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Everything posted by KiloSwiss

  1. KiloSwiss

    Text on billboard print from a variable.

    _texture = [0, format["#(rgb,512,512,3)text(0, 1, ""PuristaBold"", 0.2, ""#ffffff00"", ""#6aa84f"", Hello %1\nWelcome to\nour server)", name player]]; object setObjectTexture _texture; Result: https://imgur.com/a/7MVaddX
  2. KiloSwiss

    Autonomous Render Manager

    Hey just wanted to let you know that your script inspired me to go and work on my own (using a scripted "draw3D" MissionEventHandler rather than a *.FSM) just for fun and that I'm currently working on a UI implementation for it as well. As I think having an easy accessible menu is much more convenient for the user(s) than having to fumble with their view distance sliders. Once I get it worked out (I hate dialogs/dialog controls) I will be more than happy to share that with you (so you can use it for your own mod). Just let me know if you're interested. Current WIP screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/109BI2i.jpg
  3. KiloSwiss

    Autonomous Render Manager

    Little tip: Use cameraOn rather than player / vehicle player, or the script won't work properly when remote controlling a UAV.
  4. Maybe using serverTime rather than time is the solution here.
  5. KiloSwiss

    ARMA 4K streaming live.. how?

    Just try it. Run OBS, use NVENC and stream to YT with a bitrate of ~50'000 Kbps More details/settings here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702/
  6. Yep I use getMass _vehicle multiplied by a factor of 1.2 up to 8 (depending on the vehicle and whether it is upside down) in my vehicle unflip script.
  7. KiloSwiss

    Medals and skills

    Also: unit setAnimSpeedCoef 1.05; Makes the unit move a bit faster.
  8. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleHeal This is better than a trigger with damage pilot <= 0.25
  9. KiloSwiss

    How to store a code.

    If this is just an example of how to store and call/execute code in a variable then: _la = {sleep 1}; hint "t"; call _la; hint "t1"; Otherwise:hint "t"; sleep 1 hint "t1";
  10. KiloSwiss

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Started on 05 March 2013 and with over 200 pages, the problem(s) discussed in this thread should finally been recognized by BIS. https://twitter.com/KiloSwiss/status/665926929900568576 The RV4 Engine does not run well on modern PCs and ArmA3 is a PC exclusive, not a shitty port from consoles. I really like BIS and the Arma series, but as long as the performance (especially in multiplayer) is that low, i can't have fun playing A3 any longer, i always wonder "why does it only use 1 + 1/2 Core, why does it run that bad, why is it so poorly optimized for current systems, it's a PC exclusive game FFS"
  11. Scratch the first part (hidden inside the spoiler) it seems using preprocessors inside the mission.sqm does no longer work in Arma3! For faster time: File: init.sqf if(isServer)then{setTimeMultiplier <#>};Or file: initServer.sqf setTimeMultiplier <#>;Wiki pages:https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTimeMultiplier Greez Kilo
  12. It shouldn't matter if there are any objects or if there is water on the terrain, it was for testing if the function is somehow broken when feeded with the parameters xBowBii postet. But I also tested it on the same Island where he got the error, see my last post.
  13. Executed several times on Altis, with no errors showing up. Do you use the same version of Arma3, maybe you opted into the Dev Branch and something is broken there, idk. Make sure you use the stable/release branch and also verify the integrity of the gamecache (both in Steam: Library -> Rightklick on Arma3 -> Properties) and als try it without any mods loaded.
  14. @terox systemchat format ["Position: %1",true]; Will always display the string "Position: true" in systemChannel, even when the called function before throws an error. @xBowBii Your example is working fine. _position = [[14291,14854,0],0,12000,5,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //Returns: _position == [18801.8,21845.5] on Map VR //productVersion = ["Arma 3","Arma3",152,132676,"Stable",false]
  15. I wrote that once for a single use and thought I would never use it again, but here you go: //Get all buildings on an Island (also catches editor placed (or spawned via script) buildings). private ["_toClipboard","_toLogfile","_start","_mapSize","_center","_radius","_buildings"]; _toClipboard = false; _toLogfile = true; _start = diag_tickTime; _mapSize = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize"); _center = [(_mapSize/2), (_mapSize/2), 0]; _radius = [0,0,0] distance _center; _buildings = []; if(_toLogfile)then{diag_log format["##### Building list for Island %1 #####", str worldName]}; { if(_toLogfile)then{diag_log format["%1 : %2",typeOf _x, getPos _x]}; _buildings pushBack [typeOf _x, getPos _x]; }forEach (_center nearObjects ["Building", _radius]); if(_toClipboard)then{copyToClipboard str _buildings}; hint format["\nIsland: %1\n\nBuildings: %2\nWritten to logfile: %3\nSaved to Clipboard: %4\nProcessing Time: %5", worldName, count _buildings, if(_toLogfile)then[{"Yes"},{"No"}], if(_toClipboard)then[{"Yes"},{"No"}], diag_tickTime - _start];
  16. KiloSwiss

    execVM variable trouble

    Yes typeName "Plane" does not even exist. It should/could either be typeName _plane != "Object" OR ! _plane isKindOf "Air" And what is that: _plane setVectorUp [(_markerPos select 0), (_markerPos select 1), _altitude]; It seems You expect setVectorUp to do something else than it actually does. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp Try setPosATL instead.
  17. AFAIK this should work too: "className" isKindOf "Throw" <- No this does not work! // Returns true or false Read the comments in the BIS Arma Wiki for other possible solutions: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isKindOf /edit This works: (getText(configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "className" >> "selectionFireAnim") == "zasleh"); But the solution posted by Larrow is actually the most reliable so you should stick to this.
  18. No if you are talking about a mod (modification of cfgConfig files and new models + textures) that can be added to any vehicles gear, like magazines, NVG or a hat. But if the Item is not a "real" usable item, but just belongs to some kind of scripted inventory and is more or less just an image file you can add it directly into the Mission file. And just for clarification: You can't add mods to the mission file and/or load mods from within the mission file.
  19. First assign the vehicle(s) to the group, then assign the roles for all units and order them to getIn after you set allowGetIn to true. And make sure the vehicles are not locked.
  20. Try to group the aired vehicles with a OpFor unit.
  21. for "_i" from 1 to 6 do { this addmagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 1]; };
  22. KiloSwiss

    How to disable chat spam

    Disable the systemChat in description.ext, via disableChannels https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#disableChannels
  23. VoiceControl Script by KiloSwiss Brief Overview: Restrict only Voice for some channels without disabling them completely. Players can still write in "blocked" channels, only talking is permitted. This script aims towards public servers where admins always have to decide between blocking side/global channels completely (thus restrain communication abilitys for all players) or leave them open and therefore constantly have to administrate some "individuals" that abuse the VON to annoy other people on the same team or even the whole server. Credits: Credit goes to SaMatra (for pointing me into the right direction) and also to KillzoneKid (for his script that is used to detect if a player starts talking). Pros: Voice communication (over VON) is blocked in certain (pre defined) channels. Players can still use those channels to write text (warn their team, contact an admin, etc). Admins (defined in a separate file) can always talk in Global/Sidechannel. The script also recognizes if a client logs in as admin (#login xyz) or logs out (#logout), and grants/revokes him the rights to talk. You can define different channel presets for "regular players", "group leaders" and "administrators" (see the readme file for more details). If a group leader takes place in a commander seat of a vehicle, he gets access to the Command Channel (if he leaves this seat, the channel gets disabled again). Disabled channels (via disableChannels setting in description.ext) are overwritten by this script, so admins can talk/write in global, even if this channel is disabled! Cons: N/A Known Issues: A very short segment (a fracture of a second) of players voice, is still transmitted, before the script "kicks" in. Download: VoiceControl (Armaholic.com) VoiceControl.zip (DropBox) A installation and readme file is included in the download, as well as a (useless) example mission. Additional information: The script runs completely clientside. Players are warned with a loud sound and a text message. The message includes a hint on how to switch between channels. By default* the players have access to the following channels: Regular player: Direct, Vehicle, Group Group leader: Direct, Vehicle, Group, Side (+Command if in commander seat) Admin: Direct, Vehicle, Group, Side, Command, Global *default means, by using the files as provided and with "disableChannels[]={2,6};" in description.ext. Raise the awareness: If you use this script, inform players when they log in, so players that have turned off voice completely (to avoid the annoying "individuals") are aware of the active restriction and hopefully turn their voice back on, to successfully participate in a active communication within their team/group! Important: If You would rather have a hardcoded option to disable VON separated from disabling the whole channel, then please vote for this issue here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9624 Take your two minutes to register and vote this issue up, so we raise the possibility to get a hardcoded option, instead of having to rely on a bulky/ugly scripted workaround. Greez KiloSwiss