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Everything posted by felthat

  1. felthat

    Arma 3 - Pre-E3 Livestream Hangouts

    my favourite gun from csgo now joins arma
  2. felthat

    Arma 3 Trailer

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147819-Arma-3-User-Video-Thread&p=2403858&viewfull=1#post2403858 this is perfect
  3. anyone noticed fps drop and feelin game "getting slower", isnt just that smooth?
  4. felthat

    Arma3 Videos

    i love that moment :D
  5. felthat

    Arma3 Videos

    i shouldnt make videos witch such a poor quality and low fps, my eyes hurt
  6. felthat

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    young guy knows whats good
  7. felthat

    Arma3 Videos

    1:28-1:34 is it a missile? a chopper? no, its dragonfly
  8. 13.5 drivers from leshcat are out, im gonna check em out later today
  9. also id like to add that you shouldnt think of it as a beta, steam just dont have other tab than that (it had to be called that)
  10. felthat

    Just Overclocked my CPU.

    well my laptop is not happy
  11. this is thread about amd drivers, we have already several performance threads
  12. felthat

    Arma3 Videos

    camera movement is rly bad, also music doesnt fit dat walkin guy looks silly
  13. felthat

    Multiplayer unplayable! Performance issues!

    check forum, there r many threads about it also try to use less emoticons
  14. felthat

    Arma 3 MP, Is it Worth it?

    arma forum is a wrong place to ask if its worth it (btw, yes, its worth it)
  15. felthat

    Arma3 Videos

    just... wow
  16. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151115-ArmA-3-Alpha-Performance-Tweaks-and-Settings-Guide http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147533-Low-CPU-utilization-amp-Low-FPS try these
  17. felthat

    100k Sales Soon!

    Community Content Contributions- its full name i hope its clear now