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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Hi - I've searched the script commands for an answer on how to lock objects but I've had no joy. I know how to lock vehicles with a script and I have found the 'lock' command, but it's no good. Essentially, I want to stop an item from being picked up or used. I don't want the 'inventory' option to appear. I just want the object to be visible - nothing else. Any ideas? As always, apologies if I have missed an obvious answer or another thread. I have looked, honest!
  2. Kydoimos

    Locking Objects (Items)

    Interesting - thanks for that. I haven't used camcreate. I'll read up on that later! Again, thanks! ---------- Post added at 07:31 ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 ---------- Ah, just noticed that they are only visible locally. I'm working on a multiplayer mission - camcreate might not be best for that?
  3. Kydoimos

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    I can also vouch for the fact that the Beta has thrown up a few errors for ARP2. I think it's limited to the screens, however.
  4. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    Ah - good to see those. I'm sure everything will get looked at in time then, :)
  5. Kydoimos

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    Thanks Foxhound - understood! :) LemTheGentleman, check this thread out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155864-AI-Sitting-on-chairs
  6. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    Ah no - I'm not having a dig. I just wondered if I was doing something wrong or if BI were looking at graphic glitches at a later date, nearer the release. To be honest, they are rather minor issues I was reporting.
  7. Kydoimos

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    Really? Sorry, why would I get an infraction for that? Is it frowned upon? I just wanted to express my interest. Apologies! Regarding units sitting on chairs, try out the attachto command. You'll need to also set the ai behaviour to 'safe' and use the disableai command, as well as the switchmove and playmove commands. There's a designated thread somewhere. If you're still having problems let me know - I'll copy and paste the script for you. [Just read the forum rules. Thanks, had no idea I was 'spamming' on my last post. Again, apologies].
  8. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    Really? Just so strange. Although the issues I've reported are relatively minor, they are quite undeniable glitches. Guess maybe they'll get looked at later than the others... Just kind of wanted to feel I had some input...
  9. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    Heya, just wondering. I've left six or seven posts in the feedback tracker over the last few months. But none of them have been looked at. Is this normal? They mostly pertain to image and texture issues. I think they've all been posted in the right place. A little curious, will things get read by the developers? Eventually?
  10. Kydoimos

    UK Government censorship

    Thanks for this thread Bias12. I've signed the petition. I hope to see a few of you the next time there's a protest kicking off in London.
  11. Open up an application (I use paint.net), create a new canvas (512 x 512 or 1024 x 1024). Create your image. Lower the brightness a bit (-10 or -20). Save as a TGA. Then open the TGA with the Tex2view application (available to download in the BI tools package). Leave it as a default RGBA (I think that is what it's called) file and change the option below to DX5. When you save it, make sure you put .paa at the end of the file name and change the option below the file name to 'All Files'. Then move the .paa image to your missions folder. This ought to work fine - it does for me. However, in-game you'll need to make sure you set the day to full overcast or night. There is a glitch that makes user textures too bright in open sunlight. For example, if you place a user texture inside a building or in the shade, it will look really strange... Hope that helps. ---------- Post added at 07:01 ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 ---------- http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11373
  12. Kydoimos

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    [Accidental spam / Please ignore or delete, thanks]
  13. Pomigit - you genius! Thanks so much for the classnames. Have to say, this is one of the best mods out there thus far. Jolly good work,
  14. Great mod! But please, please, please - can we get a classname file? Again, well done and thanks for all your hard work!
  15. Hiya - any chance anybody could send me a link to a tutorial on how to create intros and cutscenes? I found a few for OFP and Arma 2. Is it all the same?
  16. Thank you ever so much for that, I'll give it a go! ---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ---------- I haven't had any freezes so far. All good!
  17. Since today's update Arma 3 keeps freezing! It was working perfectly yesterday. It happens on the editor, single player, and on multiplayer. Having 3-4 second freezes where the sound and everything cuts out. It seems to happen a lot when I turn rapidly or use the scope. I have good FPS. What gives?
  18. Thanks Dwarden - feedback pending, I'll give it a go tonight and tomorrow and see how it goes!
  19. Hi - so sorry for the totally stupid question - how do I enter -nologs into the commandline parameter? I know how to get onto the Dev branch, but not sure about the commandline. So sorry - I don't doubt it's dead simple. Thanks!
  20. Kydoimos

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    [Accidental spam / please ignore or delete, thanks]
  21. So, how can the spammed messages in RPT files be stopped? Is it something that needs to be done our end? If so, is it hard to do? Thank you for the feedback - know you chaps are busy!
  22. Can anyone recommend a server that takes missions very seriously?
  23. Ah okay, yes. Saw that. Just wondered if perhaps anything had changed since the beginning of this thread.
  24. Hi - I haven't trawled through the entire thread - but can someone tell me if ACRE is official yet? Will there be an ACRE2, updated for ARMA 3?
  25. This is all a bit above my head, I'm afraid. All I know is my RPT files are 100% getting clogged with spammed error messages... ---------- Post added at 10:25 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ---------- Is it possible that it something which could be fixed in a future update?