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Everything posted by Victim9l3

  1. Victim9l3

    Seeing in the dark

    Thank you. It's good to see that they made it that way.
  2. Victim9l3

    Seeing in the dark

    Without night vision how good can AI see? Does darkness affect their perception? And if so is it gradual or just this then that? thanks
  3. Victim9l3

    Farmers in Arma 3

    Civilians have been a real let down in the arma experience. Chernarus only had WW1 looking people. Their clothes were bad and they mostly all had ridiculous hats. The only peek into reality were the secretary and the guy in the tie. But I shouldn't forget that the prostitutes looked modern and the long haired freak. They didn't make city people just country. OA was better. But now in A3 we have modern people. But so far it's only tourists with the same clothes only changing the design or color. Then there are the dance club guys with tight shirts and baggy pants. Altis is a lot more modern and has a few cities. I hope, hope, hope that bi might still give us normal civilians. Like jeans and t shirts without collars. Some dressed nice, some not, maybe a bum or two. Maybe in Europe they all dress like this, so bi might always see these types. Please normal civilians. And no vests and no hats. No profiteers wearing Spanky hats. Would you buy something from a guy wearing a blazer and a childs hat? Just give us a good variety, not just the same 3 people retextured a bunch of times.
  4. Victim9l3

    BTK Wirecutter

    Excellent. I hate not being able to go through fences. Explosives kinda ruin the surprise. Thank you
  5. When did the opfor divers change? they used to have a green hexagon camo pattern and now they have a blue digital camo pattern. And the opfor submarine pilot divers are blufor divers. all black. They have been since the beginning. Is that getting fixed or is all this correct?
  6. Victim9l3

    AAF Desert

    I've started using your units and I noticed you are missing the "rifleman at" you have the missle specialist but not the light at guy. I see you started with vehicles. I think bi made a bad decision to make everything the same for every faction. But since all the turrets and guns on all the vehicles are the same, why stop with only AAF vehicles? Retexture the blufor and/or opfor vehicles too. In fact the real striders look like blufor colors and are used by the same who use hunters. These textures look better for the islands than the green.
  7. Victim9l3

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Caves, caves, and more caves. I searched the entire island and only found 1 place that I could kind of call a cave. It's big enough for vehicle to go under and out the other side. There are similar on an island but like 5 feet across. And one on island off stratis about 10 feet, but this map would be perfect. The dry lake bed is awesome. Having an actual landing strip like there is now is good so AI can land but humans can pretty much land anywhere on it. Leave it alone. My criticism is the FOB's. 90 % are terrible. Stratis set the bar for FOB's. Especially Maxwell and a few others. But most here are garbage. A couple random h barriers that are so far apart they are undefendable. There are a few good ones but those too are way too spacious. The placements don't make sense. one cargo house here. another one 50 feet away then a building 50 feet in another direction with H barriers scattered around as an after thought. Most are buried in the ground and stand about 3 feet tall. My best advice would be to eliminate the ridiculous ones and make the good ones something to be proud of. They (along with a lot of properties scattered around the country) seem to have been made spacious just to stretch out the terrain so you wouldn't have to spend another year placing buildings and FOBs and properties that actually look real. It's all too open. I will take some pictures to show you. My last thing advice is also important. Some of the coolest sites for combat are the rocky hills and the castles. Unless you play single player. There are no positions on any parts of the castle. So AI will not walk on to it. They stay on the grass. Once in a while one guy might follow you because the ground is right under the castle walkways. Not only can they not get on the castle, they only stay on certain spots in the grass because walls are under them. Same as the rocks. AI will go under that cave but they refuse to walk on a space that is 30 by 30 meters with only acouple small rocks. Those rocky hills are perfect but AI won't walk in between spaces because bigger rocks are underneath. Can't there be some kind of path finding scripts done for certain ai unfriendly spaces? To tell them to move forward no matter what is there? I mean they already walk through EVERYTHING. Maybe there can be a certain "follow me" command where all ai units walk exactly where the human leader walks. Like his actual foot prints. That way you can use the command to get AI past a difficult spot then release them on other side. I know you have your job to do and you do it well. keep up the good work. These are my suggestion and they are very important to me and possibly other as well. Thank you
  8. Victim9l3

    Force commander to fire weapon.

    It has nothing to do with commander. What is "a given area"? They won't fire without a target and an area is not a target. In Arma 2/OA there was a "suppressive fire" but it didn't work. I think they say they fixed it sometime recently but I haven't seen it work. Basically, the only thing they will shoot is an enemy. If you are in command, select gunner then aim at what you want him to shoot (like a building) and he might shoot it. It used to happen a lot with air vehicles. In fact your idea probably won't work because of that. When piloting a helicopter, if you zoomed in at something (because of keyboard controls being the same) you would be telling your gunner to target whatever you zoomed in on. Mostly causing you to kill your own team. They recently fixed it so you can't target your own team and with that I think it stopped gunners firing at empty targets. So bottom line, I don't think he will fire at anything except an enemy. Wait, there may be one thing. A laser target. There was a placeable laser target in the editor and when blufor saw it they would fire at it. If it's in arma 3 or will be, you need to set up a trigger for it to spawn and/or deleting it when you don't need it anymore. I think it was for blufor only though. But maybe some of this gave you ideas to get it to work. If you do get it to work post here how you did it.
  9. Go to your addons folder in the A3 folder, unpbo the missions pbo. Open the newly created missions folder and look for the missions you want ........A3\missions_f_beta\a3\missions_f_beta\Challenges\Firing_Drills\... then you have each mission. example "SP_FD01.Stratis" then go to your "Arma 3 - Other Profiles" folder, then your username folder, then "missions" and drop that "SP_FD01.Stratis" there.
  10. Victim9l3

    Caribou Frontier

    I gotta say, this is a good map. It's rare to see user islands that are any good. You have good placement as well as a connectivity. I can see me playing this a lot. But there is a major problem. There are way too many rocks. I can't drive tanks on land without them bouncing 20 feet in the air. Everything has to stay on the roads. It limits about 80% of the map to everything except air and infantry. My advice would be for you to remove 80-90% of the rocks. Also you might look around and make sure some key areas have fewer trees. They look great where they are, but if trees are too close to each other vehicles won't drive near them. So maybe you can make sure that there are enough vehicle friendly areas. Those two issues aren't are big for playability but good artistically. If you fix these or not it's still an awesome map. Thank you. P.s. there is one place that looks a little odd. It looks like a base with 2 hangars but destroyed buildings in or near the base. It looks odd to have completely destroyed building but everything near it is perfect, undamaged.
  11. It seems like the little birds have lost a lot of maneuverability lately. I can't circle targets at all anymore. I have to make runs at it constantly losing sight of them. I used to be able to move around without losing the enemy. They used to kind of float a little. Now they seem like i'm flying a heavy transport. I posted the question in the dev branch but it's easy to get lost in their when other things become a major issue. It seems a separate issue than a previous topic similar to this. Anyone else feel like the heli's seem more like buses lately.
  12. Yeah, you can ignore the problem and just play the game in windowed mode instead of playing the game like you want or you can keep reporting problem here so people or bi can help fix it. CombatComm- If it happens again, open your task manager. Either by right clicking the taskbar at the bottom of your desktop or ctrl+alt+delete. Look for arma 3 in your processes (it might be a different tab depending on version of windows, maybe "details" tab if not processes) when you find arma 3 right click and end task. That will shut off any arma that might still be running so you don't need to shut off computer. I don't know what else you have going on while game is on but the crash sounds like when I have stuff going on outside the game like video or websites that might be using too much memory and the computer can't handle going back and forth. Do you pause the game when you tabalt? maybe try the opposite until problem gets fixed. One thing you can try is click exit while you are playing the game in the editor so that you are back in the 2d editor, then after you switch back from windows you can push "continue" and get back in the game where you left off, rather than preview it again. but definitely keep reporting issues so they get fixed not just go windowed.
  13. I'm still having a major issue with the Madrid. I thought it was fixed, but it still won't come out of the water. About 80-90% of the time the Madrid gets stuck once the wheels touch ground. The blades are still spinning but wheels don't engage. The few times it does make it on to shore it seems to turns to about a 45 degree angle once it touches land. I think the turn causes the other wheels to touch which activates them and it comes to shore.
  14. Victim9l3

    USMC Pilot Replacement

    Thank you I can use this. Hey, do you know if meatball or you are working on a way to get this in arma 3? These pilots and crew are my favorite. I hate using the standard ones and would hate to see this end here.
  15. I've been using the module "object modifiers/set ai mode". I use all options but for this I will use "move" enable or disable as an example. If I set the module to disable ai move - apply to "groups of sync objects" and I sync it to group leader. It works perfectly. I set a second one that enables ai movement. I use same "apply to " options, I sync it to a trigger and sync it to group leader. The trigger is set for "opfor present" with no "type". So now when the trigger goes off, all AI move. so it works perfectly. BUT if my trigger type is "switch", the AI move right away and do not wait for trigger. So i'm trying to find out if this is an error and should be reported or if it somehow makes sense. When I read on this, it says sync'ing to a trigger will cause the module to activate when conditions are met. But the module activates immediately but not the trigger. So the module should not be active. Thanks for any response
  16. Victim9l3

    Too many destroyed cars in Altis

    I agree with the main idea of this thread. Wrecked cars in good looking cities is dumb. It would be one thing if they looked like just damaged cars, but these cars are all rusted. Rusted equals time. So it doesn't make sense. Yes there can be war, but as long as people live their they would tow the cars away. The flaw I see in most maps made by the public and a little bit in bi maps is that map makers design maps with only one particular idea in mind. So many make really stupid F.O.B.s in some odd places or they put too many permanent structures that severely limit mission makers. One has a LHD parked in the dock. That means only blufor control that whole area or map. helicopter landing pads that have H barriers surrounding it so close that you can't make a mistake landing. Maps need to make sense. Trash and wrecks and FOBs damaged buildings etc.. should all be put there by mission makers. I can't populate civilian cities when half the city is damaged. Yet the people and their cars a perfectly clean. Another thing too, bases or airbases that have stuff in bad places. Like one map has cargo pallets blocking the hangar blocking the aircraft inside and taking a spot where I could park one. That left room for only 2 aircraft because they wanted to stage the base with stuff I won't use. In Altis there is a perfectly clean parking lot at the airport yet it has about 5 rusted vehicles. None of the area around them looked bad, it was perfect. So if I want to use it as a working airport it doesn't make sense. And one last thing. What if I wanted to create a mission that was before war broke out? Yet the city I want to use has damaged vehicles, trash, and messed up t72. Or I might have a FOB right in the middle of city. The BEST way to fix this is that BI can make a module that will place those items. Start with a clean island. A mission maker can place a module that will place all those objects in as big of an area as they want. So they can populate one city or whole map. That will also help fps. So for those who make maps, think about how it will be used. Don't place things that will end up limiting mission makers. Especially ships being put in docks. Leave it up to us. One island has a ship at dock that is a bi unuseable U.S. Looking frigate, when I could put a Russian, useable ship in it's place. And it's the only spot to park ships. And no retarded FOBs.
  17. Victim9l3

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I thought this might be a good place for people to put all the reasons why they love Altis. Also, since it's so big, it will take a while for everyone to find everything. So put stuff you find here so others may find it too. I know there is a place referred to as "stonehenge" and some ruins underwater. Does anyone know where the underwater rock formations that we saw in so many preview videos. And Is there a static Submarine in the water? They showed it in videos so it must be on this map, unless it isn't placed yet or another map.
  18. Actually I posted a similar question before but it's actually different. I know how to control movement in the 3D editor but on Altis it's not working. This happened before, I just didn't know it was not supposed to be that way. Q is up Z is down W is forward S is back But now it's: W is up and forward S is down and backward It's driving me insane. Anyone know how to fix it? I know that when I used RTE in the past it would sometimes open with things messed up. It was usually because of how many things in the map or how big it is. Thanks
  19. I got it! I started thinking what was different since using the 3d editor a week ago. I remember that I changed controls after UAV's got here. I only changed the plane movement. And I remembered that q and z were for up and down on heli and increase thrust in plane. So I put q back to up and increase and z for the other. Then the 3D editor worked. So for anyone else who has this problem; The camera controls for 3d editor are tied in to the plane and or helicopter controls. Thanks
  20. Victim9l3

    Thanks Kylania!

    Wow I've never seen a thread like this. But, I must agree. So many times you get people answering your question by telling you to do something completely different from what you want. Like the infamous "just start off in the (vehicle). Kylania pretty much answers every question I have and in detail. thanks
  21. I believe it's referring to the many objects. camo nets, a lot of small objects, some h barriers that are meant to stand on and h barrier tower (tower not finished and h barriers have extremely poor textures), many wrecks, camping stuff, etc.. no static weapons.
  22. They better give us a 3D editor. It is a must on Altis. There are so many more options for missions that placement will be needed. Or find a way for their current 3D editor to work with the regular editor. The only 3D to 2D converter can only convert empty objects. Not playable units.
  23. There are new objects like Hbarrier watchtower. There is a bunker tower like we are familiar with but it's missing the bottom h barriers. So for those who were asking, yes some new objects. Don't know how many. Actually they don't seem useable or finished yet. Color seems a little more realistic, colors aren't so strong like stratis.
  24. Has AiA figured out a way to get the DLC's to work yet? or just the lite versions? And are we sure we get Altis today/tomorrow? I only saw people here talking about it. Nowhere else.