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Everything posted by killzone_kid

  1. killzone_kid

    Problem with Fog

    @HereIsJones Did you also use mods? From the video above it looks like there is another script fighting with engine fog, could be desync and packet loss but ace most likely has own weather handling
  2. The content of that script is [_this, "black", false, false] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; you can see how it is not going to work, can you? you are passing array to _this, but it expects an object. My PC says even that the script cannot be found. Just add this in init [this, "black", false, false] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; instead. There were some fixes too to the way it works so, expect those in the next update but if you are serious retextering vehicles -> https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_Customization
  3. It is in the command description The AI group is a separate entity, it is an object just like unit is an object. you can set behaviour of this object just like you can set behaviour of the unit, this is why you need setCombatBehaviour command, because setBehavior command sets behaviour only on unit but for every unit in the group even if argument is just 1 unit
  4. include base defines (#include "baseDefines.hpp") first then the error will tell you in which other file it is redefined
  5. Like this: _arr = [objNull, objNull, objNull, objNull, objNull]; _maxUnits = 3; while { count _arr > _maxUnits } do { deleteVehicle (_arr deleteAt (count arr - 1)); }; _arr
  6. It is there on every relevant page
  7. Is it your server? Then you are in control what to allow and what to restrict. I suggest you look up how the BE filters work first
  8. killzone_kid

    execVM return value

    Is this still the case? I seem to remember this was going to be addressed
  9. You can have player joining into some default unit then create whatever unit and selectPlayer into it
  10. Only noticed it today. If you want help, discord is where it at
  11. killzone_kid

    What type of error is this?

    Sure there is, just look in .rpt file
  12. Once again, deleteVehicle will delete whatever from any client, most likely you are looking at the wrong cause
  13. deletevehicle is global command why do you want to use remoteexec? it already can be executed from any client or server
  14. killzone_kid

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    you can break someone's mod with old commands as well
  15. killzone_kid

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    How do you mean? New commands were added, old commands were NOT altered.
  16. killzone_kid

    Get Handle on Ctrl

    From next dev you dont need display if you have dialog open _control = displayCtrl idc https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/displayCtrl
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlMapSetPosition rev.147653
  18. killzone_kid

    Ghost objects

    Should be fixed since rev.147434
  19. killzone_kid

    execVM not running?

    It is not, there is absolutely nothing wrong in capturing return of the spawn command into a dummy global variable, please do not confuse people.
  20. killzone_kid

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Allows to set different behaviour for different units within the same group and set behaviour for the group itself instead of forcing the same behaviour on all units and the group
  21. killzone_kid

    Ghost objects

    Thank you for the repro, no need for the FT ticket, I gotcha!
  22. killzone_kid

    callExtention return' not hinting.

    doesnt work on server
  23. killzone_kid

    Ghost objects

    You have to understand, if we cannot reproduce a bug we cannot fix it, sorry but this is how it is.
  24. killzone_kid

    Ghost objects

    Try after 2.02 if still happening make a ticket with repro here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/1/
  25. If your server host doesn't want you to store data server side, maybe you should find another host