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About finnsimmons

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  1. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    I don't get how we are still having this conversation. We tried it and it did not work. The problems that the Debug console created, Zeuses also being the Admin and holding servers hostage, kicking / temp-banning people that complain to or about them and so on and so forth, clearly outweighed the possible gains. Which mainly were increased view distance and a full arsenal. Which afaik would be relatively easy to invorporate into the prefferences and modules respectively. And from my experience there is no "professional Zeuses". There is a few people who clearly think they are. But quality mission builders are, lets be honest here, part of a unit and don't hang out on the public servers.
  2. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    If the Zeus and the admin on the server let the session devolve into team killing and an overall unorganized mess then that is the problem of everybody involved. The intentional team killer for being childish, the Zeus for not punishing people for acting up, the admin for not kicking troublemakers and the other players for not advocating serious game play. If you stand up and say "No team killing or kick!", "Listen to orders or kick!", you can get even the most disorganized group to get some kind of organization going. Now that takes some effort, I get it but just claiming that the Group menu is bad leaves out the part where you didn't even try to make it work. And that is negligence on your behalf. I hope the admins see that too and leave it in. Also please add Revive to the parameters in Zeus game modes. That will help a lot with encouraging teamwork and team-play. Thank you BI! Stay awesome!
  3. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Thats just your experience. I found it very usefull the last few games I played. Now it is a piece of cake to set up squads. Also what the guys above said. Zeus needs every asset in the game/as many assets as possible available to create cool missions. Please don't take away from our creativity by limiting what Zeus can spawn. Thank you!
  4. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    Thanks for adding the "Group menu" to Zeus missions :) You guys rock! NOw all that is missing is revive. :P
  5. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    That's purely speculation. I personally have seen both. Sessions that managed to be organized without grouping up at all and sessions that managed to be unorganized while there was an initial organization and making of squads. It is largely player dependent in my opinion and the availability of the group function will give players the ability to work things out themselves. The best solution in my opinion would be to put the group menu it into the parameters. Just like the revive function. If you want to use them in the scenario then you can if you don't then you do not have to. Let the player choose. Its sandbox after all. The more options the better. I don't personally understand why BI made these awesome things but then not use them / allow us to use them as much as possible. The only place they have been used so far are the new campaign and Endgame (afaik). Be proud of your work BI! Put it out there for us to use. Give the Zeus game mode a few more options to work with. The revive function (with the necessary fine control over the revive time and such) would add a lot to the whole experience.
  6. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    That would be very good. Also some form of admining from Bohemia's side would be apreciated. Currently the Zeus servers are plagued by people using them as their personal hosted server, kicking people of them randomly or griefing them of the server by constantly lightning striking them untill they disconnect. Is there a way to do something about this? A place to report people?
  7. finnsimmons

    Official Zeus servers from Bohemia Interactive

    I don't know if its just me (so far only my friend confirmed it) but right now it seems you can't join the Official servers. It gives me a "Max players reached"-popup even though the servers are all empty. Wondering if there is something wrong with them. Also the issue mentioned above, regarding the “bad†Admins/Zeus is a constant one on the official servers. Add to that the problem that of not being able to restart the mission easily and to re-vote makes it quite the hassle. You'd be surprised how many times we had to restart the mission - by ending it - and try to even vote for an admin before the timeout ran out in the last two days. Especially with all the new people around who don't know the server commands. A way of addressing this would be IMO: make vote kick actually work (lower threshold) and vote restart should reset the admin. That way players regain some sort of control.
  8. finnsimmons


    Always try to stay one grenade blast radius from your closest ally. If there is a mortar threat increase distance to one mortar blast radius. Make sure everyone caries enough white smoke grenades. RGO grenades are there for a reason. Throw one or two into a building and let them do some of the work before you go in and clear it. 40 mm grenades work as well. Grenades work best if used in coordination with others. Don't be selfish and make yourself useful to the team. Ask to carry extra ammunition or equipment. If you don't know where your friendly forces are you are doing something wrong. Mark your fire team / squad on the map or if you don't like to do that because you are lazy ( :D ) use some kind of map tracker. Use tanks, aircraft and other fire support with care. Let the infantry deal with most threats themselves. It is more fun for them. Apply "Rule of Cool" ! Tanks, aircraft and fire support are for flair. Always move with care. Don't be hasty. Remember the turtle and the hare. Smarts over speed. If you are the team lead or squad lead simply stay utterly calm. The appearance of knowing what you are doing is 90% of the job. The remaining 10% are 9 parts map reading and 1 part knowing what to tell your soldiers.
  9. finnsimmons

    ruPal RHS armor patch + bonus

    Happens. I know they will probably adress the problem with the 0.4 update, but nobody knows how long away thats is, so I was simply wondering if we could to expect anything before the update. Asside from this workaround. Since I am not all knowing and this is a forum thread dedicated to a fix I thought maybe someone knew someething. It's known to happen. Google did not bring up too much about the issue and the RHS bug tracker wasn't too informative either. So I am simply spreading my net over a larger arrea to maybe catch something. I guess I should have been a bit more specific on that.
  10. finnsimmons

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Good to know. Thanks :) Looking forward to the "new things".
  11. finnsimmons

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What about the armor and protection issues with the RHS equipment in the current 1.54 build? I know there is a workaround on AH but I'd prefer something official.
  12. finnsimmons

    ruPal RHS armor patch + bonus

    What about an official fix from RHS? Is that going to happen? I am a fan of official stuff. ;)
  13. finnsimmons

    Latest Patch A Backwards Step

    If you want to know more about what Soldiers have to and can carry watch the scenes in the documentary "Restrepo" about Operation Rock Avalance. From personal experience I can tell you that you can jog with a machinegun in your hands and even with a assault rifle and a rocket launcher on your back for quite some time. Same goes for full combat gear. Now when it comes to running, that is a different thing and sprinting is pretty much going to put you out of comission for a time if you try to do it farther than say 10 or 20 meters. And with a day bag for a 2 day operation total equipment weights of 120 pounds are not uncomon. Go to love them foot patrols. They so great. Sadly where the game clashes with me sometimes is my personal military experience. I know other current or former members of the military who are also players of Arma and express the same notions. Civilians often don't understand just how far you can push your body. In todays life you rarely have to go past what your body deems exertion or fatigue. Just because your body tells you that you should stop does not mean that you are running on empty. On the contrary. Your body is a lazy bum and can carry more, and go way farther and longer than he wants to admit. That is one of the tings you learn in Basic Training. They don't put you through that for fun but to show you just how far you can push yourself. Once you got that internalized fatigue is simply another feeling you have. Much like hunger. You don't just keel over because you get hungry. All in all you can go on long after fatigue has set in. This though is also one of the reasons soldiers have advised Kcal intakes that are almost double those for civilians. Personally I don't think puting your body through such stress is advisable. I only have to think about any profesional athlete and know that pushing your body too far for too long has its repercussions and can lead to serious injuries and health problems. Still it is very possible. The same goes for the issue of weapon sway I mentioned earlier. You can run arround the block a couple of times but if you use your gun with a bipod or rest it on something weapon sway is nothing your will notice. No matter how heavy our breathing. Even in QCB weapon sway will not come in efect exept if you are close to total exhaustion and can not keep your weapon steady simply because your arms can no longer suport its weight. I agree with you on the point that Arma could be expanded by many things that are currently only provided by mods. About how this game should or can be played I am not going to argue with anyone because it is a sandbox game. As per definition you can do whatever you like with it. At least that is my standpoint on the issue. That does not mean I don't have my preference. In this case, with Arma 3, it has been Milsim and Tactical Realism since I bought the game back in Alpha.
  14. finnsimmons

    Latest Patch A Backwards Step

    I noticed when playing End Game on Zaros that the vanilla AT Rifleman loadout had changed to a .45 Vermin on the NATO side of things and wondered what that was about. For the first few seconds at least. That was when I noticed that carying a single rocket launcher loaded with just one rocket basically makes you so heavy you can not carry a heavier weapon than a Vermin and still run with it. Especially if you carry a second rocket. I think the system is in need of tweaking and while i don't think it is neccesarriily a bad system it feels to much like an acarde game with the current values for fatigue/stamina. IMHO they should make adjustments to the system. We are playing as well trained soldiers used to the burden they are carying. While I know from personal experience just how far you can (well can't) sprint with 30-40 kilos on your back it was still farther than what they make it look like in the game. It is ridiculous that I start every game of End Game I played so far by dumping half my equipment on the ground for the assault on the FOB just so i can sprint a little longer and get a head start on the other team. The real issue that I have with the system at te moment is that deploying your weapon has no benefit right now. You expose yourself and root yourself in place and your weapon does not even stop shaking all over the place. Curently you don't need to bother deploying your weapon while fatigued. Therefor that whole part of the game mechanic is redundant. I'd at least like to see that part fixed.
  15. finnsimmons

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    I could not find any specifics about this and the Feedback Tracker did not show any entries so far: - The revive state in Endgame seems to be broken. Has it been removed? You die right away. Is that intentional? I thought revive was an integral part of the Endgame game mode. - You can no longer choose a respawn location after dying. Kind of a bummer because it seems to spawn you randomly arround the map. Especially anoying on the Kavala map, since it is pretty big. - Intel download does not work. You can use space to interact but it will not start the download. Sadly that is making it imposible to finish a game of Endgame. Happened on the Official BI servers. Mission restart did not alleviate the problems. Kind of sad right now because I wanted to show my buddies theis awesome new game mode :-/ Edit: Tested in a LAN hosted game on the Ferres map and respawn worked as before, revive state functioning propperly. Is there myabe an issue with the BI Official Server's settings or even the Kavala map itself? Edit 2: Tested on both EU #1 and EU #2. Kavala mission still not working.