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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. FireWalker


    Haleks and/or others: We've been having good luck getting magazines off of dead AI up until today. As of today, its been difficult getting magazines off of dead AI. Seems to be only mags. And seems to be only uniforms and vests causing the issue. Wanted to post this in case its related to the CBA debacle.
  2. FireWalker


    Two steps forward, one step back....
  3. FireWalker


    @Haleks, I hate to ask you for more things when I know you're trying to catch a breather from this, but would it be possible to add a toggle or toggles in the settings module to turn lights on in the towns, etc. If thats not simple to include, what about a script that could be run to turn them back on after the mission loads? Like maybe " sleep 10; " then run the script? I know the lighting defeats the "reality" of a nuclear apocalypse, but sometimes that lighting adds its own ambiance at night. I think it would be cool with modules that can actually be placed in the areas that I would want lighting with settings for radius. (or maybe use markers that the script turns on that area) So some areas of the map could be completely blacked out still. More loot, and harder enemies in some places... Not a big deal either way, Let me know, Fire
  4. FireWalker

    Mines and EOD

    Simple question: On the server, whenever there is a mine anyone can walk up and see the red triangle. What needs to be done so that the EOD has to see it first? I can explain this more if needed. Bottom line is: why have an EOD if anyone can see the mine?
  5. Edit: Ignore my question for now. I'm just having a hard time setting this mod up for some reason. Fire
  6. FireWalker


    @Haleks Hey, I was cleaning out my video folder and found one that I thought you would get a kick out of. So, I was riding in the truck that you see in the video and came across two zombies. I decided to run over them, but only killed one. I grazed the first one and apparently I paralyzed him. Unfortunately I lost the first portion of the video where I actually hit them with the truck. You can probably see the other one underneath the truck. I clipped a section out of the middle where we ran into some renegades, but I wanted to show that the zombie was able to be killed. Anyway, it was good for a laugh. http://plays.tv/video/58ae1ef82e6423e7bf/ravage-grazed-zombie-with-my-truck-he-lost-ability-stand Fire
  7. Before I report a potential issue, has anyone else noticed the Garand not producing the "ping" on an empty enbloc? Thanks, Fire Edit: Guessing maybe that sound is in one of the "hidesound" pbos. Looks like there is two of them. One for cup sounds and some other generic one. Guess I'll mess with it tonight and try to figure out which one it is. Edit2: Tracked the culprit down to ACE. Without ACE the sound is correct. When I load ACE in, we all lose the clip "ping". Not sure where the conflict is now. So many new additions to the mod.
  8. FireWalker


    O no! Not again... lol
  9. FireWalker


    Strike that, Ive been using etg heli by kellojo, Nearly identical scripts when I read it..
  10. FireWalker


    @MRPOW: Any chance you're near Eastern Standard Time?
  11. FireWalker

    Mines and EOD

    Ok, so it seems mine detecting is broken in the vanilla game. Anyone can see the mine. It looks like you get a 5 meter benefit from being an EOD. ...BFD. Preference would be that only the EOD would be able to see the mine and broadcast that to the other group members. Gotta be missing something here. Why even include the EOD character?
  12. FireWalker

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is there a resource to list exactly what the different RHS roles/classes are supposed to do? For instance the "Combat Engineer" has a M16 and magazines, two grenades, and nothing else. What is his purpose? Can he utilize repair kits if I give them to him? Not sure why I would place him, Same with explosives specialist. Are they passive skills? We can't find documentation on the roles. Thanks, Fire
  13. FireWalker


    Gettin ready to start building one tonight or tomorrow. Are you looking for Single or Multiplayer? I normally do everything in multiplayer environment. Fire
  14. FireWalker


    To go along with what Zakuaz just stated, and not trying to get completely off topic, my group run a very small set of mods/addons. We used to run lots of stuff and just realized one day that was causing lots of issues. Take ACE for example: We only run that on our military servers, and we only run CBA and zues along with it. ACE can cause many issues with other addons, and I mean MANY issues. ARMA is another one of those things in life where less is more. The RAVAGE server I run only gets restarted maybe twice a week. It runs like a sewing machine. Only once in about three months did I get a phone call about restarting the server because it had gotten itself jacked up. Its running 6 year old hardware with an SSD. (EVGA 790i Ultra with a Q9650 Quad - overclocked of course) On top of that, me and the other guy that manage the servers spend a good bit of time optimizing and keeping them "clean" of trash files. On the flip side of the coin: Especially noticeable with RAVAGE, if someone even attempts to join that server and they have one of the four addons outdated or not loaded - all hell breaks loose. Shit won't spawn, some people can't see zombies, game basically breaks down. They don't even have to come all the way into the game. Its happened a couple times where the server keys boot them out, and the server still gets screwed all to hell... So there is that. Anyway, back to your local broadcast. I'm done. Fire out edit: In hindsight this has happened in RAVAGE, but its been a while, and I can definitively say it was when we were tracking down players with wrong mod versions and wrong mods loaded. It has not happened since that. I remember it happened to me twice when using a scope that was part of Warfare Thai (I guess), it was attached to a rifle that I picked up from a dead ai. It happened twice, but it was right then we were figuring out version issues. I might be able to replicate it...
  15. FireWalker


    Redarmy, Myself, and the eight or so others that play on the server have not experienced the FPS issue, and we play Ravage several nights a week. CBA_A3 Ravage WarfareThaiEx FrithsRuin Arma Enhanced Movement Play on either Tanoa or Altis.
  16. I'm just really staring to get into this game. Created a single player scenario with some starting equipment. I'm having a really hard time finding any details about this game. The wiki seems pretty empty. Seems like steam forum is the busiest place for it. Anyway: Do the individual map grids have a random chance of the amount of resources available ? Or are there certain areas of a map that have better or more resources? For instance I'm playing on Kaiser Crater right now, should I think that the crater itself would have more / better / different resources to gather? Oh, and btw, I was feeling like some of the larger vehicles should have charging and power receptacles on them. So you can either charge a internal vehicle battery during the day, or use it to power some equipment at night. But I think it should have to run some while running equipment from it, so you have to listen to the thing run the whole time. Anyway, thats all for now, Thanks ok - I now see where the map lists available resources in your area, so thats pretty much settled.
  17. FireWalker


    Its Haleks fault for updating and staying on top of things all the time. Blame him!! LOL
  18. Should be in : users/server/server.Arma3Profile
  19. FireWalker

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    @ fn_Quicksilver, I will have him do that next time he gets on. I had ignored that since the rest of us are using the same modset, but he very well have changed a setting or have a corrupt file thats causing the issue. I will report back with results when I get them. Thanks Ok, well we tested again last night. He's up and running. Unfortunately we really aren't sure what the culprit was. He had some game option settings different than the rest of us, maybe that was the problem. Didn't seem to be ACE or CBA. Hell, he may have just needed to perform a restart. I will say though, in hindsight, that I was testing an EndGame mission a week ago and one of the objectives didn't show on my map. The game knew it was there, it was listed in the objectives in the top right of the map, but not showing on the map. I figured it was just a glitch. Worked fine the next time I tested. I build my missions without any mods running. I'll just try to keep a closer eye on this issue. Fire
  20. @sparfell_19, Thank you. Got it working great. Serverside without dependency. Exactly what I was looking for. Fire Btw, both the other methods mentioned earlier work also. Just slightly different mission management outcomes. Thank you all!
  21. FireWalker

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    I have one player out of six that cannot see the simple objectives on their in-game map. He can see team mates, friendly vehicles, respawn points, I guess everything else. But not objective markers. ie. "A", "B", "C", etc. Only using ACE and CBA_A3. I believe he has extended map content enabled. Any other ideas that we could look at? Thanks, Fire
  22. The question here is: Would I only have to delete the pbo from the server, or would all players need to delete their pbo's also? My absolute preferred method would be using the init.sqf or initplayerlocal.sqf files. Placing the module in the editor will work, but then ACE becomes a requirement. I guess it doesn't matter.
  23. Ok, cool. Thank you, I'll try it this afternoon.
  24. FireWalker


    Myself and the five or six I normally play with only have this problem with items on dead AI. And normally only weapon magazines. using: Arma Enhanced Movement, CBA_A3, FrithsRuin, WarfareThai Only clothing with Friths Only weapons with Warfare The work around is to switch clothing with dead AI, drop the mags on the ground, switch clothing back, and pick up mags
  25. Easy question: Can the ACE advanced fatigue be disabled? The wiki reads like only the stamina 'bar' can be disabled. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/advanced-fatigue.html I would like to do it server side, so that individual players don't need to disable it. Thank you, Fire