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Everything posted by Armitxes

  1. v0.5 is out! You requested, I did - enjoy the new features! Remember that everyone is welcome to contribute! We especially need someone to make better/alternative Highlighting templates! If you're good when it comes to colors you may wanna try to mess a bit with the color hex-codes for the highlighting ;) v0.5 Case insensitive support, _local & public variables, improved code logic Armitxes just released this Case insensitive commands [ Issue #7 ] Highlighting (alternative color) for _local, public variables [ Issue #9 ] Added new A3 v1.54 scripting commands Removed highlighting for brackets (not needed, too disturbing) Few marketplace adjustments Improved code logic Make sure to bring in your ideas and suggestion ! I'll try my best to implement them. --- If you like the extension, please leave a rating in the marketplace - it helps a lot. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Armitxes.sqf
  2. New version released :) you can update / reinstall the extension directly via the VS Code extension installer :) Big thanks to https://github.com/ryanwoodcox for his help. Added support for multilinear strings Round braces will no longer break function highlighters Added a new color theme with special support for the SQF Highlighter After updating to the newest release, press F1 in VS Code and type "Color Theme" in the list you select "[sQF] Dark Theme" Added Hightlighting for https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables
  3. Yea, the last updates were fixing and breaking stuff at the same time ^^ I hope it stays like this so that I don't must adjust the code every time ;) A bug where content of strings and comments is being suggested is also back with last VS Code updates :/ must look into another way to fix it. But no worries, I'm still working on this project ;)
  4. Very good news, VS Code moves to the beta and a new version was released. Also, this extension is now published on the gallery and marketplace so if you like it please rate ;) Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/Armitxes.sqf Easy Installation (Recommended, works on every OS) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and press F1. Enter "ext install" and wait until it finishes loading Select "Extensions: Install Extension" Finally type "SQF" and select "SQF Language" Enjoy New in v0.3.4 Fixed escapes in string Fixed a weird issue where code snippets weren't suggested Added this project to the marketplace and the VS gallery (yay!) -> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/Armitxes.sqf At the end: Big thanks to the VSC Product Manager Mr. McBreen and his team for making this possible. You are awesome.
  5. Version 0.3 is now released together with a windows installer. Please check the first post for more details. New in v0.3 Now compatible with new VS Code version Added a windows installer Fixed forEach loop and a minor bug with compileFinal Fixed a bug where the highlighter wasn't working properly with Tabulators in a few cases. Added all new SQF commands from the v1.5 releases Drastically reduced the extension size ( 57 kb ) The plugin is now a valid npm package to support new VS Code features
  6. And Micrsoft decided to modify the plugin system again. I'm working on a fix together with the next update. About Visual Studio: I'm sorry to say that it's not planned / officially supported. VS Code offers enough features itself without the heavy load of a full IDE. I hope that VS and VS Code soon share the same plugin/extension system but at the moment the language support for Visual Studio 201X is not planned.
  7. You can only disallow the squad.xml completly or kick players with custom files. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg Kick: In your servers config file (mostly basic.sqf ) set MaxCustomFileSize to 0 ( MaxCustomFileSize=0; ) Disallow: I heard that it's also possible by blocking ports 80,8080 and 443 via your Firewall (set it on disallow for arma 3 server only) Cheers, / Armitxes
  8. Is there a proper way to loop an animation in A3 via the config files? There is the looped attribute but setting it to true has no effect for me. I'd like to evade the common (scripted) way while {true} do { _unit playMove "AL_Anim_Peeing"; }; as playMove is broadcasted over the network every time in MP. Thanks for any leads in advance :)
  9. ---- removed content because outdated ---- Sadly the new VS update breaks all existing plugins so you must do this. Updated my first post. All new features, including 10 new themes (I recommend the high-contrast theme) and TFS are supported :) To change the Theme press F1 and then enter " >Theme " and hit enter. Now you can switch between several themes. More Infos here: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates
  10. A new version was released with all promised features. This version works much more stable than the previous one but please consider that the plugin and the editor itself is still in Alpha. New in v0.2 Remade the project from scratch for easier contribution Improved IntelliSense Added BIS functions Autocomplete for control structures Contents of strings and comments will no longer be suggested Added all operators. Operators are now highlighted in a light grey color Functions are now separately recognized and highlighted. Fixed an annoying bug where VS Code failed to tokenize the code / input. Fixed several minor bugs. Note: if some parts of your code aren't highlighted, then you may look over it again using the Wiki - the highlighter can become strict at some points to encourage a clean code. Everyone is now welcome to contribute, the project is open! Simply send me a PM with your GitHub E-Mail Address or Account name. Download: https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/archive/master.zip
  11. It's a plugin error. It'll be fixed with the next update. Also after the update is released everyone will be allowed to contribute but first I want to make a solid base for futher changes ;)
  12. Great 2 see that there is an interest :) YFI this motivates me a lot. I'll release a mayor update soon that will feature soon with tons of bugfixes and new features! Some stuff comming: - Automated code completion! This will create if, while, for, etc. statements for you and help you prevent syntax errors. - IntelliSense will distinguish between the different control structures! - Operators will receive a light grey highlighting - Content of strings and comments will no longer be suggested. - BIS functions added Please don't work on the branch for now ;)
  13. Oh yea I kind of missed that. I'm looking for every way to reduce traffic and save resources. Damned, so I guess with "static objects" only H-Barriers and Buildings are meant which can also "float" in air by default and not smaller objects as they are still affected by physics. Thanks anyways, will test around.
  14. According to the Wiki it's recommended to use enableSimulation false;, createVehicleLocal & hideObject true; as often as you can to gain a good performance and traffic boost. Now my question: Are the positions of static objects like sandbags really being transferred all the time over the network? I would like to have some sort of official confirmation before I start changing all the init-lines of our missions ^^ https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSimulation - Comment of "Krause"
  15. Armitxes

    Vulkan API instead of DX12 API

    Bohemia would have to re-write code not only for Arma 3 but also for Real Virtuality 4 (which was designed for Windows and XBox from the very beginning) to make it happen. So: not going to happen, so why even waste your time to discuss it. Maybe in Arma 4.
  16. Armitxes

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    With DX12 even +100% FPS increase was measured for some games, but at the end we can only wait to see how A3 profits from this :) Most cards, even newer ones, aren't fully DX12 compatible. Only partial support.. many factors will play a role. There are claims that some unreleased AMD-GPU even reached +800% extra performance boost but that could be just marketing.
  17. Armitxes

    500th Hour!

    xD I spend that time just in the A3 Editor, damn we are all addicted.
  18. Armitxes

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Too bad that the upgraded version is bound to the hardware ^^ a key would've been much better. Release of Windows 10 is the 29.05.2015 (yippiee) but then you are bound to your current Hardware or you must purchase it :( still perfect for my tablets & Windows Phone though.
  19. Armitxes

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Microsoft / Windows 10 haters incomming. This. "Especially a platform that has most privacy experts up in arms over it." Scared because of your privacy? Well then keep off the internet, it doesn't matter which OS you use - Windows is by far the most popular one and so in the main focus by everyone, including experts. Microsoft also had a fail with WinVista followed by a great success with Win7. History may repeat. Most never tried Windows 10 and already say it's terrible. Install it on a VM or older computer to test it out before you complain, you can even turn the app stuff (tiles) completly off.
  20. Armitxes

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Sorry, Microsoft DirectX 12 will Windows 10+ exclusive according to AMD and Nvidia (can't find Microsofts Statement, but I think they mentioned it during a MVA course) EDIT: "So DirectX 12 will, we’re told, only work with Windows 10" -rockpapershotgun
  21. Armitxes

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    DirectX 12 can drastically improve the game performance that's for sure, how much however will depend on your GPU aswell as CPU. You can only guess for the exact numbers but 10FPS extra should be an absolute minimum.
  22. Map Interaction Script for a better gameplay experience Works with Arma 2 and Arma 3 Hello Ladies! ArmA3 provides such beautiful terrains. ATM, Fishes, bees, snakes, trees.. and yet: nobody uses them. This makes me some kind of sad because it's quite simple. Fishing areas while the entire ocean is full with fishes? A manually placed ATM while a map provided ATM is right next to it? Harvesting & Mining areas while the entire map is full with resources? Triggers and Locations just to check if a player is in a certain area? Endless list... What for a complete waste! This script recognizes ALL map objects within a given range and compares it with a string array given by you. USAGE First off, to get the ID of a mapobject you simply go to the mapobject and execute following code. The id of a cellphone for example is "phonebooth_01_f" while "phonebooth" or "phone" already would be sufficient as parameter for the function hint str((nearestObjects [player, [], 10]) - [player]); The usage is simple. If you want to know if certain mapobjects/animals are close to the player you provide the IDs of the mapobjects in an array followed by the range in meters. Usage: _nearMapObjects = [_mapObjectsIdsArray,_distance] call getMapObjects; Example: _nearMapObjects = [["water","sacks_goods","b_ficusc1s","b_ficusc2d","bricks","garbage","atm_","phone"],2] call getMapObjects; if("atm_" in _nearMapObjects) then { // do whatever... } If the mapobject is within the given range, the given string will be returned. If not, then not. It's also nice to know that the Array is sorted by the distance between the player and the objects. First entry in array is the closest object to the player. You can use, modify and redistribute this script as much as you want aslong as you give the credits. /* * DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT! * Script written by Armitxes. * For usage visit: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?192645-RELEASE-Map-Interaction-Script */ getMapObjects = { private ["_check","_near","_haystack","_compare","_needle"]; _check = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _near = []; _haystack = []; { _haystack = _haystack + (toArray str(_x)); } forEach ((nearestObjects [player, [], _distance]) - [player]); { _needle = toArray _x; _needleLength = count _needle; for [{_i=0}, {_i<(count _haystack)}, {_i=_i+1}] do { if( (_haystack select _i) == (_needle select 0) && (_haystack select (_i+1)) == (_needle select 1) ) then { _compare = []; for [{_l=0}, {_l<_needleLength}, {_l=_l+1}] do { _compare = _compare + [_haystack select (_i+_l)]; }; if(count (_compare-_needle) == 0) then { _near = _near + [_x]; }; }; }; } forEach _check; _near }; Have fun! Armitxes
  23. Yesterday steam downloaded a small patch for arma 2 - nothing in the patchnotes. However, now I get this little CMD window everytime I try to start Arma... BE already messed up my streaming software and now the last patch messed up my steam overlay and whatever that .dll is. Any ideas for a fix?
  24. Armitxes

    SQF Editor

    INOFFICIAL FIX As I really loved this editor, I modified this SQF Editor a bit. It now works with all NetBeans Versions but is not longer a standalone :) Credits still go to the original creator. It's missing the new commands but I'd like to have the authors permission before I add these. It's able to open older projects aswell as NetBeans projects that didn't use this SQF Editor. Install 1 - Download NetBeans (doesn't matter which) [ https://netbeans.org/downloads/ ] 2 - Download the Editor [ https://www.dropbox.com/s/eepd7g0kjsosoe9/SQF%20Editor.zip ] 3 - Directly unzip the "SQF Editor.zip" in your NetBeans Installation folder !!! [ i.e. C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2 ] 4 - Create a shortcut of the "sqfeditor.exe" in the /bin/ folder of your NetBeans Install folder and place it on your desktop. Enjoy :)