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Everything posted by bludski

  1. Thanks guys! I am currently gradually giving pre release, daily build access to people who fit certain requirements and who can contribute in one of numerous ways, big and small, which we can discuss privately. #1 Requirement is being an active, trusted member of this community. Sightseers have to wait for public releases. Unlike my Cambodia terrain, Nord will NOT be made publicly available before I consider it 100% playable or it being sufficiently close to such around the time of BI jets dlc. Send me a private message with some infos about yourself. If you are one of the many who have continued to show <3 for the things I do, consider yourself invited. bludman out
  2. Hello friends! Work has resumed. Here's the proof:
  3. Almost all the huts are replaced now and a lot have been placed in new spots. Lots and lots more coming. All of them now have working collisions. I will add spawn points and more very soon. I was going to make a huge jump with a gap but yeah that didn't work so it will be a bridge ;)
  4. There are lots of stuff wrong with the huts. Mainly no collisions, no distant LODs, destruction and proper materials set up at the moment. They will be upgraded later. They are lacking detail textures too. I'm touching them up one by one as I go. Main objective atm is populating the map. Making things pretty later :)
  5. Huts all over the place! Though the models aren't completely functional yet.
  6. Looks like I will be learning blender! Nice work!
  7. http://imgur.com/a/E8L45 Hut progress can be followed in that gallery. It will be updated from start to finish. There will be ten variations.
  8. There will be new huts...
  9. The map will be pretty much exactly the same but without unsung objects. There will very soon be replacements where the huts are missing and other goodies.
  10. Thanks. It will be fixed in the next upload today.
  11. Nothing to do with taking criticism.. at all. I'm making an infantry map and that has always been the plan since day one. You make it evident that you have no use for such but a lot of others do. I don't give a rat's ass about how you guys work around me not having an airbase on the map. If you want to know, it has more about the way you do things and the circle jerk dependancies and the futility of making something look nice with ancient objects. The way you prevent people from picking out the few things they like is also kind of repulsive if you want to know I really feel about it. + several other reason that don't really matter to anyone here.
  12. Well then soon you will see some buildings in the empty spots :) Steam page is updated.
  13. I'm staying in the same time window and same location. Nothing modern. French settlers left long ago and local Khmer don't like stone buildings and only drive ox carts. Only difference is no mod requirements and less lower back pain for me, resulting in a better boonie map for infantry combat for everybody. Any custom objects I make will be old Khmer stuff except state police and abandoned french buildings.
  14. I have decided to remove unsung requirement from this map because major philosophical differences with the unsung mod and my motives for spending time creating a map for arma. Next version uploaded to steam will be standalone and have nothing to do with the vietnam conflict.
  15. One of these day's i'll have removed all the grass inside the individual base situations. So much to do!
  16. - No - No , spawn them slightly above so they dropo onto it. - No. The map is not made for jets.
  17. I was told ALIVE guys have the map on their to do list (on the bottom), I know others have failed to index it for some reasons. I personally have no idea what that entails as I have never used ALIVE myself. If it is an extensive process I assume it is best to wait a couple of weeks until 1.0 is live. I am about to start work on the standalone version.
  18. Thank you. I have also noticed that some times AI will stand on the ground below the huts. Unfortunately nothing I can do about that as I only use the objects. I didn't create them. Do post your missions in this thread though when you are happy with them!
  19. The map is on hold until i finish the cambodia one.. this one is on storage atm and i don't have a working one to screenshot currently.
  20. I'm not too worried about that asshole.. He probably has a trick or two up his sleve when he makes his homeland anyhow;)
  21. Heheheee The other map will take a LONG time to make. If this one takes 3 months to make then i guess it is a year left when I resume working on the other one ;)
  22. Entirely new sat colour and normal maps from the ground up. Another clearing had a village added. Uploading to steam now :3