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Everything posted by Victim9l3

  1. Like they said, you already have the 3D editor. I'm curious why you think you can only use one or the other. Why would you not be able to use 2d editor if you got the 3D? Anyway, you will have a bigger problem in the 3D editor. In OA I used to use the RTE and that was the best editor I've seen in any game I've played. But it has not been upgraded to arma3. So we are stuck with Bi's extremely terrible editor. Some say it's good for placing objects like you mentioned but it's not. The editor does not record height. You can put anything as high as you want but when it gets saved it only gets the location without height. Second, the objects follow the terrain. They won't flatten out so that they stand straight up. And their is no "init" to put in codes like "set vector up". Third, it does not save as sqf, which is what the 2d editor uses. It saves as sqm and biedi. It creates both of those. I found a tool a user made so that you can convert the sqm into an sqf, but it will not have any playable units. Only empty objects. oh, and when you place units, you have no idea which faction you are putting down. For example if you choose blufor, It will list every playable unit. Just using arma 3's units, blufor has FIA and Nato. So when you place a unit you have all those units in one column. You have 2 rifleman, 2 team leaders, ...etc..And it doesn't tell you which is FIA and which Is NATO. so you have to place the unit in order to see which one it is. Imagine if you have user created units to add to that. But it doesn't matter since they won't transfer to 2d. There is one way you can get the objects to place correctly (depending on your location). In the 3d editor place all object on the airport runway. It's flat, so all your objects will line up correctly. Then you can convert the sqm to sqf. Then in the editor copy your objects from the runway and paste them where you want them. But if you put them on uneven terrain it will mess with the vectors of each object. If it's not too steep you can put the "set vector up" command but if it's too steep you will see space under the objects. But at least you have something to work with and you can make adjustments to their heights etc. in the 2 d. So the bottom line is this; bi refuses to give us 3d editors that work. And knowing that, they can't manage to make objects the right size in the editor. Like you said, if you place objects according to the icon, they don't line up. How the hell can't they fix that. They give us all kinds of small objects with no way to place them where we want them. And with the terribly weak final product, Arma 3 is going to have to rely on user content. They really dropped the ball. It's real disrespectful for them to make us rely on user made addons. They even use that as a reason to buy the game. The "sandbox" content that sucks and the editors that suck. You can't tell me they can't make a reasonable editor. One that doesn't make you plop down objects in general areas.
  2. I wish bi would give us real looking damaged vehicles. Once something gets destroyed they turn black or worse, rusted. They don't have to make a model like the damaged vehicle in that video, but keep some of the vehicle painted and stop making all placeable wrecks rusted. Not all vehicle burn to a crisp and rusting them mean OLD damage. They did good with the Hunter wreck, but that also looks like someone tried stripping it. But that HUMVEE from A3 and A2 is a good example. That's how all, or most, wreck models should be. They only do good wrecks when they are part of campaign story.
  3. I agree. You can even have someone walk away after being shot in the head. I know it's a game but having the screen fade is just not the best way to handle being shot. I know it's a game and it needs to play with certain things in order to keep it fun, but the wound system needs work. I miss the need for a medic. We can all heal ourselves to an extent and that's fun but there should be an option to switch to more realistic. So we can choose between the two systems when creating a mission or game options. I miss dragging and carrying wounded. Hell, I wish we had to transport wounded away. As real as this game is over others, I expect them to be realistic in that department too. Having units taken off the battlefield could make entire missions to another level. Another thing in this area is the need for better "support". I can't put any support vehicle on a mission because the second they are needed troops leave the battle to go "heal at ambulance, or re arm at truck". I thought that not giving it a support waypoint would help ignore them until I want them. I can't even have an empty vehicle, they still get told to go there. Has anyone found a way around that? Last thing, I tried using tanks in a battle. One thing I liked, playability wise, is that they can take more than one shot. It might be realistic to kill in one shot but it makes it more fun to take more. The merkava (Or Slammer as a 4 year old might name it) can't take hits to the front. Everytime they get hit in the front the crew abandon it. This is where the problem comes in, the Commander will tell them to go get repaired but they are already out of the vehicle. A frontal hit takes out the engine and nothing else. So the vehicle shouldn't be abandoned. I did have a repair vehicle that could fix it and it was set to "support". But that just had the tank commander tell the crew to go to the support vehicle and does not tell the repair vehicle to drive to the tank. And even if I take over the repair vehicle and I fix the tank, the crew won't get back in. The crew is already sitting inside the lead merkava's cargo. So to draw a picture: -Merkava takes frontal hit -destroys engine -crew get out -then told to go repair at truck -then, since they aren't in the tank anymore, they get told to get in the lead tank's cargo -perfectly fixable tank with only engine damage sits useless -perfectly ready repair vehicle sits under a shady tree -the universe in harmony Can this be fixed?
  4. For balance or not, those things should be on the tanks. It's ridiculous to have an enemy standing in front of the tank and you have to wait for the commander to decide whether or not he even see's the guy or not (since AI like to ignore everything if it already has one target in mind). So you have to waste a cannon round on a single infantry. There are too many examples that I can point out . Bottom line is that T100 needs a coax bad. Merkava can use a gun the commander could use. So far most commander positions in armor have zero value to them. They get to watch and nothing else. Not even a laser pointer.
  5. Tourist and civilians are the same. It's up to you how to use them. As an example, there are 3 surfers but there are no surfboards and they don't surf. They are dressed the same, if not exactly the same, as civilians/commoners. Asia, Africa, European, has nothing to do with where they come from. Or else you can have different ethnicities within those descriptions. They are there so that you can choose how you want them to look so that the ethnicity is random. It's bi's way to make it appear as though they had given us a lot more content. So rather than 10 civilians in the editor, now there are 40. But those 40 are the same. Only not random skin color. You gave a good example by saying that they knew the war was coming and the game starts after or during the war. But that is what makes the whole discussion irrelevant. The civilians they gave us don't fit with that. If war was going on I don't think they would be walking around dressed like tourists, yet they all pretty much look that way. The cars are too nice. They need to give us real looking civilians. Imagine populating Altis with the civilians we have. Outside of the shores of the island, this looks like a poor island. Maybe not to some of you but the civilians we have aren't right for a civilian populated island where people live and work. All the workers have to either look like clones or look like they're on vacation. But I think and hope they will be giving us more.
  6. More guerillas to come. I was looking through the "character.pbo's" and I noticed more guerillas and/or clothes that have not been used yet. I think that is why the FIA was switched to Blufor. I think they didn't want 2 guerillas on the Greenfor side. That way they can fight each other?
  7. I have to say, that is about the dumbest comment I've seen here. What the hell is "cool" about complaining? This is a development branch thread because they want to know what isn't working for us so that they can reflect our input into the final product. They made a change to the game with the F.I.A. going to Blufor, and a lot of people are telling them that we don't like that change. Yes, it is taking over this thread, FOR NOW. That is what the thread is for. It has nothing to do with "cool". It has to do with what we expect from a game that we have come to love. If you don't want to read it, then stick to the feedback tracker. You are correct though. We aren't thinking so much about the final product. We are thinking about editor stuff. The campaign is what the game is designed for, along with missions. Many of the complaints people have are story related. That's one of the problems. BI presented us with a story and the community has been making plans based on that story. FIA are Guerillas. Guerillas are fighting for their county and communities. They fight ANYONE who opposes that. Just like Afghanistan. They fought Russia which was opfor, now they fight blufor. AAF is the country they fight for (as far as what we've been told) and i'm willing to bet FIA are made up of AAF soldiers. THey were AAF colors for a reason. They are independent. However, we can calm down with all the posts about it. The problem isn't so much that though. Why is there only 3 options anyway? Outside of the obvious countries, most factions could be put under all three categories. We need just relax a little and see what happens. There are only a few days left. I think what needs to be addressed is that this game and it's evolution is still being made using earlier thinking. This game isn't about the campaigns anymore. It's about the community. I mean look at your "B)" you need to be a mission maker. They give us a skeleton and addon makers do the rest. And the community addons is what keeps people buying the game after it's release. I think they should start focusing on releasing more content after the initial release. I'm getting tired of fighting as a faction that only has a fuel truck as support, or one apc and a couple jackals, etc... Anyway, we can work around the FIA thing but we shouldn't really have to. So lets keep this thread going with what it's supposed to be about. Have some faith in BI, we don't know everything about the game, and obviously what we knew has changed. So until they tell us the new story lets focus on the games playability and errors etc...
  8. It's such common knowledge, that the guy you are quoting, "Doln" already said that in the quote you quoted from him. But Dolns only mistake was that he said it doesn't always work. Doln, it works 100% of the time. But that's ok. :) Thank god we can do that though because bi changing the FIA to BLUFOR is another bad idea. If any faction should be Independent, FIA is the group. If anything make the AAF BLUFOR. Rebels can always fight anyone. They aren't always good, or bad. They exist because they want their own existence, so why would they take permenant sides. Another reason it's a bad idea is because of the ridiculous super secret W.I.P. for 10 years 3D editor. You can't choose factions in that editor. So you have 3 or 4 Rifleman with no way of telling them apart until you spawn them. So they just added another way to slow down editing. ********Has anyone noticed that it took bi 2 days to replace the gunner in the FIA armed offroad from civilian to FIA, (I hope that includes the driver too), YET it's been over a month that the OPFOR SDV still has BLUFOR as the default crew. Does anyone have any good reason why they can't fix that? Someone is dropping the ball. We are talking about a simple change in notepad, replacing one name for another. But I guess making the fog pink is a higher priority.
  9. I did the same thing with a Slammer. So far it seems it is just a vehicle. I think if you need something repaired it might repair. Since you can't operate the plow or crane I don't think it will do much. But I haven't used it so much yet so not sure. Is it me or did everything get really quite on the dev side of things since last release. I have seen a lot of questions like this "how does this work" and other things but it's been pretty quite. Maybe they took a break from reading this so that it doesn't distract them. Regardless if we like things or not, this is all going to get released and fixed after.
  10. I found 2 caves so far. Has anyone else found any? One is in Algios Panagiotis the other in Iraklia. They both have two entrances. The one in Ir.. is bigger but it's more like an underpass. The Algios one is hidden behind a small building up in the rocks. Make that 3. Another in the rocks in Algios about 100 meters away. Complete with a skeleton inside.
  11. There are many "science" buildings/domes with containment containers inside. Will we have any people to put in them? Soldiers don't make sense. civilian clones don't make sense either. I saw there was a science coverall in early content. By the way, with the exception of the Opfor pilot coveralls, get rid of them. They are ugly. They look like snow (California snow) jumpsuits. they look padded and weird. Look to OA for what pilots look like and Meatballs pilots. Anywyay back to science. If you don't give us stuff it will be really upsetting. Give us more than one scientist and maybe 2 or 3 different kind. ANd how about civilian contractors to work in them OR better yet, some military people specific to that job. Not "lite" or unarmed soldiers. ANd most of all, whatever creatures are supposed to go into those science containers, specific for them. not just prisoners or civilians. You created a nice island with many real life things. Please don't let those real life things be only for looks.
  12. Victim9l3

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    THANK YOU Reaper_Jackal --"Would be great to see the Military camps get as much love and attention as those on Statis. They lack the character and detail of camp Rogan/Maxwel and just feel terribly rushed and poorly set out (huge gaps between cover, no razorwire, etc), it would take hours of work for mission makers to get these to a usable state. " I keep saying that and I don't get the best response. Like how dare I say that. Those FOB's are garbage and after seeing what they did on Stratis it's like a different game. Thank you thank you thank you. I used a few more words than that a page or a few ago back. I keep pointing out some of the major problems and it seems I get the cold shoulder but now after some time has passed I see more and more people saying the same things. Arma is above so much that is out there, and yet as cool as things are in arma 3, they are dropping a lot of balls. They have been pushing this "look of the game" and how awesome chemlights are, or dynamic lighting, or the perfect blue sky, and picture perfect oceans with perfect water and colors. Blue and Pink fog. They have been wasting time pushing this in the wrong direction. We want many good working vehicles, uniforms, guns, buildings that we can go inside more than just the stairway, buildings that aren't still standing after a nuke is dropped on it, aircraft, lots of them, fighters not just ground attack, etc. We want variety and we want it to look real not like a dream. Sorry, I saw your post after I posted this, so I had to edit and include a piggy back on what you said. Now back to my original message. :j: The more I see it, the more ridiculous it seems. What is the point of the coffin towers? Stratis had guard towers but Altis has these 50 meter high HQ's. They are bad ass and I love them, well I would love them if they weren't waving to the enemy waving a shoot me sign. Why do they exist? A guard tower doesn't need 2 floors and a rooftop. They are in most FOB's and those FOB's are usually on top of hill or something. So its redundant. You already are higher than everything else and you want to go even higher. They are guaranteed to get everyone inside killed. Why put a base on the ground, protected behind walls and barriers and sandbags when you can put it 50 meters in the air with no protection, no real windows for defense just a roof top. Who, in their right mind would ever stay in one of those? 2 inside floors. What were you planning on doing in those 2 floors? I hate to say this, because I really, really do like them, but they need to go. And it is kind of weird that you have them color coated to their environment. Yellow ones, green ones, etc.. They are from cargo containers, made to be assembled quickly why would they paint them different colors on the same island? You're not going to hide a base. I understand the rusted ones and regular ones but not anything else, UNLESS, it was on a separate island. It took forever, years, before we started painting things tan in Iraq and desert countries. Even now no matter where you go things are always green. Why would they paint the HQ's at an FOB that has 3 h barriers and one cargo house. They can't build proper defenses but they put on those coveralls (which are the worst looking uniforms bi has ever made) and paint. One last thing. Why is the trash shiny? the trash on the island looks like it's been polished. I refer to the heeps. And why are so many things pastel colored. the Cargo containers, for example. Every single one is pastel. The red one is almost pink. The blue a sky blue. It's those little thing that are everywhere on the islands and combined with the sky color, fog color etc.. that keeps making the game look unrealistic. I'm sure everyone is tired of me complaining about this but it's a big thing on a subconscious level if not in plain sight. There is too much playing around with colors in this game. the island themselves look ok but the environment and colors set a mood and it's like war in paradise. I can't put my finger on it but please no pastel colors.
  13. I have a better idea. How about they make the vehicles have different weapons instead of the exact weapon. No reason to make sights different when the only thing different is the paint. The same ships, the same submarines, same static weapons, same autonomous weapons, etc. And I don't know about anyone else, but isn't there too much variety on the vehicle weapons. I just don't like having a GL on almost every turret. Some have a gun that fires AP and HE rounds that you can just switch at will with no reloading, then a MG on top of that, then a GL, then 2 Titans. Granted, not all are like that but most seem to have at least 3 or 4 of those. I'm willing to be that it has something to do with the reason why the same turret is used for everything. Either they thought it would really be like that in the future, having every individual vehicle a one "man" army. Or they did it to save time and/or effort making a GL version. I think that is what's lacking here. I miss the 6 different HUMVEEs and uaz and offroads. 3 or 4 apc versions, and tank versions. Having a strider as a car without having a real car seems odd. We need real cars too. not just top of the line futuristic cars. It makes me feel like we're in a cartoon. All the cars are brand new, bubble shapped, reflecting cars. On an island like that I doubt the vehicles of choice are these bubbly new cars. The environment has a run down feel, but the people and cars don't. they look like rich guys that buy their clothes at the same tourist shop. What is with the tank weapons though? Are they set up specifically for some sort of balance? The slammer has only the gunner with any weapon and the T-100 has no coaxial. If the commander is looking somewhere else and you, as the gunner, see enemies, I guess they get the million dollar bullet. And hope that none of your own team happen to be around. If anyone is still reading this, in 2035 shouldn't the vehicle commanders have a purpose by then? We keep getting a look but why isn't a laser attached to every single commander scope? Either for ground units, or your own vehicle or for support aircraft. While the gun is busy you can paint a laser so that he or anyone else can take care of business.
  14. Has anyone noticed that the FIA faction armed offroad uses civilians? Regular tourists behind gun and wheel. A weird thing happened though. I put all the stuff from each faction in the editor so I can take a picture of everything so I know which ones I want to use. Anyway, I was wandering around browsing the FIA army and by the time I got to the armed offroad it was empty. Even though it wasn't when i placed it. I was just about to get into it when 2 civilians (both white shorts, blue stripes on the shirt) they came running from behind the airport building and got in the vehicle. It's odd they would get out for no reason then to run around a building then get back in. weird.
  15. I made the same reply a page or two ago. At least they can make it positionable so it can be used like a floating building. I personally don't see any need for it otherwise. You can't place explosives underwater (without scripting) and can't board it so what's the point. Heck, the trawler is one of the best vehicles they put out. On the issue of the community not getting what we thought we were getting, I think they under or overestimated us. There are still vehicles like fixed wing that wee don't have. They said they were releasing "all of the rest of the sandbox content", at least I think they did. They gave us a Slammer, for example, but they might still have other versions of it coming. But the game comes out next week. So I think they cut the line where it was so they don't lose money, so they get the game out. But like the campaign, I expect more is still coming, for free. I'm willing to bet that they had a very different idea of what the game was going to be and that half way through it, they realized it wouldn't work. So now they might be scrambling to save the work they did just to make it playable.
  16. I was using the bobcat to see what it's purpose was. After I ran into a couple vehicles I decided to get into the Slammer and try running into vehicles to see how well you can push them. Vehicles started bouncing in the air. It seems that once the vehicles tounched the ground with anything but the wheels bounced. FOr example one truck (hemtt) was on top of the hood of another smaller vehicle. Basically just the back wheels were off the ground. When I hit both vehicles the hemmttt it bounced back as if it was a shopping cart. When it landed on it's rear side it went about 15 meters in the air rotating. Without continuing with this play by play i'll just sum it up that the vehicles seem weightless. Ramming into anything basically puts the other vehicle on top of you rather than pushing it forward. And once they are off the ground they will bounce. It's as if none of the vehicles have weight. There is no way a heavily armored ( or most light armored) vehicle should even move when it yet bounce around. What is the purpose of the bobcat? When I got into the fixed wing it took forever to get it to move. I had full throttle down for like 10 seconds before it moved and once it got moving, it got moving! fast. I had to taxi kinda fast or else I wouldn't move. Once it had momentum it became easier but still needed a good push. Is it impossible for bi (since we can't) to actually make taxiing work? They always go in a straight line to take off position. No other games do that., So since bi took the effort to make it work can't you make it work better? At least for their own islands. Or why not get rid of the taxi and let waypoints work like a vehicle. And when the waypoint takes it to the beginning of the runway, the automatic takes over to get it into the air. This airport and the one on Stratis has realistic hangars and park aircraft away from the taxiway. Taxiing in A3 (for those airports and maybe more) is not gonna work at all from realistic positions. I do like the passenger feature on the Merkava/Slammer. I forgot that I saw that on a military channel show so I was surprised when I saw "move to passenger". In case anyone just found that out, I think it carries 6 passengers. Which should mean the other armored should be like that.
  17. I have been preaching this since we started getting content. Half of the vehicles are identical between factions. I think all blufor armor has the same body. All the turrets are the same. The Kamysh has the same gun as the independent apc. The civilians live in some low rent housing so they can afford the million dollar sportscars. There are no normal cars. I went to the civilians and I placed about 3 for each nationality and never used the same guy, and when I got into the game I couldn't tell who was who because they were all dressed the same. The fugitive and beggar are the same and surfers and commoners and civilians were all identical. One thing that I had been waiting for was those huge HQ towers. Now that I see them in game I can honestly say that they are a really dumb idea. Why would you put anything bigger than a guard tower in the air? Those things are nothing but glorified coffins. How stupid does a military have to be to build one of those things. They are awesome, I'll give them that. But They are 2 stories with a third on top. Instead of being nice and safe on the ground behind walls, they decide it wasn't challenging enough. All it takes is one rocket and everyone inside dies. Either from the explosion (remember they are made from cargo containers and not armored) or from a 50 meter high collapse when support beams take damage. Why would anyone use these? 2 floors and a roof, yet a HQ on the ground is only 1. If anything they should be reversed. Coffin towers.
  18. Exactly. They continue to make the civilians a joke. The civilians are just as much a part of the game as soldiers. A majority of good missions use civilians. They are used to interact, they are used as distractions, they help set a mood. It is insane that they can't make a minutes worth of effort with them. This game is a top of the line product and giving us these civilians disrespects the game. And with an island with this many cities/houses, using only 2 types of civilans in different clothes makes for a lousy city On a side note I wish they could make the trawler a ship rather than an object. You can't get inside. And that trawler makes a good place to put people in.
  19. No fixed wing aircraft? I thought that was a for sure thing. I think i'm going to cry. :k: edit: Well I see that Green has something in that department. So i'll only cry for a minute or two then.
  20. This will be a dumb question, but what is a psd? how do I open it?
  21. I have been trying to figure out the correct formula for my squad to get out of a vehicle that was previously empty. I'm using boats in this example. I wanted to have opfor crewman to be the crew of a boat rather than the crew that comes with the boat. I think the boats default crew is a rifleman, but I wan't crewman. So I start with empty boat and name it. The 3 crewmembers have moveingunner and assignasgunner, driver, commander. So it's their boat. I have a squad of infantry "moveincargo". I've tried all the usual waypoints and combinations of waypoints but I can't get the squad to get out. Transport unload for the crew does not eject the squad - a boat that starts off with a crew as default will eject them. Triggers and/or waypoints telling the squad to get out doesn't work. A default boat will find the nearest shore and let the squad get out. None of the usual stuff works. Does anyone know how to get this to work? It does the same thing with helicopters too if I remember correctly. And please don't respond with "just start off with the default loaded boat." Thank you
  22. There is one for sure option, but boats don't seem to work well with rules. First, set your waypoints. Now create a trigger ahead of the waypoint. The trigger activation should be you or your group/boat and the type of trigger should be "switch". Synchronize the trigger to the waypoint behind it. So as you move toward the first waypoint, you hit the first trigger, that trigger will switch your current waypoint to the next one. So basically your current waypoint disappears so you head to the next in line. That will prevent your vehicle from stopping because it never reaches a waypoint. Now the problem is that the trigger needs to be far enough in advance of the waypoint so that the unit won't stop. If you set the trigger too close to the waypoint the unit might still stop or delay. Most vehicles will set off their waypoints a long ways off. Aircraft can be 50-100 meters off, tanks 20-40, etc...So play around with the positions of waypoints and triggers so you get the result you want. You might have to run through it a few times to get it set right. Turns for example, will be tricky. Don't put the waypoint at the place you want him to turn. Put the waypoint past the turn and put the trigger just before the turn. Boats are insane so plan on pulling your hair out.
  23. Bridges are misleading. I guess there may be different kind but most a more like houses. They have the same or similar properties. In the editor, you can place a waypoint on the bridge and select which position you want to go just like a house. In the game you can point and tell your units which position on the bridge to go to. I think that's why the arma 2 bridges caused vehicles to avoid them and if you drove on them you would hear crashing noises all the way across. So just like a building you walk into your AI might follow you in but most might go around it.
  24. Is there only one walking animation? It looks weird when every unit is walking in sync with each other holding the gun with one hand. I think we should also have the previous animation where the soldier walks with gun in both hands. They can be randomized but the one arm holding the gun makes them waddle as they walk.