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Everything posted by massasster

  1. After a civil war broke out on the island of Altis the government had lost control of the army. Three factions remained on the island, The Loyalists (Those who remained loyal to the current president), The Separatists (Those who wanted the current president removed from office), and The Independents (Those who wanted nothing more than to see the island of Altis burn). You are part of a NATO special operations team who’s tasked with securing several stock piles of chemical weapons today. The island has been home to some very lethal weapons and with all out civil war going on, this is no time to leave them unsecured. We have been assured we have full access to the Chemical Weapons by the government; they have even designated a scientist to help us gain access to the storage areas. A convoy is about to leave the NATO base to provide today’s security, gear up for the day and board the HEMTT http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=24770489994895414811 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265914276 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This has actually been around while, I took a rather long break from Arma 3 - I've recently updated the mission file to function with the changes made during my absence as well as disabled the fatigue. There is a bit of ground movement and the over exhaustion was not adding anything to the mission.
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/id/massasster/myworkshopfiles/
  3. NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1340408338, users.card=0 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1340408338 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1340408338 (MassAsster) NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1340408338, users.card=0 updated my server 56, removed CBA , updated my client 56, disabled CBA, when I connect , I get hung up and after hitting ESC- I get "kicked from server" now I get this crap in the rpt file....
  4. I have not, that is an interesting Idea. Not sure why that would cause the errors I'm seeing - but hell , It's worth a shot! ---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ---------- I think that actually resolved it - :o
  5. I've attempted to run a few maps where the objectives simply don't spawn (IE: Domination_GITS), but under a windows server these maps run fine. Has anyone experienced this, and if so- anyone found a work around? (Not interested in running WINE )
  6. massasster

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Amazing... another fine well programmed production from Bohemia.. Thanks BIS!
  7. massasster

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Having issues getting the objectives to spawn - I'm assuming a radio tower is suppose to spawn and something to actually capture? We are on a dedicated Linux box, I'll PM you the IP/password to login as admin and you can check it out yourself
  8. massasster

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    Yeah positive, it's the first thing I do - take down the tower - I remember the mission clearly - it was the castle at the hill peak - we took the tower, invaded the castle killing every single AI. I remember, because it was extremely painful to hunt down the last of them. At that point I ran a few tests and found the count list to be non-functional. I'm un-sure of the cause, be it linux or another freak thing - but it was just flat out not going to let us move on. I know what your saying about the mission file being linear , but the tower was not the hold up :(
  9. massasster

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    yeah I did notice that - the trigger was absolutely just failing to "trigger" no matter what using count list _dt - I'm not sure if it's a linux issue or what - I had to come up with a work around and counting all the units on the OPFOR was the logical quick fix. Look forward to your next release! if you wanted to look at my quick fix ( http://es-gamers.com/invadeannex.Altis.pbo )
  10. massasster

    [MP] Invade & Annex [COOP]

    I was having issues getting your mission end to trigger, for the life of me the "count list" using the trigger just would not function correctly. changes I made removed AO Detection trigger _dt //---------------------------------------------- WHEN ENEMIES KILLED waitUntil {sleep 15; _OPFORCount = {(side _x) == east} count allUnits; _OPFORCount < 10; _pos44 = format [ "Bad Guys: %1 Left", _OPFORCount ]; GlobalHint = _pos44; hint parseText GlobalHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; }; currentAOUp = false; publicVariable "currentAOUp"; _targetArray = _targetArray - [currentAO]; //---------------------------------------------- DE-BRIEF 1 Just seemed like a cleaner way to do it, but it's not tested yet - if you have any suggestions as to why the current method of count list isn't working - please let me know!
  11. the latest version of Arma 3 and this script is leaving a "halo" visual effect on the start of missions, as if your under fire or already wounded - any idea on how to correct this ?
  12. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    Updated to include Zeus and a new revive system DOWNLOAD HERE v1.5
  13. A 6 Part Single/Cooperative Campaign following a select group of soldiers dubbed ECHO team. Designed for the hard core player, no respawns, no hand holding and no virtual ammo loadouts. Play in selectable EASY, MED, or HARD modes via Parameters. DOWNLOAD HERE v 1.2 Armaholic mirror: - Campaign : The Echo Diary OR stay up to date on steam workshop http://steamcommunity.com/id/massasster/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  14. So I've loaded in some custom uniforms for my units - set my units to use the uniforms in the ini of the unit it's self this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"uniform\loadout.jpg"]; and for multiplayer i exec a script u1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"uniform\loadout.jpg"]; all works well when you have the map inside your MPMissions folder, uniforms show everything is fine.. I can host it, no problems no errors.. as soon as you attempt to host it and play it via workshop, tells me it cannot load the texture from mpmission/__cur_mp.pbo any one have any idea on this ?
  15. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    Yeah, they are selections from various songs - EDM (Electronic Dance Music) I've changed them up over time, but I've used/am using: Borgore & DJ Carnage - Incredible (Original Mix) Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna John Legend - Made to Love Kid Cudi ft Collie Buddz - Day N Nite Remix / Kid Cudi vs. Crookers - Day 'n' Night Knife Party - LRAD Showtek & Justin Prime - Cannonball (Original Mix) HQ Skorge - Sail (AWOLNATION DUBSTEP RMX) Skrillex - Recess with Kill the Noise, Fatman Scoop, and Michael Angelakos [AUDIO] Steve Aoki & Chris Lake & Tujamo - Boneless (Original Mix)
  16. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    well done man! Really enjoyed the videos, it helps to see how you play so that future missions can be laid out better. This was a first go around back when alpha/beta were released and it's been updated slowly as patches and such dictate. Performance was always an issue on the 5th and 6th mission - I think the last updated I pushed out really knocked down some "intensity" but it was required to hold a decent FPS during the game play. As I said, really enjoyed the videos and thank you for sharing!
  17. massasster

    Realistic Seat Belt Script

    this seems like the logical thing! would love to see that added. variable of belt-on should do the trick
  18. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    Updated files, both on steam workshop and for download DOWNLOAD HERE v1.4
  19. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    Yeah, that's a really good point, I'll probably change that up to load in a "VIP" into one of the convoy vehicles :)
  20. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    Yes - works on dedicated as well as hosted.
  21. massasster

    [Co-Op][SP/MP] Campaign: The Echo Diary (1-6)

    DOWNLOAD HERE v 1.3 updated for latest release of Arma 3
  22. massasster

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    What they said
  23. This is driving me up the wall.. can anyone tell me why this does not work? _car2 = [[(_position select 0)+ 65, _position select 1, 0],[(_position select 0)+ 40, _position select 1, 0],50,2,"Ural_ZU23_CDF",1] spawn vehicle_patrol; _car2 setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",.02]; _car2 setSkill ["aimingShake",.25]; _car2 setSkill ["aimingSpeed",.50]; _car2 setSkill ["endurance",.80]; _car2 setSkill ["spotDistance",.50]; _car2 setSkill ["spotTime",.60]; _car2 setSkill ["courage",.80]; _car2 setSkill ["reloadspeed",.50]; _car2 setSkill ["commanding",.80]; _car2 setSkill ["general",.50]; 9:20:26 Error in expression <2",1] spawn vehicle_patrol; }; _car1 setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",.02]; _car1 s> 9:20:26 Error position: <setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",.02]; _car1 s> 9:20:26 Error setskill: Type Script, expected Object This: [[(_position select 0)+ 65, _position select 1, 0],[(_position select 0)+ 40, _position select 1, 0],50,2,"Ural_ZU23_CDF",1] spawn vehicle_patrol; by it's self - functions fine, but the AI skill of the vehicle is set to "1", IE: Aimbot... ---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ---------- disregard, figured this one out
  24. verb: rant; 3rd person present: rants; past tense: ranted; past participle: ranted; gerund or present participle: ranting 1. To speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.