timewarp82

    RH Pistol pack

    Did u ask LordJarhead for permission to edit his mod?
  21. LSD_Timewarp82

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    Hi, thx for the mod, its great. Got 1 question, how i can disable this Debugscreen Ingame? I read what i should do but propably i did it wrong, the debugscreen wont disappear. Can someone maybe post the correct code for that, so i can paste it. Thx in advice
  22. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    You can see my system in the Signature. My Arma runs good so far (with over 50 active mods). Except some custom missions, these are eating the frames^^ It´s cool anyway, Users should be thankful for provided tips by other Users..
  23. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    There is sure a difference... But if you cant measure a significant improvement of the frames it´s worthless. Significant improvement in my opinion starts at 7-10 frames minimum
  24. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It´s not possible to boost the game with any of this ridiculous commands, how should it work when the Arma3 engine didnt allows it....