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CFS - Custom Formations System Version : 1.1 __________________________________________________________________________ CFS is a script addon that enables a player to define on the fly, modify, save and re-use whatever custom formation he can think of. In addition to its main functionalities, CFS also makes possible an interesting and immersive usage of the otherwise useless 'SAFE' combat mode, as the mod allows the player's units to either walk OR RUN, weapon lowered, when in the safe mode while keeping a selected formation. LIMITATIONS : 1. Once in formation, your units will always try to reach their assigned position, whatever the combat situation, which can sometimes lead to fatal consequences for them. To overcome that issue, you can simply make good use of both the 'FIND COVER' and 'CFS-REGROUP' commands, in combination. 2. I have not been able to access all the commands from the game menus at config level. It is therefore recommended to use the keyboard instead of the mouse wheel to select a menu's entry. Unlike most of the user-made addons, this mod NEEDS to be installed in the Steam Workshop hidden folder to work properly. Please check out the second video to find that folder in your computer's directory. USERCONFIG : As shown in the second video below, you can configure and save your custom formations once and for all by copy/pasting the formation datas directly from the game into the userconfig. Every new version of the mod will come with a clean file, but steam wont delete the previous version. You can then import your already defined formations by copying your datas in the new file. Please note that the CFS-UserConfig file MUST stay where it is. Do NOT move that file in your usual userconfig in Arma's main directory. Creating a formation Library (v.0.3) Configuring your addon once and for all (v.0.5). CFS in combat (12 vs 8). USAGE : Open the CFS interface at any time via the formations menu : 8-0. Some of the commands displayed are not available for the time being. Warning : closing the interface with the Escape key may prevent you from displaying it again. Save As : Select your units and place them wherever you want. Give a title to your formation then save it in the presets. Once defined, a unit can leave the new formation four ways : - either via the regular 'Regroup' or 'Return to Formation' commands, - or by selecting one of the game's default formations, - or by being sent somewhere (mouse action button detection only), - or being ordered to do sth via the menus (engage, heal, etc..). Please use the keyboard instead of scrollwheel+action for those commands. I have not been able to access all of them in the config. Regroup : Any previously defined unit can be called back to the selected CFS formation. SAVE : Save all the changes you've made in an already defined formation. Modify and repeat as you like. Adapt : Adapt to KIA : this command reconstitutes the squad with the remaining units. HC : This command creates a new HC group made up of selected units. If you have my HCC mod enabled, you can take HC control over this new group and call it back at will. HCC : Mode : Positional : units do not adapt to the player's facing direction. Directional : units adapt to the player's facing direction. Sliders : The Amplitude, Rotation, Translation X and Y sliders are self explanatory. They allow you to change your current formation's parameters on the fly. You can reset or define each parameter individually by using the checkboxes left and right of each slider. Just define all new parameters at once with the general 'SAVE' button if you want to save your changes as the new default formation. The 'Direction' slider enables you to define the default facing direction of each unit individually. Datas : This command display your current formation significant datas and let you copy/paste them in a config file to make them available in the presets once and for all (video 3). Swap : Select 2 units and swap their positions. Combat : This command is not working yet. If you're not convinced by the AI behaviour in combat, you can always make a good use of 'find cover' and CFS-Regroup. Tips and Tricks : 1. This addon enables you to keep your units in formation when walking or running in the safe mode. If you want them to keep their weapon lowered while moving, switch the units stance to Automatic Stance and make sure you have your own weapon lowered. They may still wait ~20sec before lowering their weapon, and will only do so if no danger is detected. 2. The directional mode is very reactive. Do not hesitate to switch to positional when you think you wont change your moving direction anytime soon. INSTALLATION Steam Workshop