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Everything posted by Vasilyevich

  1. Vasilyevich

    Arma 3 FanArt

    \o/ New Drones to play with.. i had to make a Wallpaper with this thing! Click the picture for 1920x1080 version on my Steam profile.
  2. Vasilyevich

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Tanks are sexy! i want to touch that big... gun :P
  3. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    Stephen Hawking discovered a new update for this mission, it's so small you can barely see it! Changelog: v2.3 - Added some markers for buildings - New image in loading and mission select screen - The mission not longer requires devBuild Download - use the Steam Workshop link!
  4. Vasilyevich

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Arma 3 Wallpaper Click the picture for 2880x1620 version on my Steam profile. Mods: Koplic, FHQ M4 Pack, USMC Infantry Re-Texture, MK18 Pack
  5. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    A whistleblower revealed a new update for this mission. Changelog: v2.2 - added map markers for new buildings and stuff - trying to fix "no player was selected" bug - optimized player loadout code - optimized NPC spawning to make the mission more dynamic - added a trigger to improve the quick reaction forces - new wrecks here and there Download
  6. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    Somalian pirates tried to steal this update from a container ship, they faild! Changelog: v2.1 - Placement of NPCs in Girna redone from scretch - No civilians runing around like crazy - all NPCs now have flaslights on thier weapons - Players are not longer able to loot granades or first aid kits from dead enemies - A new chopper flying over the map for better immersion - Some new objects in Girna - New lights in Girna - Fixed some placement bugs - Updated markers - The trigger area for the overwatch position tigger is now bigger - Fixed ending triggers - Despawning boat and chemlights in mission start area when player(s) reach Girna - Uploadet the mission to steam workshop Download
  7. Hi, i want to place Trees in my mission. I place a User Texture (1m) with the Name "Tree1" and this code in init line: Tree1= "t_oleae1s_f" createVehicle position this; deleteVehicle this; Tree1 setdir (random 360) and it does not work ( :butbut: ) so i found THIS MOD (armaholic.com) and with the "ZGM_VisO_ARMA3BETA_EditorObjects.pbo" it does work, the trees are there. But when the .pbo is not loaded the trees are not there aswell. Is there a mod that can place trees and keep them on the map even when the mod is not loaded ? like "Dren's Editor Upgrade" ? o/
  8. Vasilyevich

    Place a tree ?

    Okay.. thats really annoying, but i'm currently working with the mod and it's really cool. Here are some screens from my "Moded Girna (WIP)" for my Mission. Klick the images for lager version - Vasil
  9. Vasilyevich

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    "Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11604 (animation loop gets correctly terminated when the condition evaluates to true)" Is still broken! for example: [this,"REPAIR_VEH_KNEEL","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat; does not work. - Vasil
  10. I want to make an Outpost with a Tower and some Soldiers.. I made the soldiers sit down or lean with: [this,"LEAN"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; or [this,"SIT_LOW"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; .. the problem is that they don't react to anything, even an enemy in front of them. Anyone knows a fix for this ? - Vasil
  11. o/ Is there a way to make such triggers ? - Vasil
  12. now i need a trigger that destroys/kills a unit without despawning it... sorry i'm a newb :/ tried "destroy Chopper1" and such stuff..
  13. Vasilyevich

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    Thanks KevsnoTrev for posting the feedback ticket. Share it and stuff :) Can't work on my mission without BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat :/
  14. Vasilyevich

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    "Editor objects now have icons more descriptive of their shape (instead of squares with question marks)" Means no Icons at all ? lulz
  15. Vasilyevich

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    [this,"STAND","FULL",{(player distance _this) < 5}] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat; or [this,"STAND","FULL",] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat; does not work for me.
  16. [this,"LEAN","FULL",] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat; should work.. but game says NOPE, and your version is not working for me to :/
  17. Yeah, i need good looking enemies :) There is a way.. i know it (or i don't know it.. thats the problem)
  18. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    A playtrough with Scott and Jay from Royal Gamers UK [OUTDATED VERSION] This is amazing guys! o/ Edit: This video shows an outdated version of this mission.
  19. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    I'm working on a singleplayer version including an extra task, u will need to rescue a hostage in Camp Tempest.
  20. Vasilyevich

    Operation Wirecut Coop-02 [BETA]

    A Chinook just delivert a new update! Changelog: v1.2 - UAV briefing - New loadscreen - New image in mission browser - Improved loadouts - Players now carry backpacks - Switched MK20 of rifleman class to MXC - Players now carry 7 magazines (1 in weapon 3x2 in carrier) - 1 Smoke/Chemlight collor per player - Map improvements - A new patrol - BI Forum Thread - New mission name in mission browser "COOP 02 Operation_Wirecut" Download