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Everything posted by k0rd

  1. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    i think Aze mentioned something about looking into it earlier in the thread. forgive me if my memory is bad.
  2. k0rd

    wheres all my gear at?

    check this out :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175999-Arma-3-Poltergeist-Taking-the-2035-setting-and-running-with-it
  3. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    no problem. be sure to try the sample mission - it dynamically hides the code and bomb in athanos, coop 1-4 player and is actually fun for an example mission :)
  4. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    Please check out my release demonstrating MP capability : https://github.com/k0rd/defusethebomb/releases/tag/v1 This is a "midnight release" and I have written no documentation yet - the source and sample mission are provided in the zip. You can also browse the files at https://github.com/k0rd/defusethebomb/tree/master/athanos_bomb_disposal.Altis Enjoy the release!
  5. It is saying you can't use sleep there.
  6. any mirrors yet or is this still torrent only? i'd love to play with this but am (still) heavily firewalled
  7. It wouldn't seem in the character of this company to have a problem with that.
  8. k0rd

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I think the calculations for "spotting" something could use some work. I often have stuff popping on the map that I can't really see (yes, alone - not talking about my group seeing someone) and I assume the same calculations are used for AI
  9. I see serious problems in MP on the dev branch versus the stable in regards to non-local objects. The position of non-local objects is uncertain, and sometimes updates the object to be many meters from its last location. The position of non-local vehicles is often uncertain, resulting in vehicles frozen in the air where they are not really at (seemingly with physics disabled, as they 'hover' until you get in) Both of these are observed with lots of vehicles/units in the game. I tried a configuration of different machines on a healthy gigabit network. the same mission between the current stable and yesterday's dev branch (have seen the problem for a few patches now) I haven't seen anyone really talking about this, so I don't know if it is something wrong locally, or if it just doesn't show up on altis life servers so nobody else has noticed it (JOKING!)
  10. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    yes I will :) stay tuned.
  11. yeah i remember destroying bridges in agia marina - must have been removed?
  12. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fire use "FullAuto" as the mode
  13. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    I could give an example implementation, but as it is a modification only to the original script written by cobra4v320, I would only consider doing such a thing with his permission.
  14. I know exactly what you mean by mixed results. I almost feel like there is a problem where the vanilla AI will break if certain skills are set too low with setskill (resulting in a super ai - or at least a super skill for that value* maybe just a reverse case for aimingshake?). I would be interested to hear if you (as someone who is making an advanced ai) experienced anything that would suggest this? *I swear if these weren't floats I would suspect an unsigned int was the culprit. Maybe the weirdness comes from the inner way the value is interpolated by CfgAISkill? Maybe an adjusted negative value is interpolated to a 1? We can only guess :)
  15. Hi - so in a mission - I am trying to get players to be able to buy a spawn point for a coop side for 50 points using BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition. I can get it to populate the list and it works once or twice, then it starts auto-selecting my respawn location and spitting this into the rpt: Error in expression <ion_respawn = ""; } else { _position = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions se> Error position: <BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions se> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_respawnmenuposition_positions File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnMenuPosition.sqf, line 189 Error in expression < 0) exitwith {}; _commitTime = 0.5; if (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect> Error position: <BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_respawnmenuposition_systemselect File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnMenuPosition.sqf, line 148 Error in expression <ion_respawn = ""; } else { _position = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions se> Error position: <BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions se> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_respawnmenuposition_positions File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnMenuPosition.sqf, line 189 Error in expression < 0) exitwith {}; _commitTime = 0.5; if (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect> Error position: <BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_respawnmenuposition_systemselect File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnMenuPosition.sqf, line 148 i have tried using [west, <[i]string[/i] marker name as set by createmarker>] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [west, <[i]object[/i] return value of createmarker>] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [west, <[i]array[/i] position>] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; all of which will add the thing to my list, but I start getting the above problem. I found a similar problem ( http://forums.bistudio.com/archive/index.php/t-161475.html ) from last year that had already been fixed, but I am starting to thing this error is resurfacing based on my observations. I did not want to open a ticket about it because I am unsure how to get it to stop working and start spitting out errors- usually happens before 5 respawns. Any guidance on this (or confirmation that it is not working as intended) is greatly appreciated.
  16. k0rd

    Zeus overriding AI skill mods

    wow that's awful- however the other person's lag might come in to play if that person is the one who spawned the unit. (units are local to where they spawn)
  17. Hey - neat project. One note to the OP: aimingshake is the exception to the rule: 1 is worst (more shaking)
  18. k0rd

    Zeus overriding AI skill mods

    lol some of that looks like just plain lag - still hilarious though.
  19. hey there :) I have noticed that positions of non-local units seem to be way more "uncertain" than they are on the stable branch. for example, i might see a target running east - all of a sudden he will 'jump' a few meters back and be in a totally different place (sometimes even while ragdolling) I also noticed a strange issue where non-local vehicles will appear to be 'floating' midair or just in a bad location. If you then drive into that location, the vehicle will pop right into you and even cause damage sometimes.
  20. k0rd

    Simple syntax issue

    yep should work fine, change to FFgrp >0 though (only need 1 from the group to trigger)
  21. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    it does with some editing. basically you need to a) make sure the code and wire, armed, and defused states are known across all hosts (public variables) b) setup a bis_fnc_mp to add the actions to the objects (if you are spawning them in dynamically) c) make sure you propagate the states from A when they change (edit) almost forgot d) a handler and public variable for the timer. there may be something else that i'm forgetting, but yes - it does end up working. The only thing that doesn't work for me is jip during a bomb sequence after the code and wire have been generated (the jip player only gets empty arrays because i initialize the variables in init!)
  22. k0rd

    Simple syntax issue

    {group _x == FFGrp} count thislist > 0
  23. if the trigger is already INDEPENDENT PRESENT then thislist won't contain EAST or WEST units anyway.
  24. yeah i think the virtual entity is to make a zeus slot on the mission
  25. k0rd

    Ifrit and Hunter - Armour Change

    I would love to see this for damage that wouldn't really explode the vehicle. I mean, it's satisfying to turn vehicles into fireballs with small arms fire, but a smart smoke effect would really add to immersion.