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Everything posted by soldat_ryan

  1. soldat_ryan

    [coop 10] [NGBC]Island Conquest - D4

    Hi ck-claw, Well, if your guys don't like the revive system (i can understand that), feel free to do not use it. When you are dead, just use respawn and ignore revive indications. No ?
  2. soldat_ryan

    [coop 10] [NGBC]Island Conquest - D4

    Mission updated (links updated)
  3. It seems, Gametracker solved the problem : http://www.gametracker.com/forums/forum.php?site=1&post=342459#post342472 If you switched arma3 to arma2 type, you can switch back. :)
  4. soldat_ryan

    [coop 10] [NGBC]Island Conquest - D4

    Mission updated (V1.4) Check changelog on 1st post.
  5. Thank you cobra !! :cool: Other noob question :) : There is a way to spawn 2 or 3 helicopters because i need more than 10 places and i would like to keep AH9, or it is automatic (depending of number of players in game) :confused:
  6. HI, Something not working for me. I m using this script in extraction.sqf /* File: extraction.sqf Author: cobra4v320 */ if (!isServer || isDedicated) exitWith {}; hint "Extraction helicopter inbound"; _side = side player; private ["_startPos","_endPos","_direction"]; _startPos = MarkerPos "heliSpawnMrk"; _endPos = MarkerPos "extractMrk"; _direction = [_startPos, _endPos ] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; private ["_helisv","_heli","_heliGroup","_dir"]; switch (_side) do { case blufor:{ _helisv = [_startPos, _direction, "B_Heli_Light_01_F", blufor] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _helisv select 0; _heliGroup = _helisv select 2; _dir = direction _heli; _heli setVelocity [sin(_dir)*60,cos(_dir)*60,0]; {_x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x allowFleeing 0} forEach (units _heliGroup); }; case opfor:{ _helisv = [_startPos, _direction, "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", opfor] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _helisv select 0; _heliGroup = _helisv select 2; _dir = direction _heli; _heli setVelocity [sin(_dir)*60,cos(_dir)*60,0]; {_x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x allowFleeing 0} forEach (units _heliGroup); }; case independent:{ _helisv = [_startPos, _direction, "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", independent] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _helisv select 0; _heliGroup = _helisv select 2; _dir = direction _heli; _heli setVelocity [sin(_dir)*60,cos(_dir)*60,0]; {_x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x allowFleeing 0} forEach (units _heliGroup); }; }; _heli spawn { while { alive _this } do { player action ["collisionlightOff", _this]; //turn off lights sleep 0.01; }; }; _wp0 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [position player, 0]; _wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp0 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET IN'"]; waituntil {{_x in _heli} count (units group player) == {alive _x} count (units group player)}; _wp1 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [getPos base, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET OUT'"]; waituntil {{_x in _heli} count (units group player) == 0}; _wp2 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [_startPos, 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew vehicle this) + [vehicle this]"]; deleteMarker "heliSpawnMrk"; deleteMarker "extractMrk"; I put 2 markers on map named : heliSpawnMrk and extractMrk I add a trigger with on act : _null = [] execVM "extraction.sqf" So when the trigger is activated, the heli comes, lands then i get in, but the heli doesn't move to extract pos. It stay at the same place. :confused: What i m doing wrong ? (i tried only with editor mod)
  7. soldat_ryan

    =BTC= Revive

    Ha, thank you {HoD}Ferocious, i didn't pay attention to the new version. :) I will update it. If there is a solution for the 1st part i will be really happy ! :cool:
  8. soldat_ryan

    =BTC= Revive

    Hi all Giallustio sad about your computer, i guess it will be fix soon. Your revive is a "must have" ! I have 1 question about mobile_spawn. It is possible to delay thier activation. Currently they are available at the start of the mission. In mine i don't want them at the start but after the 1st task for exemple is achieved. I m new in edtor mission and i m almost sure it is possible to do but i don't know what i have to do. :j: (shame) Other thing, it seems the scritp do not allow to keep gear. I m using V0.93 and "BTC_respawn_gear" is set 1 but we are losing some elements at the respawn. It should not i think. Thanks by advance.:)
  9. soldat_ryan

    Admin not working

    Can you see "Logged in admin" inside the chat after using the command #login yourpass ? If no, your are not logged, so you can't use command admin :rolleyes: check your password ! If yes, and you can't kick someone, try with #userlist then #kick slotnumber when you have identify the badguy ! (it is not really the slotnumber but the incoming number)
  10. soldat_ryan

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    I should say "how" loool. Because as the noob i m, i have tried with different names but never with the good one but i found it now. Have to add "Ship". Thank you Giallustro, for your work and your help. :cool:
  11. soldat_ryan

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Hi mates, Therre is a way to lift speedboat or submarine ?
  12. soldat_ryan

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    Post to delete. Ty
  13. soldat_ryan

    Trouble with ArmA 3 Server

    ParadoxParadoxon, in regards of what Blue1 is writing here : Have you this line in your server.cfg ? ____ @Blue1 : i said i m using VM as i could have said i m using a PC or a Washing machine. It is not the problem met by ParadoxParadoxon. (I have edited my post and added () ). And Yes for me to run Arma3 server correctly it is usefull to run a VM because my main server is running under linux. Greets.
  14. soldat_ryan

    [AhoyWorld.co.uk] co40 AW Invade & Annex

    I have the same problem with my server since the BETA and it is reported in AW's forum.
  15. soldat_ryan

    Trouble with ArmA 3 Server

    This one : "arma3server.exe" I m also on WinServer 2008 running (on VM) and it solve the problem for me. Edit : Haaa and run it as administrator !
  16. soldat_ryan

    Trouble with ArmA 3 Server

    Hi, The problem with 2500ms in the server list is a problem with firewall. Add ingoing rules for Arma3 launcher (.exe) in your firewall to solve the problem. Greats.
  17. soldat_ryan

    Advance And Secure

    Awesome !! TYVM ! :)
  18. soldat_ryan

    Chat log ?

    k thanks. :)
  19. soldat_ryan

    Chat log ?

    Hi, There is a way to get chat in logs ?
  20. soldat_ryan

    Advance And Secure

    Hi Karmichael There is a way to enable "Save gear profile" in virtualbox ? I m using [AAS_H]IslandOfStratis[v5].Stratis and when i try to save my loadout it say it is not possible in this mission. BR.
  21. Squad name: Not Good But Crazy (NGBC] Timezone/location : GMT +1 France Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Mainly COOP Contact email : ngbc.team@free.fr Website address : http://www.notgoodbutcrazy.eu Group on BIS forum : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155581-NGBC-Not-Good-But-Crazy Short description : We are French Tactical Community but everyone from everywhere is welcome. Disappointed by last CODs and not totally convinced by BF3 we decide to move to ARMA III. We are a Family community oriented. Because we are playing with our children, we are asking mature and polite behavior. We are playing also on COD4, BF3, SEv2 and Minecraft. Check our forum and join us on our TS to meet us. Language: French, but poeple in the community are talking English, Danish, Italiano or German.
  22. With "voteMissionPlayers = 0" the mission set by defauilt will restart automatically.