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Everything posted by jandrews

  1. jandrews

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    great job so far. look forward to updates! Black order
  2. jandrews

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Is your version default units or RHS?
  3. jandrews

    BMR Insurgency

    Is the goal to port this to Tanoa?
  4. jandrews

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Could you post a working version once you finish. Thanks!!!
  5. If you have a working version. could you post the updated file. Plz and thanks!
  6. jandrews

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    well something to consider i guess. It may be a bit more realistic to have the AI ramp down after (??) time limit expired for combat mode. However would be interesting to see what the AI does once they go to an aware state. Of course the AI would ramp up to combat again once firing starts.... Does firing have a radius or range for AI or is it just when firing anywhere on map begins?
  7. jandrews

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    only some scripts in this pack work. others need updating. see the above posts from me. unfortunately, OP left a while ago and well, this is whats left. may be some day, someone more advanced than me with coding can get this pack up and running. good stuff to have.
  8. jandrews

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    as your improving this great mod. I am wondering IF its possible to have the AI go back into patrol / defend mode per se IF there has been NO firing for (??) set time limit. So for example, your team needs to evac/ resupply and it takes 10 -- 20 min total for round trip base / objective, in that time of NO firing the AI could go back to safe mode / patrol or defend as they were prior and not be in alert / combat mode as you get back to or arrive to new objective. Its been a while for me to use this mod, however prior versions "Firing" seemed to activate AI and keep them alerted / in combat mode period. I am sure this would be difficult to add however just a thought.
  9. My fav.....place the below addaction in a flagpole or whatever object and BAM, markers at locations. Good luck! please post if these work. the below should still... .not sure of the above. // To use: Add this script as an action on an item in it's init field. EG: // //this addAction ["Teleport - Talon","teleport.sqf",["FOB_Talon"]]; //this addAction ["Teleport - Base","teleport.sqf",["Base"]]; //this addAction ["Teleport - Airfield","teleport.sqf",["Airstrip"]]; // Where "Teleport - Base" is what the action will read and ["Base"] is the name of a pre-placed marker. // Get the destination. _dest = (_this select 3) select 0; // Get a random direction _dir = random 359; // Move the person 15 meters away from the destination (in the direction of _dir) player SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)];
  10. Not really sure what type of teleport you want. But... I have these, not sure if they currently work AND its not my work. TeleportToSL.sqf /* Move player 3m behind his group leader or into leader's vehicle By Megagoth1702, thanks to Sandiford and Cheesenoggin, slightly modified by ZZEZ */ private ["_leader","_LX","_LY","_LZ"]; //setting up basic variables _leader = leader player; //If leader's vehicle is the leader himself, move player 3m behind him if (vehicle _leader == _leader) then { //Getting the coords _LX = (getpos _leader select 0) + (3*sin ((getDir _leader) -180)); _LY = (getpos _leader select 1) + (3*cos ((getDir _leader) -180)); _LZ = (getpos _leader select 2); player setpos [_LX,_LY,_LZ]; player removeAction movetoSL; } //If leader is inside vehicle, move player into vehicle cargo else { /*Checking if there is room in the vehicle, gives hint if there is none if there is room, player is moved into cargo of leader's vehicle */ if ((vehicle _leader) emptyPositions "cargo"==0) then {hint "No room in squad leader's vehicle."} else { player moveincargo vehicle _leader; player removeAction movetoSL; }; }; Placed in the init.sqf sleep 5; movetoSL = player addAction ["Teleport To SL", "TeleportToSL.sqf"]; sleep 10; hintSilent "Use your scroll wheel to teleport to your squad leader"; sleep 180;//3min player removeAction movetoSL;
  11. jandrews

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    For #1, its b/c VCOMAI takes over the sides, not sure IF Genesis has it set up for that usage. I dont think so. May be try without support modules and see if it rains steel. #2, turn off AI, place enableSentences false; in init.sqf file like the above post.
  12. jandrews

    Suicide Bomber

    I have seen other bomber scripts out there, perhaps they can help you recreate one for your use. I use goggle. I always have issues with bomber scripts and MP use. Good luck! Hey davidoss, show some love for the guy hes trying!
  13. jandrews

    Creating an elite AI unit?

    may be just go into the init of each unit whose is "super soldier" and adjust the slider bar. simple enough.... well may be
  14. so are you asking to make the veh/s and tanks remain in 1 place? if so just remove the fuel.
  15. jandrews

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    If I apply this. Will it mess with any of the mission? I just hate having AI call out every EI. enableRadio false; 0 fadeRadio 0; enableSentences false; Just played a little, seems fun. I like the limited supplies. Is this default revive? Will ACE3 and TFAR work? Just opened the file. Appears ACE, TFAR and RHS is good. Now do I need to place modules down?
  16. //Maximum distance target can be for flak to activate _maxDistance = 4000; //When Flak Tigris has less than this ammo count (total ammo 680) it will spawn flak. IE value 678 will spawn one flak per three shots. _ammoCountForFlak = 678; //Linear Dispersion when speed is zero, dispersion added is zero. When speed is 100 km/h, dispersion will equal this variable _speedDispersion = 20; //Linear Dispersion when distance is zero, dispersion added is zero. When distance is 500m, dispersion will equal this variable _distanceDispersion = 10; //Height target must be for flak to activate (IE target can fly "under the radar") _targetMinHeight = 20; //END Editable variables _unit = _this select 0; if (_unit ammo "autocannon_35mm" < _ammoCountForFlak) then { (_unit) setAmmo ["autocannon_35mm", 680]; _tarPos = []; _target = 0; if (isPlayer (assignedGunner _unit)) then { _target = cursorTarget; if (_unit distance _target < _maxDistance) then { _tarPos = getPos _target; }; } else { _possTar = _unit nearTargets _maxDistance; if ((count _possTar) > 0) then { _threat = 0; { if (_x select 3 > _threat) then { _threat = _x select 3; _target = _x select 4; _tarPos = getPos _target; }; } forEach _possTar; _unit fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count _tarPos) > 0) then { _tarX = _tarPos select 0; _tarY = _tarPos select 1; _tarZ = _tarPos select 2; if (_tarZ > _targetMinHeight) then { _flakDis = ((speed _target) * (_speedDispersion / 100)) + ((_unit distance _target) * (_distanceDispersion / 500)); _disX = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _disY = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _disZ = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _flak = "SmallSecondary" createVehicle [_tarX + _disX, _tarY + _disY, _tarZ + _disZ]; }; }; }; error 14:06:35 Error Type Number, expected Object 14:06:35 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\scripts\flak.sqf, line 40 14:06:36 Error in expression <s _target; }; } forEach _possTar; _unit fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count>
  17. Eden update broke this nice little script. Can anyone else confirm and may be fix too? I will post my script error when I get home.
  18. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Has this been updated? just checking.
  19. jandrews

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    hey. sry if a repost... how does this do with mods like Ace 3? and any other mods for that matter. Any mods conflict?
  20. this sounds very interesting....
  21. Am not getting any action to build or call AI / vehicles. Am getting errors 20:47:28 Warning Message: Script ZKsBuild\AI_Start.sqf not found 20:47:28 Warning Message: Script ZKsBuild\cargoactions.sqf not found 20:47:28 Warning Message: Script ZKsBuild\AI_Trucks.fsm not found 20:47:28 Warning Message: Script FSM\Vehicle\AI_Driver_Container_start.fsm not found
  22. Anyone know if this still works for MP?
  23. I came across this script. Not sure whose it is. But since update its now broken. May be someone who knows this can fix it?? //Maximum distance target can be for flak to activate _maxDistance = 4000; //When Flak Tigris has less than this ammo count (total ammo 680) it will spawn flak. IE value 678 will spawn one flak per three shots. _ammoCountForFlak = 678; //Linear Dispersion when speed is zero, dispersion added is zero. When speed is 100 km/h, dispersion will equal this variable _speedDispersion = 20; //Linear Dispersion when distance is zero, dispersion added is zero. When distance is 500m, dispersion will equal this variable _distanceDispersion = 10; //Height target must be for flak to activate (IE target can fly "under the radar") _targetMinHeight = 20; //END Editable variables _unit = _this select 0; if (_unit ammo "autocannon_35mm" < _ammoCountForFlak) then { (_unit) setAmmo ["autocannon_35mm", 680]; _tarPos = []; _target = 0; if (isPlayer (assignedGunner _unit)) then { _target = cursorTarget; if (_unit distance _target < _maxDistance) then { _tarPos = getPos _target; }; } else { _possTar = _unit nearTargets _maxDistance; if ((count _possTar) > 0) then { _threat = 0; { if (_x select 3 > _threat) then { _threat = _x select 3; _target = _x select 4; _tarPos = getPos _target; }; } forEach _possTar; _unit fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count _tarPos) > 0) then { _tarX = _tarPos select 0; _tarY = _tarPos select 1; _tarZ = _tarPos select 2; if (_tarZ > _targetMinHeight) then { _flakDis = ((speed _target) * (_speedDispersion / 100)) + ((_unit distance _target) * (_distanceDispersion / 500)); _disX = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _disY = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _disZ = (random (_flakDis * 2)) - _flakDis; _flak = "SmallSecondary" createVehicle [_tarX + _disX, _tarY + _disY, _tarZ + _disZ]; }; }; }; error 14:06:35 Error Type Number, expected Object 14:06:35 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\scripts\flak.sqf, line 40 14:06:36 Error in expression <s _target; }; } forEach _possTar; _unit fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count> thanks. Again i didnt make this. just found it scanning the interweb deal. ;)
  24. ALive is good. spawn ai dynamically as you need them via scripts and triggers.
  25. jandrews

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Per this.... something needs to be changed. the below is part of OP instruction guide. I have lines setup via that link anyhow and does not work via trigger as is. It seems something needs to change. ie the below directions. Other than that there is also an error from reinforcement script if anyone wants to fix. Q: How to add script in Trigger? If script's calling line goes like: nul = [this,1,50..] execVM... then usually you can just put the same line into Triggers' ON ACT -field and replace this with target objects name. Add for example Game Logic there where you want this script to be located and name it gamelog01, and then call the script from trigger: nul = [gamelog01,1,50..] execVM.... In militarize, fillHouse and reinforcementChopper the first argument is target location/object/marker. Getting this error with reinforcement script. if(!isN> 11:26:13 Error position: <_man1, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; if(!isN> 11:26:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _man1 11:26:13 Error in expression <(count _men))); _man = _grp createUnit [_man1, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; if(!isN> 11:26:13 Error position: <_man1, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; if(!isN> 11:26:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _man1 11:26:13 Error in expression <(count _men))); _man = _grp createUnit [_man1, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; };