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Everything posted by HitmanTwoActual

  1. HitmanTwoActual

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Have the texture issues with the rails on the M16A4 variants and the SAM-R/Mk12 been fixed for this next update? It always bothered me that the material looked plastic and flat compared to the receiver.
  2. Erm... medical system? But this is the ACRE thread? Unless... the radios can now heal us! That has to be it! ;)
  3. HitmanTwoActual

    Arma 2 LAV-25 Port

    I have to agree with Nod here, darken up the textures, and add some dirt to that beast :D Here's a ref: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/46/LAV-25_USMC.JPG (1412 kB)
  4. HitmanTwoActual

    RH M4/M16 pack

    He already made camo versions, they will be in the next update.
  5. Honestly, you should have taken that up with me in a PM. But that's enough thread jacking for the day. Nouber, will support fully transfer from A2 to A3 or will there be duel support?
  6. HitmanTwoActual

    Refined Vehicles

    Some of the the communities vehicles whether they be ports or custom tend to wobble back and forth side to side. He wanted to know if you could fix that.
  7. Just stop. It will be released when he says so, and you might want to go read the forum rules, don't ask for updates.
  8. I have the scope issue too, but I don't have that German mod, I have BWmod, and AGM. Perhaps one of those break it.
  9. HitmanTwoActual


    RH M4s are actually the ones I referred to, they will only take the M855A1 mags for me.
  10. HitmanTwoActual


    Most of the mags are no longer compatible with modded weapons. I have no clue as to what is causing it though.
  11. Toadie is there anyway we could get a railed version of that black M14 without all the rust? I would love to have that model as my marksman rifle, but theres too much rust and no where to add a scope :D I do love the Troy version, but sometimes you want to go back to the good ol' base rifle
  12. Sounds are not being played due to the change in muzzle config. Weapons have to be updated to the new config for sounds to be played. This update is in prep for the Bootcamp DLC coming soon.
  13. Okay, so I have been trying to figure out why your mods (being the mount and climb mod) won't work at all for me. So far, I can't seem to find any mods conflicting with this, but whatever it is, TPW also broke with it. Anybody else having problems?
  14. I like this a lot, it makes night time ops in a forest a lot more real, I love the howling especially.
  15. I don't think that stone wall will hold up too well against your sheep mounted rockets.
  16. So if those papers just magically appeared on your door step... you would be good to go huh...? ;)
  17. Wouldn't y'all say that the thread has kinda gotten WAY off topic here? We went from what the next release of ACRE will include, to an argument about the differences between TFAR and ACRE. Now, color me stupid, but that seems a little immature to continue. May we please just drop the whole back and forth comments, and move on to talking about the new version of ACRE? Thank you.
  18. HitmanTwoActual

    International MaxxPro - Deja Vu?

    Dear lord it's a whole new beast. Love it! I can't wait to be driving this straight into some firefights. Keep up the great work man!
  19. HitmanTwoActual

    A3A (Arma 3 Actual)

    Love the NAME! Honestly I just love the actual part... but there's no need to just say that now is there ;)
  20. HitmanTwoActual

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Lets also take into account that CSAT are trained soldiers with high grade equipment. Meanwhile the units in Aggressors are slightly trained guerrilla fighters with old soviet equipment. While I am not knocking your statement, those factors make sense for the firefights you find yourself in.
  21. Sabre you god, how are you busting out all these textures?? You win the internet for the day.
  22. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM more realistic NVGoggles view

    Good point, all things considered I suppose with the ArmA 3 setting, the NVGs fit with their quality anyway.
  23. HitmanTwoActual

    Race Built Galleon - An orphaned project

    While I appreciate that you are willing to work some more on it for people, if you want to work on other projects (such as your US Military mod) I'm sure people will understand. Great work either way, hope to see more of your stuff later down the line.
  24. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM more realistic NVGoggles view

    Well the movie thing was more of a joke, but yes, I do understand that the difference from Gen 2 to Gen 3 is quite large, I feel like some people want to see something looking like this - But yet again, that's just some peoples preference. Please don't take my interpretation of your words as rude, I in no way mean it to come off like that.'>http://chivethebrigade.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/night-vision-pt2-920-27.jpg But yet again, that's just some peoples preference. Please don't take my interpretation of your words as rude, I in no way mean it to come off like that.