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  1. You can add an eventhandler to the each npc/unit that adds cash on kill: To display cash, you just print the players HG_myCash variable.
  2. No problem, i just take some snippets from my legacy code to use it with a player db...
  3. Really nice Script! Especially the UI stuff... To make ACE items work i had to add the id '4096' in fn_handleItems.sqf Question: This it not really cheat proof right? Do you plan to make the cash variable global (checked by server)?
  4. Me again... I want to add a Killed eventhandler to the spawned Ai... this is the trigger init: aafspawn = ["aafzoneinf",[1,0,1],[5,2,20,6],[ ],[ ],[ ],[2,2,2,2,0]] spawn DAC_Zone my dac_config_events: case 1: { _Events_Unit_S = [ [“_unit addeventhandler [“â€Killedâ€â€,{_this spawn AiKilled}]“], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]; the functions: PointsBox = { _val = _this select 0; if (_val == 5) then { cutRsc ["Points5Box","PLAIN"]; }; if (_val == 10) then { cutRsc ["Points10Box","PLAIN"]; }; }; AiKilled = { _killer = _this select 1; _killeruid = getPlayerUID _killer; if (_killeruid == "") exitWith {}; _killerscore = [_killeruid, "score", 1] call stats_get; _killerscore = _killerscore + 5; [_killeruid, "score", _killerscore] call stats_set; [format ["Ai killed by UID %1 - Player score: %2", _killeruid, _killerscore]] call WarZones_fnc_Debug; [{[5] call PointsBox;},"BIS_fnc_spawn", _killer, true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; but no reaction on kill... no error in rpt... whats the cause?
  5. Me again... I cant get it to work :( Setup Server: linux dedicated +sock.so, cba, asrai - DAC is running via script Setup Client: vanilla Mission: It is a SC type mission where each teams starting location is randomly read from a template. Because of this i created 4 different triggers for DAC, and delete the triggers that are unrequired for this template before they can run. (Screenshot) if (Sector_Config_Area_Type == "infantry") then { aafzoneinf setPos _location_independent; aafzoneinf setTriggerArea [80, 80, 0, true]; deleteVehicle aafzonetank; deleteVehicle aafzonemoto; deleteVehicle aafzoneheli; }; DAC is called in init.sqf after everything else happened: if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; DAC_Zone = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqf"; DAC_Objects = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Objects.sqf"; execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf"; My DAC_Config_Creator.sqf The Server rpt When i join the game i see this: and after spawn: edit: could it be that the zone size is to small for the number of waypoints? i checked it again and now i got 8 waypoints, but still no ai... edit2: another run, this time it tells me that the zone is not suitable for type infantry... so.. its to small? edit3: yes, it was the size -.-
  6. whoops... missed that... thanks... :)
  7. Hi, is it possible to create a zone without placing something in the editor? (beside of the external logic) i try to create the trigger like this, but DAC cant extract the position: infantryzone = createTrigger ["NONE", getPos base_independent_flagpole]; infantryzone setTriggerArea [80, 80, 0, true]; infantryzone setTriggerActivation ["LOGIC", "PRESENT", true]; infantryzone setTriggerText "infantryzone"; infantry = ["infantryzone",[1,0,0,0],[ ],[5,2,50,10],[ ],[ ],[2,2,2,6,0]] spawn DAC_Zone; where base_independent_flagpole is the center of the AAF base. the base locations are dynamic, thats why i cannot place the DAC triggers upfront :/ error: 18:18:43 Error in expression <ct 0);_myvalue = ((triggerArea _KiZone) select 1);_ac = _ZoneMode select 1;_rand> 18:18:43 Error position: <select 1);_ac = _ZoneMode select 1;_rand> 18:18:43 Error Zero divisor 18:18:43 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Zone.sqf, line 110 18:18:43 Error in expression < = format["%1_%2",_thisZone,_cu]; _ma = createmarkerlocal [_zs, ((_zoneValues se> 18:18:43 Error position: <createmarkerlocal [_zs, ((_zoneValues se> 18:18:43 Error Type Any, expected Number 18:18:43 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Zone.sqf, line 123 18:18:43 Error in expression <C_Zones set [count DAC_Zones,[_thisZone,_mxvalue,_myvalue,_ZoneMode,_GroupSol,_G> 18:18:43 Error position: <_mxvalue,_myvalue,_ZoneMode,_GroupSol,_G> 18:18:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _mxvalue 18:18:43 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Zone.sqf, line 133
  8. m1ndgames

    ASR AI 3

    Hi, can someone confirm that using cba's fnc_taskPatrol desyncs the server? (Doors open late, respawn button reacts late)... ASRAI was only running on the dedicated server tho, could that also be the issue? note that the desync stopped when i removed the cba functions... additionally: is there some hidden function in asrai that would let me do the same? (let defined groups patrol and search houses)?
  9. m1ndgames

    Loadout script help

    Example: description.ext (only the necessary parts) respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuInventory","Counter","Tickets","EndMission"}; // side west class CfgRespawnInventory { class Rifleman { displayName = "Rifleman"; weapons[] = { Binocular, arifle_MX_F, hgun_P07_F }; magazines[] = { 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag, 16Rnd_9x21_Mag, 16Rnd_9x21_Mag, 16Rnd_9x21_Mag }; items[] = { HandGrenade, }; linkedItems[] = { V_Chestrig_rgr, H_HelmetB, optic_Hamr, NVGoggles, G_Tactical_Clear, ItemGPS, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio }; uniformClass = U_B_CombatUniform_mcam; }; }; init.sqf [player,"Rifleman"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
  10. Oh okay, this could really be a reason because my client is in the same "lan" (i run openvpn on this box..)
  11. wow! i want it! unfortunately i have a superior phone (eg: android) ;)
  12. I run ACE, CBA and ASR_AI3 on my dedicated linux server, but the expansion box in the server browser is empty. Do i have to configure it serverside somehow?!
  13. damn! i should look more into the actual functions... thank you very much!
  14. I do that, but how can i find out what respawn inventory was choosen by the player after he respawned?