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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. dezkit

    Throttle problem

  2. How come not every chopper has a HUD? I mean if you look around using the ALT key you can deduce that the helmet displays the HUD. So why not have the HUD for every chopper?
  3. dezkit

    So I bought this on alpha release.

    You expect anybody to read that wall of incoherent rambling? Use punctuation, paragraphs, and better grammar.
  4. Tuesday will be 0.78 Wednesday will be 0.79 Thursday will be 1.02
  5. Just so you guys know, the game version in launch will be 1.02 not 1.00.
  6. It makes it look like you are looking through the eyes of a soldier! so immersion arma 3 wow bis reality virtuality realism wow
  7. dezkit

    Joystick Users

    I recently bought a joystick in order to fly jets in this game. I'm very happy I bought it, it makes the game feel much more immersive, but I have a big issue. The throttle axis on my joystick can be assigned in a very unique way from other flight simulators. You can assign the top 50% of the axis to increase thrust and the bottom 50% to decrease thrust. In other games, the throttle works by being on the whole axis, meaning that 20% of the throttle was slower then 80% of the throttle. Currently in ArmA 3, it works similar to this: Anything below 50% completely stops the jet, and anything above 50% accelerates it. That means if we were to maintain a certain speed we would have to attempt to put the lever at exactly 50%, otherwise the jet would either slow down or speed up. I have tried searching the feedback tracker and found nothing so I created a ticket. I hope BIS will fix this issue. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14106
  8. dezkit

    Joystick Users

    I came up with an idea for the devs. There should be two new options added to both plane movement and helicopter movement, Increase Throttle and Decrease Throttle. This should be really easy to program into the options and not interfere with the default. Also, this should replace the analogue controls since the analogue controls and the regular ones basically do the same thing.
  9. Three days and only a small dev build patch, I can sense that BIS is wanting to surprise us all at launch!
  10. dezkit

    Disable Autorudder?

    well no shit... that's basic physics...
  11. I think it would be really cool if somebody can reskin the CH-49 Mohawk to look like Marine One, the helicopter of the President of the United States. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/VH-60_Marine_One.jpg (909 kB) I have a lot of Photoshop experience and I can do this reskinning, but I can't seem to make TexView 2 to work on my computer.
  12. dezkit

    Marine One

    Oh Sorry. Thank you
  13. Damn i wish BIS worked on weekends. I really wanted to see some dev changes today and yesterday :(
  14. dezkit

    Disable Autorudder?

    No. Just make sure nothing is assigned to Left Turn and Right Turn. That is whats making you yaw and pitch at the same time.
  15. Does anybody else feel how the jet slightly turns to the right when on the ground as your taking off?
  16. dezkit

    Disable Autorudder?

    You can even disable it now! What you have to do is set mouse left and mouse right to bank left and bank right respectively, and you set x and c to left pedal and right pedal respectively. Make sure you don't have right and left turn set to anything. That's the issue there. Also I recommend you use A and D instead of X and C for the pedals. Makes it feel a lot sexier
  17. because bohemia interactiveâ„¢
  18. dezkit

    Server hosting issue

    is reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; in ur config?
  19. dezkit

    Joystick Users

    exactly the situation im having
  20. Oh god it can refuel other aircraft too? Imagine if BIS actually made that possible? wWowowOWoWowowoWOWOwowowo
  21. this game is set 100 years after ww2.
  22. i don't understand why people hate steam in this forum. i've never seen anything like it. what is this, 2003?