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Everything posted by k0rd

  1. even the basic usage in the repro ^^ can make a mission look very slick.
  2. upvoted, thanks for putting in the legwork on this :)
  3. looking good and working well :) highlighted items and quantities are much easier to see - thanks for that!
  4. Sure, I would suggest the following changes - it allows the person starting the mission to be able to set the time using "parameters" at the role select screen, which it looks like is what the script is trying to do with skipTime. first, I would change //Mission parameters skiptime (paramsArray select 0); sleep 5; to _time = (paramsarray select 0); if (isserver) then { setDate [2035, 7, 6, _time, 0]; }; //no need for a sleep in init.sqf Then add the following to description.ext: class Params { class paramZero { title = "Start the mission at the following time :"; values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23}; texts[] = {"00:00", "01:00", "02:00", "03:00", "04:00", "05:00", "06:00", "07:00", "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00 (Default)", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00"}; default = 12; //high noon }; } The alternative is to just remove the skipTime line from your init.sqf, if you don't want the mission host to be able to control the start time.
  5. k0rd

    Extend Action Timer

    It sounds like he wants to extend the time that it takes a repair specialist to repair a vehicle, not modify a custom scripted vehicle repair.
  6. Description.ext, in the header class, see: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#header
  7. Hi there. I believe it is to make a helicopter circle around the waypoint, and should be assigned to a helicopter for proper usage.
  8. This was a very interesting video. Earlier in the referenced ticket GhostOne seemed to think that the original repro was somehow tainted by troopmon3. When I get home from work, I might try to repro without troopmon3 (if you haven't already) a couple of times to see if they can find me down there. (also, I was hoping we could bring the discussion back to AI :D )
  9. This was my favorite gamemode back at release. When everyone started moving to coop modes and wasteland, the servers using this mode were all empty.. and I've been playing in the editor ever since.
  10. k0rd

    setovercast broken ?

    nice workaround :) thanks for the tip!
  11. I think the blitzkrieg missions have a stance indicator -
  12. you are missing class Params in description.ext, but skipping time based on the paramsarray. Not sure if this would cause your init to stop processing or not, but worth a look.
  13. I've tried to use some of the site types from configs (Site_BLUFOR, Site_Minefield, Site_Empty, etc..) to no avail (both unqualified and with full>>config>>path) I don't get an error when I use it as documented, (such as "Site_BLUFOR" createSite [getmarkerpos "a"]), but it returns a null-object. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has gotten this thing to work in current builds. The syntax in the OP doesn't work anymore, either (createSite pos), fyi.
  14. k0rd

    setovercast broken ?

    I noticed SimulWeatherSync, but wasn't sure what it's actual purpose was.
  15. k0rd

    Arma your costing me!! :D

    congrats on your new gear - you'll enjoy some good gaming with that setup :)
  16. k0rd

    Better optimisation at release ?

    Optimization is a delicate process in complex applications. It is generally best to wait until all the parts are in place before you dedicate time to making those parts work together faster. That isn't to say that small, obvious optimizations won't be ongoing - just that there will likely be a very large and very effective optimization process that will take place just before release candidate time :)
  17. k0rd

    setovercast broken ?

    setovercast seems to eventually work. In a WIP mission, I have random weather - setovercast doesn't seem to work at the very beginning of the mission, but the subsequent setovercast 30 minutes later seems to work.
  18. I think hideOnUse just closes the action menu after you select the item, setting it to FALSE leaves the action menu open.
  19. k0rd

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well said!
  20. you do not appear to be using setVehicleVarName anywhere in your second example
  21. He's not saying that at all. He's implying that you shouldn't be surprised, probably because your code would never even print the hint *unless* _unitname was nil. If you want to assign _unitname to the newly set vehiclevarname, you should probably stick another _unitname = vehicleVarName _Vcl; in there after you setVehicleVarName.
  22. It should run the function for any JIP players - that is what the 2nd "true" is for in the array that we give to bis_fnc_mp.
  23. You will probably see a lot of log nonsense related to the Khaybar optics change. If you play on a server with today's version, you will not see that stutter (or the errors in the log :) ).
  24. No problem at all. By the way, you should probably move [[_netid,_id],"FNC_DOSEARCH",true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; down under the code for your document search, that way it will wait until you are finished searching the object to update the tasks and send the hint. edit: to clarify: intel2.sqf _id = _this select 2; _netid = netID (_this select 0); 0 = (_this select 1) spawn { _this switchmove "AinvPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; sleep 1; _this enablesimulation false; sleep 10; _this enablesimulation true }; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents .."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ..."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents .."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ..."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents .."; sleep 1; hint "Searching Documents ..."; hint "You found a Document indicating a Weapons Cache Location."; sleep 6; [[_netid,_id],"FNC_DOSEARCH1",true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;