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Everything posted by Victim9l3

  1. I was looking at the effects module and tried the CAS. If you use any of the different types of support, there is no option to trigger them. Each feature, like gun run, starts at the very beginning of the mission. All the other types of effects allow you to sync it to a trigger to set it off. I'm thinking it's an error. I can't have an airstrike come in by trigger it. I know there is a support module, but I don't want to call in a strike, I want it to happen automatically. It seems like that's the point of it right?
  2. Victim9l3

    "Follow" waypoint

    Said waypoint is in the editor just below "loiter". I have tried placing it on units too and it does nothing.
  3. Victim9l3

    FIA Offroader augmentation.

    This is very useful. Great thinking. I'm sure it's already been asked, but is there a way to just put some of the weapons on to begin with?
  4. This regards the dev branch, with addons. I post here because I think the issue is a dev branch issue, or at least something that changed. I think it has to do with things re arranged in the editor to be in alphabetical order, or something to do with bi removing certain things in the editor. After an update this week, I noticed some things were missing. the sfp mod disappeared. objects from sfp that I already used in a mission were still there in game, but in the editor, it changed. For example, in the editor, I could hover my mouse over the mi24 hind and it said "mi24"etc.. but if I clicked on the icon, it said is was and item from the structure category. It also happened to some of the wrecks. They were gone from the editor but not the game. I had to remove an addon in order to get the wrecks back. So the point is.... a change in the dev branch caused some user addons to disappear. So even though they were user addons, it is still relevant because the dev branch usually ends up in the regular game. So I thought I would see if anyone else noticed something like this, in order to narrow down the problem.
  5. My only feedback so far, if not mentioned by someone else already, is about your video. Don't talk when being fired at or when firing. We can't hear you over the noise. We have to kind of fill in the blanks by listening to what is said afterwards. good work though
  6. Victim9l3

    F-35B Lightning II

    I love it! I have been wanting someone to add the outer armament forever. I don't know any game that has done it yet. Thank you. I was just making a retex to make it look more like the ones now so thank you for adding an ability to add retextures. Hopefully you can make it for all of them.
  7. What I like about this mod is that we don't NEED to replace the original CSAT. The CSAT is made up of different nations that have come together as one. Different countries or even just different brigades WILL have differences with the uniform. All nations working together with a similar camo patterns on soldiers and vehicles. That way they still have their own look and can tell the difference with enemies and friendlies. I guess you can look at the French Foreign Legion as a kind of example. I haven't found any units with any of the different hats. Are they on any units or are they something I need to put in their init if I want them? Great job
  8. Eliteness doesn't take more than 10 seconds or so. You might not have downloaded the right things. The download site is very confusing. You might also want to uninstall (as opposed to deleting) all the other pbo programs. They might interfere with each other. It happened to me before. Download the tools from steam. It will save headaches having bis own tools. Once the tools install, start the tools from the steam interface. It will put all the details into your registry. After that you can run them from wherever you want. If you don't run from steam first it won't work correctly.
  9. I don't know the context for which you spawn the backpacks, but if you use the editor, just look under backpacks and place it on the map. It will also let you enter the height you want it at. They spawn laying on their backs. I can see how "their backs" might mean different things to different people, imagine you are in the prone position. The backpacks spawn in that position. Even if you don't want to place them in the editor, you can at least get the correct classname of the backpack by using the editor. For hanging them on the wall, you would just enter the height, then use the setvector up command. this setVectorUp [0,0,1]; this code will place it flat. putting it upside down would be this setVectorUp [0,0,-1]; So that gives you and idea. Changing the other values will change it the angle, bank, or pitch...etc. Play around with it to find what you want
  10. Use the new bi tools. Install them. then go to the arma3 tools folder (which is under the same folder arma 3 is). Open the "BankRev" folder. In that BankRev folder is the "BankRev.exe". Now all you do is drag the pbo directly on top of that exe. Your new pbo folder will be in the same place as your pbo. It works for all pbo's in Arma3. Except the locked Arma2DLC pbo's. But you can get those anywhere now. And packing the pbo, all you do is drag the folder on top of the "addonbuilder" exe and it will create the pbo in the same place as folder.
  11. Oh man, I love it. I have asked how to do this a few times but no one has ever been able to tell me. I also suggested this exact thing to bi when they asked for A3 ideas. I haven't looked at your addon fully yet. But I always wanted to be able to set up my guys where I wan't them, then lock them in those positions, keeping the formation I set them in. Just to be able to do more than bi's ridiculous formation setup. You zero control of where people go. Bi standard formations clash with the groups they make. When you take a regular rifle squad, you end up with all AT guys on one side, or all autorifleman on one side with their ammo guy 30 meters away on the other side of the formation. Bi's structure sucks. It's based on rank and the order in which you created your squad. You end up with 4 guys ahead of your team leaders. So when squad leader dies, the next guy in formation takes command, not the team leader. Thank you, thank you, thank you
  12. I've tried finding a way to make the smoke and/or fire effect module off the ground but have not succeeded. It's ridiculous to have smoke come up from the ground if the vehicle isn't touching the ground. Some examples: -If I want the second story of a building to be on fire or have smoke coming from damaged sections of the buildings roof. -I have a mission with a damaged Mohawk/Merlin. If I want the blades or engines to smoke I can't. -Helicopters have wheels and skids that you can't selectively damage. So you can't retract landing gear or anything. So the smoke must start higher. I think you have enough examples. I have tried manually entering a height by editing a mission with notepad, but effects still start on ground. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. Thanks I'll look into it. That might be a good idea but there is still a problem when it comes to buildings. Besides fire and smoke coming from a building, smoke grednade effects might be useful to place on top of buildings or things where helicopters might need to pick someone up. Throwing a smoke grenade doesn't work. Bi hasn't figured out that grenades don't fall through floors or walls in real life. Gredades (people a lot of times too) go right through walls. So having effects with placeable height is a must. If bi reads this maybe they can figure it out. Any other ideas. I'll try the one alky_lee said but it still leaves most options still unresolved.
  14. Victim9l3

    Ivory Aircraft

    It is nice and smooth to fly. The only thing off about it so far is that it is extrememly shiny. Even under clouds it has really shiny reflections. About double most other aircraft. It reflects the camo pattern too which looks odd. If you can get a full reflection on the top of the aircraft (usually flying a 90 angle) the entire top is reflecting. You can't tell what color the aircraft is where the reflecting is, but you see lines/outlines of the camo pattern. But you don't see a color change, just the lines of separating colors. If you don't know what I mean, i'll take a picture next time I play.
  15. Victim9l3

    Ivory Aircraft

    Any plans on giving the F15 bombs? Or any ground attack? It's nice to have an F15. The old one had odd shadows. And I like having one pilot. Thank you
  16. I'm using the object modifier module. I have a group of green pilots , with ind set to be on opfor side. I have the module synced to them "cative enabled". When blu gets close the green pilots get in jets. Blue destroys the jets. I originally had a trigger to disable the captive one they got in air, but I removed it to make sure it wasn't triggering the green to stop being captive. So i'm wondering why they keep getting shot. I think it might have to do with them getting in a vehicle. I've tried many times, all failures, to make a pilot "allowdamage false" but once they get in the vehicle they become killable again.. Thanks. p.s. I can do without the "start them in the vehicle" responses that I will no doubt receive. :)
  17. Victim9l3

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    I Haven't found anything different from the last update. You already had the proteus and ghost hotel stuff. I noticed that the same items are still missing unless you moved a location. But I have not found any of the "fast food" places like the "blood burger" and other similar food places. Still haven't found the pay phones. I'm not sure what else, at the moment. But what was added? specifically. Thanks for getting this to us. Bi should have automatically giving us all these things. They say it's a sand box but leave most of the toys to themselves.
  18. Victim9l3

    CSAT Modification Project

    The units look really good. But is there a way you can make their gear similar to what they already have? I like the back packs and gear but even though the black looks good, it's not practical in a regular environment. Especially since everything looks clean. If uniforms were dirty and the black was turned back to a earth color they would look like realistic regular army troops. Leaving the current units as spec op types like they look. Looks awesome though
  19. I found similar answers by searching but the ones I've come across have multiple factors and mine is only one. I am putting units in the air, not in vehicles. Parachutes automatically open at 300. I want them to open a lot closer to the ground. That is for AI. So how can I get them to open at a specified height and ignore the 300? Most searches required ejecting from a vehicle, I will have no vehicle. Thanks
  20. I'm still learning scritpting etc. so I don't mean to keep asking. But is this right?: I create a "para.sqf" and put it in the mission folder That .sqf will have the first code exactly as you typed it? _unit = _this select 0; waitUntil {position _unit select 2 < 100}; _unit addBackpack "b_parachute"; Then I put the second/third code in a trigger or whatever I need it in. ? Is that correct?
  21. Thanks that was fast. A question though cobra. I have about 50 units parachuting. I put your code in one units init and it didn't work. How would I make it for all 50 units. into a trigger or in each init?
  22. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was getting ready to do this, but you saved me. Now if you can get the ACR vehicles in this I can stop being mad at bi for making it obsolete just after releasing the ACR DLC by releasing A3 so soon after. I hope someone does the BAF soldiers too. They were awesome. The BAF user made addon has been good too though. Still miss BAF and ACR though.
  23. Ok, more retexture questions (problems). I am also retexturing a Hind for AAF. I found a couple places that turn black when they are in a shadow/shade. What do I do to stop them from changing color in shade? Some pics that show my problem. This shows the Hind from a little further away: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-04-0709-29-25-42_zps8d69b733.png This shows the normal color. The piece that sticks out of the side is one of the pieces that change color. It's pretty much in the center of pic: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-04-0709-29-38-87_zps5e70f241.png This shows the piece in the shadow of the blades: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-04-0709-29-38-87_zps5e70f241.png Thanks
  24. Victim9l3

    Question about changing the smdi

    I edited this response. My problem has been editing the separate channels and not being able to paste on to the channels. But I think I just found the way. I'm not exactly sure how i'm doing it but I will post when I figure it out, in case anyone is following this. Thanks. That tutorial let me know that I can paste to the color channels and that might be the only thing holding me back. it's a good tut. thanks
  25. I've been retexturing the _co textures and now I want to change the smdi to reflect my changes. For example, the F-35 has a bad reflective texture. When I make the jet darker, the reflection covers the whole jet and it has extreme brightness in the lines and bolts. So when the light hits it, you mostly see the white reflection and you can't tell the jet is dark at all. So I followed some stuff from searching. I took my new _co texture and loaded it into texview. I clicked filter and it created a new smdi. That new one has the qualities I want in the smdi. In the game, the jet now has a smooth reflection. Just like the new CSAT jet has. The only problem is that it is still too reflective. I want it to have a shine similar to the buzzard. Just a soft shine so that you can still see the features of the retexture. I notice the texview generates a white version of my _co texture in it's red channel. I know A3 textures have the red channel completely white with no features. The green channel has a dark version of my _co The blue channel has a dark version, but lighter than the green channel. When I see other smdi, the green is a dark version and the blue is usually lighter. So I tried making a very dark version of my _co and I used that for the texview. texview gives me a new smdi just like before but a lot darker. When I test the new version in the game (I still am using my original _co. THe darker version was only used to make the new smdi). Now the in-game jet has no reflection, but now the texture is different. My _co was changed to be a very bad quality looking thing. As if it became a lite version. It's muddy and I even have very dark patches of small squares. So I see making the image darker still changes all three layers of the smdi. So to my question; How can I edit the smdi either before or after I create the smdi. How can I make the green darker but not the blue, etc. And how do I get the red channel solid white? I imagine that I can make the shine change based on smaller changes to my _co. Maybe just not as dark as my last. I hope this makes sense, I tried to give detail. And if I lost anyone, I can probably get some pictures to show. Thank you