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Everything posted by davidzi

  1. Certain towns on Altis aren't picked up by the civilian module, most notably Oreokastro, Abdera, Delfinaki.
  2. davidzi

    Sweet markers system

    Absolutely love it. Great work!
  3. French and Italian Saw that someone else started working on the Italian translation. You should probably pick his as mine is a little rusty.
  4. Do you or the server have AGM_NoRadio.pbo loaded? There is a conflict when you run it together with Alive. It won't interfere.
  5. Yes that works, thanks a lot highhead. Narrowed it down to only lock Opfor armour so that it leaves ambient vehicles and friendly vehicles unlocked. class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class MRAP_02_base_F { init = "vehicle (_this select 0) setVehicleLock 'locked'; clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle (_this select 0)"; }; class APC_Wheeled_02_base_F { init = "vehicle (_this select 0) setVehicleLock 'locked'; clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle (_this select 0)"; }; class APC_Tracked_02_base_F { init = "vehicle (_this select 0) setVehicleLock 'locked'; clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle (_this select 0)"; }; class MBT_02_base_F { init = "vehicle (_this select 0) setVehicleLock 'locked'; clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle (_this select 0)"; }; }; This is pretty handy, I'll use it for other things as well. Thanks again.
  6. I haven't been able to get this to work unfortunately, it's throwing a generic error in expression #setVehicleLock That would help me a lot, thank you. Right now I'm using a script that loops every 30 seconds and locks enemy vehicles based on their classnames and it's not ideal. if (isServer) then { While {True} do { {_x setVehicleLock "LOCKED"} forEach (allMissionObjects "MRAP_02_base_F"); {_x setVehicleLock "LOCKED"} forEach (allMissionObjects "APC_Wheeled_02_base_F"); {_x setVehicleLock "LOCKED"} forEach (allMissionObjects "APC_Tracked_02_base_F"); {_x setVehicleLock "LOCKED"} forEach (allMissionObjects "MBT_02_base_F"); {clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x} foreach (allMissionObjects "MRAP_02_base_F"); {clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x} foreach (allMissionObjects "APC_Wheeled_02_base_F"); {clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x} foreach (allMissionObjects "APC_Tracked_02_base_F"); {clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x} foreach (allMissionObjects "MBT_02_base_F"); sleep 30; }; };
  7. Thank you, I will try to get this to work for the enemy armoured vehicles, but leave lighter and ambient vehicles unlocked. I would love it if you could somehow integrate a similar lock/unlock system in the military (etc) placement modules for Alive to spawn. If not in those modules, maybe a separate Alive vehicle lock module that you could sync to other modules where you want vehicles to be locked/unlocked?
  8. Indeed, it happens when they are profiled. Syncing them to the module (set to profile everything except synced units) they are locked like they are supposed to. It's a shame, I don't want to disable profiling to lock vehicles.
  9. I'm trying to lock vehicles to the player (vehicle lock player) with a manually placed vehicle. empty or manned it doesn't matter when I try to get in, it's unlocked. Same for regular lock. A mission with no Alive modules doesn't do this and the vehicles are locked. Is this known or am I doing something wrong? could you also add an option to lock all vehicles spawned by Alive for the player? For example military locked but ambient unlocked. It can make smaller missions way too easy if you get a hold of enemy armour.
  10. davidzi

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    You need to keep the cursor on the target, if you sway too much you'll lose the lock.
  11. It doesn't seem like they work together unfortunately. [bIS_fnc_groupVehicles] Parameter Group must not be null, (OBJECT or GROUP) required Once the Profile system module from ALiVE is removed they carry out their orders, with it enabled they ignore GAIA orders and do nothing. Are there any known workarounds or plans to make it compatible? Love the control GAIA gives you, thanks for the release.
  12. davidzi

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Linux dedicated server? Maybe you're running an older version of AGM, all the addon files need to be lowercase for linux. If that doesn't work try redownloading it and doublecheck that the server is loading it. Another possibility is that server and client are using different versions and the mission has the kick players with wrong AGM version enabled in the module.
  13. I do. All factions are default OPF_F, the custom military objective is synced to OPCOM which is set to Occupy. I see the units and their profile with debug on but they don't have waypoints issued like they do with the regular military placement. Sorry, I should have been more clear.
  14. I cannot get Alive to profile units (OPF_F) spawned by the custom military objective module. They don't have any waypoints issued, they just stand there. Anyone else?
  15. Noticed there is a 1.26 RC available on Steam. https://twitter.com/Arma3official/status/503914812938915841 Is this the same as the 1.26 performance binary? I guess I can remove the guaranteedupdates=false; from the server config? What about the required build part?
  16. Are you by any chance using vts_weaponrest? Since I've switched to tmr resting that stopped happening. Try running without that mod and see if it still happens.
  17. Thank you very much for your work on this. I have very high hopes for this quality package, in line with what serjames wrote. I have a couple of questions and requests: Since nobody else mentioned it I guess it's only the case on my end, but the torrent download had some corrupted files and the hash is different than on the first page AllInArmaTerrainPack_2014_08_10.7z CRC32: C9CC1D89 MD5: 29C74700F4A4A81BB3BDACB35ABC3801 SHA-1: 1B64F62F21B5639E0487DA84B91523E9E1D9CDAA Mega link unzipped fine and the hash matches. For future releases will you release patches as well so we don't have to download the whole new package? Make all pbo and sign files lowercase for linux dedicated servers? Rename some of the pbo files so it's easier see which files are needed for each map? Would make it easier to remove certain maps, or perhaps a readme categorizing each map and its needed pbo files?
  18. Eymerich, try using the DAC_Config_Weapons.sqf file in the DAC/Configs folder. I've used it to give units different weapons but maybe you can also add uniforms if you make a new array. It didn't work for every unit that spawned for some reason but most had the defined weapons. I haven't tried it yet with the Arma3 version of DAC though.
  19. davidzi

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Epinephrine is used on players when they are unconscious, I don't think it actually works on AI. You can only transfuse blood when they already "lost a lot of blood". If you think that's too harsh you can change the bleedout coefficient in the AGM module to slow it down.
  20. I have a question related to this bugreport http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17310 (various crates damage the helicopters when loaded). Now that the supplyboxes stopped working due to the cursorTarget bug, which items that allow inventory can I safely use? edit: I believe to have found one to replace the supplyboxes temporarily: "R3F_WeaponBox" You need to add it to the IL_Supported_Supply_Crate array in igiload.sqf first.
  21. Would it be possible to adjust the order or run parameters? I'm asking because I'm testing out -malloc=tbbmalloc and it's recommended to be run first. So the order of run parameters and the possibility to add the additional run parameters to the first list which can then be modified for run order.
  22. Could be your mods or your squad XML.
  23. My guess is the distance AI will share information about enemies within different groups and/or call reinforcements. The higher DAC_AI_Level is set to the higher their share range will be be between different AI groups.
  24. They say they have to juggle a lot more between the radios with the different keybinds (Squadleaders, tank commanders, JTAC). They want to be able cycle through them all, be it short or long range with a single keybind and then press caps lock to transmit over that radio. Sometimes you talk over a specific radio for longer periods of time, short or longrange, it would be easier to quickly cycle to that radio with a single keybind and then be able to press caps lock to transmit over it. When you need to switch quickly press one keybind and continue transmitting with just caps lock. From what I understood as it is now, you have to either use control-] or control-[ or control-p or control-alt-p to set to active radio together with capslock or control-capslock. This could then be changed to a single keybind if they wish to so that you can cycle between all short and longrange until you find your active radio and use capslock to transmit. For the people who wish to use this system it would also free up a lot of keybinds that they can then use for different actions or for other mods. I hope I gave you a more clear idea and practical use of what was meant. Thank you.
  25. Would it be possible to add a configurable keybind to cycle all radios, so that short range radios and long range radios can be selected by a single keybind? Lots of people have been requesting this. Thank you