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Everything posted by Fushko

  1. Shadow maps are rendered by the GPU.
  2. Fushko

    How much Arma have you played?

    501 hours since alpha
  3. Please vote for the audio bug, it's really important for vehicle and aircraft pilots http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19940
  4. Fushko

    Tracers visual problems

    Very good, something to replace Blastcore Tracers! (which is a good mod but not being worked on anymore)
  5. *insert sound pun here* Excellent work, as always. The explosions sounds being different everytime is a genius idea. I was wondering, will DF include speed of sound simulation for vehicles and aircraft? Because it's not there in vanilla. Many important sound sources (such as aircraft) travel istantly.
  6. Can't stress this enough. It's such a basic thing, it should've already been there.
  7. SaOk, I think you really need to make the civilian vehicles not spawn inside military outposts. There is a base in the Molos airfield where civilian vehicles spawn and istantly blow up 100% of the time.
  8. Fushko

    Getting weird shadow glitches

    https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/764283/geforce-drivers/official-nvidia-340-52-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-7-29-14-/ New drivers just came out, did they fix it?
  9. Fushko

    Leaning Confusion

    Well, if we have the same discussions on the same issues, every new Arma isn't that new, is it... :D
  10. Fushko

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    So basically a revamped JSRS with a new name. Awesome! Make WIP thread naow!
  11. You need a BI developer image, people could get confused :D
  12. Exactly. More little details -> world feels more believable -> game becomes more immersive. For instance, I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw a rainbow, or when I saw my AI squad leader doing a stop sign with his hand, right after we encountered enemies in our path. That felt amazing. Ever wondered why the world of GTA feels so believable and immersive? Because there's lots of little details. Take a look at this. If only they fixed the grass LOD switching being very visible, that would be super duper great. It's my 1st immersion killer.
  13. You're right and all, but this game lacks a LOT of minor details. There are so many little, immersion-breaking issues that my mind explodes just by thinking about them. Most of them regard sounds.
  14. "Added: Doors now make a sound when being opened [and closed]" Holy fuck, this is a revolution in the Arma series. I hope there will be different sounds for special doors (like the Biolab ones) though.
  15. Fushko

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Just wanted to say I like the new fatigue, it adds a whole new different level of depth to the gameplay. No more crouch sprinting like crazy with a launcher and 4 rockets in your backpack. Loadouts actually have a meaning now.
  16. It's also false advertising. Speed of sound simulation is half done. Some sounds have speed of sound, but most of them do not. Find me a single vehicle and/or aircraft that has speed of sound simulation.
  17. Fushko

    Getting weird shadow glitches

    Also happens without night vision. http://i59.tinypic.com/qz5h03.jpg (109 kB) (posting again, image doesn't seem to show on the forums)
  18. I was aware of that, this is why I said "It's WIP"
  19. This is an improvement. It's WIP but still a massive step forward, the black textures were butt-ugly and unrealistic.
  20. Fushko

    Getting weird shadow glitches

    I'm still getting it. Still using 337.88. At least the problem seems to be 750-series related (maybe because of the new Maxwell architecture?) so we know that. Has anyone tried updating to 340.43 beta drivers? Does it fix it?
  21. Amazing, they never learn. Every sound that they add has no positional audio at this point.
  22. "I do mean to go on." That's the spirit. Never stop going on, sooner or later they are going to listen and fix it.
  23. It was never used fully. True sky also has volumetric rays and cloud shadows, which were never used. Would be great if they used all its potential, at some point.