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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    DOOM returns

    I loved Doom, they were awesome. I also think it was my 1st MP game i played (I think) when we linked two PS1 and had monitors back to back :D fond memories
  2. You having any luck with the Tartan Bug yet Tom ?
  3. Importing as .asc is faster than .xyz Importing you sat/mask or normal as .png also takes forever, all you can do is go watch a long movie, importing as either .tiff or .bmp is so much faster Once you have them imported though you can save the project, making loading it up almost instant, also if you change the sat/mask or normal you can give it them same name as the original, then choose 'refresh content from source' as it's faster than reimporting.
  4. I used Survival Servers once, soon regretted that and left within a month, granted it was a long time ago but it still left a bitter taste. Try http://oneprovider.com/ as they have loads of specials, great for a personal dedi as a one off, not so good if you require 10 of them, they're resellers but provide their own support.
  5. Breaking Point is free.
  6. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/seymour-hersh-plagiarism-accusation-117827.html#ixzz3ZrUA0hKC
  7. Richie

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    It's the clouds, change the settings from ultra to standard and then back to ultra fixes it, watch the clouds go blurry, then watch your FPS drop.
  8. Richie

    bulldozer over sized terrain need help

    Print screen your samplers tab You can smooth in L3DT, you can change all your terrains height etc through it, once happy recalculate it and export the files again. It's also well worth following Jakerods Atlas Guide several times to understand the basics.
  9. Richie


    Well the error has now gone but it's not removing the original buildings, it's spawning the new inside the old, see screens : http://i.imgur.com/r3T85AU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Oq8i5kK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pUMhixG.jpg This is from fnc_chernarusedit2.sqf , I've not tried the others.
  10. Richie


    fnc_chernarusedit2.sqf has an error on line 44 fnc_chernarusedit3.sqf has an error on line 42 Error in expression <ng =_FFA_HOUSES select _i; _dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding; _objVector = vecto> 9:59:51 Error position: <vectorDir _nBuilding; _objVector = vecto> 9:59:51 Error vectordir: Type Array, expected Object 9:59:51 File scripts\fnc_chernarusedit3.sqf, line 42
  11. Richie

    270km WIP project

    Did you really keep the samplers tab settings? strange values. 8.030 cell size :confused: because 2048 x 8.030 is 16445.44 For a first map i would agree with HeadPop, start small, perfect the basics and then do your monster terrain :)
  12. Richie

    Battleye down for the last few days.

    It's not just you, i also have the same : 16:12:09 | Could not connect to BE Master 16:12:09 | Update attempt failed 16:14:05 | Could not connect to BE Master 16:14:05 | Update attempt failed 16:16:01 | Could not connect to BE Master 16:16:01 | Update attempt failed 16:17:57 | Could not connect to BE Master 16:17:57 | Update attempt failed
  13. Maybe they didn't like the way you asked ? Try sending me one, i'll reply and see if it works :)
  14. Just carry on as normal and hope it's fixed by the time you're ready to release :) At least the problem has been narrowed down and the ticket is assigned.
  15. Taviana also had doors slamming around houses and branches snapping in the forests, I'd be intrested in this also.
  16. Welcome to the tartan club :) not much you can do until BI fix it, you can keep tabs on This Ticket for progress.
  17. Thanks Tom, I'm glad to hear it's being looked into :)
  18. I know there's an object builders skype group, might be worth trying to find a member and ask for an invite. If it's anything like the terrain builders skype group it's filled with the most knowledgeable and friendly guys around, good luck :)
  19. Export the polyline road again and make sure it's called roads.shp, any name apart from roads.shp won't show in BD
  20. Richie

    [WIP] The_Swamp

    I think that looks very cool, also for a first attempt top marks :)
  21. Can we have an update on Ticket 0023685 please ? Adam asked for repo steps, got them and there's been no update since ...
  22. That sounds awesome, also opens up a lot more buildings to use for terrain builders, with A3 i think people expect all buildings to be enterable, CUP fills the expectation :)
  23. Richie

    Cossac cape map, Crimea

    Very nice, looks great, job well done :)
  24. You can add it to your server.cfg, for example : hostname = "My Super Awesome Fun Server"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = "My_Admin_Password"; logFile = "A3Master.log"; verifySignatures = 2; BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 130340 ; See it on the bottom ? it will stop anyone with a lower version joining your server.
  25. Richie

    Nvida GeForce Experience and Arma 3 Beta

    Have you made a new profile in arma ? you know how the default is your PC name ? launch the game on that profile and GE will detect and optimize it, then switch back to your other profile.