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Everything posted by Fushko

  1. Not broken, the new BattlEye just doesn't allow the loading of the reshade dll.
  2. Fushko

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    What the grass needs is specularity. The grass should shine when hit by the sun. Otherwise it looks flat and weird. This is already the case for other vegetation (trees, etc).
  3. At least the Huron sound bug has been fixed, according to the dev branch changelog, thankfully.
  4. My opinion is that they should use the jumping animation that is used in ACE3 when holding V, but keep the ability to use the other one when just pressing V slightly.
  5. Very much agree on your points. It would be so awesome if flashlights (and other bright light sources) actually rendered NVGs useless. Shame that the Huron still has that nasty sound issue with surround configurations, small part of the reason why I switched to speakers was because of that. And it's like, the only sound in the whole game that has that problem? Weird. Btw, the troubleshooting section is not the right one to post things like this. This fits more into general discussion.
  6. Loudness equalization needs to be done in-game, like Battlefield games do. You shouldn't have to use another software just to get proper sounds. I've tried loudness equalization, both in Windows and in Realtek software, but the outcome is not ideal. After you've fired a shot, the game goes ultra quiet for too much time. And I'm also asking for high dynamic range. Which is not there, when you consider the samples themselves (and not when comparing different samples). There is no punch in the current samples, it's all just ultra loud and flat audio with no real dynamics. This mentality that high dynamic range means you need to have a painful sounding game needs to go. If games tried to achieve real life dynamic range, especially shooters, I doubt anyone here wouldn't have serious hearing damage, or even deafness.
  7. I used to play with headphones. Now I play with speakers (to retain my ear health) and gun shots are still painful IF I want to properly hear footsteps and enviroment audio.
  8. Exactly. He simply believes that in order to have realistic sounds you should get hearing damage from playing videogames. How can someone even think of that. "You can't ask for realistic sounds and ask for shots to not be painful in one sentence. " Yeah, say the same after you've compared Arma 3 to BF4, and try to tell me that BF4 sounds painful... End of dicussion I guess.
  9. But your opinion is, in fact, based on wrong assumptions. What we have is not dynamic range. You said it yourself that you had to activate a volume equalizer, in order to have enjoyable sounds.
  10. I don't understand why they didn't do it like with jogging. By pressing C while jogging, you can choose to walk with both hands holding the weapon (and be a bit faster), or just one hand (and also walk a little slower). Why not have both animations when walking, too? Still, a big fan of this change. I really didn't like that animation, or rather, the ridicolous speed it was set at.
  11. Thanks for coming in, mega. The reason why I told him he was wrong in such a bitchy way was because I too, am tired of participating in internet discussions (not all related to audio, heh) where people do nothing else than ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME and express opinions based on the wrong ideas. "You are confusing range with volume". Fukken lol. Enjoy TW3, man. And Yennefer too
  12. Where is megagoth when you need him... duh. Range != dynamic range. Watch this.
  13. Lol, you have no idea what true dynamic range is. If you think that simply cranking some sounds on absurdly high volume means HDR, you couldn't be more wrong. High dynamic range is not here by any strech of the imagination.
  14. Or you could realize that: 1. I'm not whining, I'm merely providing my thoughts; 2. the volume levels have been fucked up since 1.42 stable, and we are now at 1.44, which leads to point 3; 3. I'm worried that this might be another patch without the balanced volume, so this means I'll have to play even more without being able to hear freaking footsteps (and other things). Jesus, some of you guys are so sensitive.
  15. So, when are the volume changes going to be made? Gun shots are so loud that, in order not sound PAINFUL to my ears, I have to turn down the volume so much that I can't hear neither enviroment nor footstep sounds. Same thing with weapon tails. I can't hear them like, at all, due to the crazy weapon loudness. I appreciate the new gun samples that are in the dev branch, I really do, but maybe you guys should consider fixing what's broken first? Just a thought.
  16. Fushko

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Congrats and have fun on the gfx card update, that's quite the jump!
  17. ACE3 has an issue with the interactive menu not starting after loading a savegame, I'll see if this will work as a temporary workaround.
  18. Simply put, the audio overhaul has been shoehorned in the stable version without being finished first. What we got now is kind of a mess.
  19. Did you place the userconfig file in the appropriate folder?
  20. That was a great read, thanks megagoth! Can't wait for the Wipeout sound to have the personal treatment, without mentioning all the other good stuff! :D
  21. Your head doesn't bob any different before the DLC. I think we may have a case of "you'll get used to it" here.
  22. Having fun with those dynamic shadows, I see? :D
  23. cpu count and exthreads are automatically set, just enable HT
  24. Fushko

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Dr. Hadlik's post was about ponds though, not the midrange textures