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Everything posted by Polygon

  1. Polygon


    I'd like to see the return of quicksave function.
  2. Polygon

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    My eyes will thank you, OS. :D
  3. BIS, add multiple color selections for waypoint and other cursors (teammate location, etc.). Current one, white, blend in with the environment too easy in most situations. AI can still detect player within a distance after loading a savegame. Before this, player was in hiding from their perspective. Was this issue ever addressed? It breaks missions.
  4. Since the recent secretly hinted news regarding the campaign's status have gathered enough attention in a "not-quite" related thread, I decided to dedicate this one for the single object - A3 official campaign. Currently known stuff: campaign will be released after full A3 launch various military roles to play with wide array of missions with different playstyle required hopefully, a storyline worth following with remarkable characters (ala OFP/OFPR) an intense atmosphere fitting the troubled future that awaits us? multiple endings? Personally, I'd like BIS to trust us and give an opportunity to fail the main story very early in the campaign (remember OFPR and Victor's bad decisions in every step?). Sometimes, to be innovative, you have to recycle the older and already used ideas, only to made them look reborn! Discuss what matters (various aspects, campaign's size etc), post your wishlists, concerns, criticism!
  5. One [ not mentioned ] word: DOCUMENTATION. engine, scripting, features, tools, all of it.
  6. 30% goes to Steam and whatnot.
  7. Polygon

    Not so fast...

    All OPs remarks are based on assumptions and basic human logic, desires. There's really no need to think that way, as of now. However, I don't get it why there's only 50k euro prize for total modification. There's many of them and multiple should be awarded approx. for an effort. Unless there's a mod already in development for A3, was destined to become a standalone DLC before getting canned and, seemingly, BIS puts the money afront to make sure that DLC's investors become interested again. Some serious assumptions, though.
  8. OP, you'd better join an existing modteam matching your interests and passion and build it up from there.
  9. Almost everybody is praising CWC and Resistance campaigns, presented back in 2001-02. Why they're considered special? What made them so? What could BIS learn / already did / will do? I'd like to make several points on CWC, how it affected the genre: first serious military story-driven campaign? large scale battles. multiple roles - from infantry to pilot, blackop. varied environments - 1985 conflict spanned across 3 diverse islands. tough, unforgiving gameplay style. difficult choices to make early. good gameplay design - flexible missions, varied endings. player's character progression: not statistical (skills depending on measurable parameters, adding up, etc.), but official/mental - ranks up, survival. excellent premise, storyline, average characters (fitting for military title?). atmosphere (believe it or not - bad graphics is part of it). multiple endings - no stupid cliffhangers. Now onto Resistance, which inherited a lot from CWC spiritually and mechanically: a personal, touching story. survival elements - scavenging, team management. great characters (though, a lot about them remained secret). sense of progression - becoming a leader, establishing an opposing force, advancing. not so political, official. Obviously, each campaign has its own + and -. In some cases, both camps lack military / human logic, probably due to gameplay, also cliches. I'd say CWC was better simply due to its scale. How does / will A3 campaign compare to these? Too early to compare fully, though. Add your own remarks on the topic. Perhaps I've missed something. This thread serves as a restrospective. I could go on into detail further, analyze each mission of CWC & RES, but it'd be 12 years late. :D
  10. Polygon

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    Excellent port. Hoping to see more A2CO content brought to another level.
  11. From the recent memory, I found GTA5 to be one of the most diverse sandbox experiences for years - it features so much little details that you start to appreciate even by watchcing simple "GTA5 Mythbusters" videos. Question is - when will A3 reach this level of systematic fidelity not only in terms of infantry / military simulation, but game-world interaction? I'd like to present a simple list with little details [ of unrealism, etc. ] missing. Not crucial, but they certainly help immersion. uniforms - you can wear/steal them damaged (hit by a sabot, driven over by a tank, etc.), in seconds. applies for weaponry, backpacks too. fake grenade throw action delay. not present for smokes grenades or chemlight... no vehicle towing no ability to drive a vehicle on another moving surface cannot climb on vehicles glass break of street lamps and other miscs missing trees still animated. where's PhysX for them? no manual/automatic gear simulation for vehicles pure black heavy vehicles interiors parachute simulation? no PhysX for terrain objects at all (barrels don't explode...) electricity, flame/fire simulation? weird "optimization" techniques - like hiding normal models of buildings below their ruins after damage treshold dirty, soaked, bloody materials? cloth simulation? waves, reflective water, underwater lighting? ... that's it for now. Please list your observations, tips, solutions. It's evident that in games industry, when solving complex stuff for sandboxes, the primary effort should be in programming's than art's side. I personally don't care much about high-res, highpoly models and such. Arma has great potential to become the best sandbox of all time. I wouldn't mind BIS using it. Of course, there goes assertions of game development as a business - iterational production, "evolution" to make sure players will buy the next installment of franchise X for its entertainment, innovatin, else. Criticisms listed here do not imply A3 is a bad game and worsening - it certainly introduced lots of new things. Just put effort into noticing them (I already made a thread on this in the past).
  12. Polygon

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Amazing improvements. Feels like an another title!
  13. why not add simple transparent arrows for "square" object icons in the editor so we can predict direction at least?
  14. Polygon

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Nou, continue to rock the Arma world! Looks promising.
  15. Polygon

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    great work! scanning this with interest!
  16. Just noticed: vault animation has no sounds of steps on any surface. "realism".
  17. Now we some overpraise of Miller with terrible assumptions... The fact is - story was clearly written abruptly or even not by a writer, designers themselves came up with something gamey and believable to inexperienced.
  18. Polygon

    Make vehicle undrivable

    IMO OP wants player to be able get in vehicle, but just unable to move. Maybe turn off some radio channels to prevent annoying reports.
  19. Polygon

    create a Campain

    Still unable to pack missions into campaign format? What a disappointment... BIS, get on with it already.
  20. A3 is missing searchlights and other useful objects. How do you create a focused lightsource for immitation? Example: http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s553/Heripai/ArmA3/color800065003500_zps57f6cb78.jpg
  21. nowhere. there's no such object as a portable light, only 4 lights attached on a pole at military bases and all.
  22. can you share the name of that walking anim (straight?)? might be useful. thanks.
  23. anything? if not possible, then a similar addon must happen...
  24. Limb removal and other gore should only be active when a unit receives >0.85 damage on almost all body parts. That way, gameplay doesn't become a torture as described above and can be balanced further with additions, etc.
  25. Polygon

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    +1. another solution for this would be add an audio channel for UAV (it's the future!) outputting env. sounds via an addAction. UAV transmissions must have radio-like background.