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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. dezkit

    Head Tracking

    Just wondering, the ticket that I posted is listed as Reviewed now. What does this mean?
  2. The public relations in the company is very poor compared to other video game companies like Riot Games, Valve, Blizzard. Basically I only see like two people posting in the forum: Dwarden and DnA. That's it. Because of this poor customer-employee relationship, we the customers are always left in the dust when it comes to specific upcoming details. Sometimes we don't want to know whether something "good" is coming, we want to know what that is specifically. A successful company has to have employees reach out to the customer about stuff. This company barely acknowledges any criticism or question when confronted, essentially ignoring the customer. The feedback tracker is an issue too. I don't know how to make a developer to reply to my posts. It's a hit and miss. I spent good time finding some bugs and features in the game and posted them all on the tracker. 3 of the ones I submitted got reviewed. Of the 3 reviewed, 2 were left untouched and only one got resolved. The one that got resolved is very minute, minuscule in value that takes half a second to fix. The more bigger problems are left unreplied. I just want at least an acknowledgement of a developer that the issues I posted exists. The customer doesn't like being left in the dust. In summary, I just want BI to have a better customer-employee relationship. I think it will be awesome if all employees of the company, not just Dwarden, can communicate in this forum. It feels as if all the other employees are too lazy, or are just afraid of posting anything because the CEO might fire them for leaking. I don't know what the issue here is, but all I know is that I love BI with my heart and will continue to support it. Thanks for reading.
  3. dezkit

    Head Tracking

    It is a problem for me because landing, both airplane and helicopter, is extremely difficult if you can't look over the obstacles blocking your view. i.e. when you are going in for landing from the right or left of the runway in the buzzard, the little lines block your view. You should be able to look over this obstacle.
  4. dezkit

    Head Tracking

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15127 That is the link to the feedback tracker. Dwarden, is there a way to get an answer to the ticket? Because some of the tickets I had made have been marked as assigned but do not even have a reply from a dev. Thanks man!
  5. dezkit

    2 CAS Aircraft remain unknown. What if?

    Not sure. I'm an idiot when it comes to military lingo.
  6. dezkit

    2 CAS Aircraft remain unknown. What if?

    I want at least 1 of the 2 CAS airplanes to be released to be a Cargo Plane.
  7. dezkit

    Head Tracking

    I just tried it in the chopper. It's piss poor. Theres only 2 DOF worth using in ArmA 3, all others are 10% functional
  8. I'm currently looking at the metacritic scores for recently released PC games, and it seems that ArmA 3 is one of the top 4 lowest! This should be a sign to BIS
  9. dezkit

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    the engine could barely hold itself
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNuznRRvolU Questions/comments?
  11. Just stop being in this thread. I edited the OP to suit your 10 year old needs.
  12. Great answer guys! Really nice contribution!
  13. I think it sort of bounces, but it might be the suspension. I couldn't tell I was in first person the whole time
  14. The aircraft is perfect but needs to be reconfigured a bit because it's very rough/bumpy when landing!
  15. I've never seen a business jet or learjet in this game before. Can anybody be kind as to make one?
  16. dezkit


    I have the same problem.
  17. Pressing L does not turn on/off the collision lights.
  18. dezkit

    Emerency Floats For Arma 3

    That's a good idea that should be easily done with a simple script. I don't think BI will add it to the game though.
  19. Why would a dev branch need WEEKS of testing then?
  20. New campaign mission and new vehicles confirmed for monday's dev build.
  21. dezkit

    No servers showing in multiplayer

    Look in your filter
  22. I'm going to be on dev branch. Why? Because tomorrow two new airplanes are being released along with the first episode of campaign.