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Everything posted by bakerman

  1. bakerman


    If you're having AI problems take a look at this page. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI
  2. I'm getting MX 6.5mm silencer sounds when firing the GL. So far I've only tested this with the BLUFOR Special Forces JTAC. I'm also getting strange listed names for the grenades, like "$32_&ha". Anybody else getting this?
  3. bakerman

    Marshall vs. Patria AMV

    Take a deep breath. The Denel LTC30 turret comes in multiple versions and has a somewhat modular design, the CITV being one of the many add-on options available. Currently the LTC30 uses the ATK 30mm Mk44 Bushmaster, it isn't a big stretch of the imagination to think that future versions will use the ATK Mk44 Bushmaster Super 40 (which, surprise, uses 40mm). Notice that there is no CITV on this variant and it looks a lot like the one used in the game. The optional addons this turret can equip is not limited to CITV. Edit: While the stock configuration of the turret has space set out for two crew members the turret can operate with only one AFAIK. Example: No CITV = No need for a commander to operate the vehicle in its entirety, so now you can use the open space for ammo storage or w/e. The level of self entitlement in this thread is too damn high.
  4. Hello everybody, I'm hoping that somebody could provide with some help, it would be greatly appreciated. :) Active protection systems like the Israeli Trophy and Russian ARENA are tried and tested technologies that detect and intercept incoming threats (usually rockets). My aim is to create a script that will do something similar in-game. IMO this script will balance guided munitions like DAGRs by providing vehicles and ground stations with a limited layer of protection. I would also like to incorporate this into an iron dome system at a later stage. I already have an idea of what needs to be done and some of basic scripts are functioning, but I'm stuck with some of the more advanced stuff. At this testing stage I'm using the IncomingMissile event to identify threats, I'm also looking at FiredNear and Fired. My script can detect the threat and identify its origin, what I can't get it to do is to identify the incoming threat itself. I want to use that information to prematurely detonate the fired round/rocket; That is if it's even possible to do that, if it's not then I thought of maybe quickly spawning an object to block the path of the incoming threat which will detonate it on contact. TLDR version 1. How can I get all of the available information, especially the velocity and position, from a fired round/rocket? 2. How can I forcefully detonate a fired round/rocket midair?
  5. You really work fast. :eek: Keep up the awesome work! From the blog
  6. Same thing happened to me and a few of my friends. I think it has to do with the small patch that was released while we were downloading the update. Instead of downloading the extra +-160mb afterwards, steam deleted all of the progress and started again from scratch. Fun.
  7. I have a nice audio setup and I don't understand the rage. Sure the sound is not perfect, far from it, but they are working on it. Never forget that this is an alpha so try to give constructive criticism & feedback. Anyone else notice only the "D" from "DAGR" is visible when it's selected in a KA60?
  8. bakerman

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Haha the new 6x6 vehicle's name really is the "ARMA 6x6". :p Here's a link to manufacturer's page. http://www.otokar.com.tr/tr/urunler/urun_detay.aspx?urun=102 It's also amphibious.
  9. bakerman

    Force Vehicle lights on?

    You'll have to change "VEHICLE_NAME" to the name of the vehicle you wish to edit. You can put that line in the unit init or in a trigger, doesn't really matter.
  10. bakerman

    Force Vehicle lights on?

    ^ This. To be fair, that section is easily overlooked by newcomers (like myself) because it's listed outside of the normal Arma3 forum section. I just tested it. It works just fine in daylight? :confused:
  11. bakerman

    Force Vehicle lights on?

    I always use this. null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOn", VEHICLE_NAME]; sleep 0.01};};
  12. Loving the new antimaterial rifles, although the recoil of both the M320 and GM6 is somewhat strange. The recoil from both shifts the entire torso of the player a few inches back while the player legs stay perfectly stationary. Check the short video below to see for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUgUX4CdLAY Something else worth mentioning. At close range the M320 and GM6 is LOUD to say the very least, but from 500m away you can't hear them at all, while other weapons can be heard from that range.
  13. I find that 200-300ms is perfectly fine for Arma as long as the server is good enough. Also just keep in mind that seacom is still down until at least 22 Apr so you can expect some random packet and connection drops when playing overseas.
  14. +1 I'm constantly checking your thread for updates. So far it's looking awesome. Good things take time so I'm happy to wait. :) Keep up the awesome work!
  15. I found the following to produce the biggest explosions of all the current munitions. I'm also including the code to simulate the effect of it having been fired. //120mm arty shell = "Sh_120mm_AMOS" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); shell setVelocity [0,5,-45]; //Cluster shell = "Cluster_120mm_AMOS" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); shell setVelocity [0,5,-45]; //Bomb bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10" createVehicle ((this) ModelToWorld [0,0,200]); bomb setVelocity [0,5,-45];
  16. This is the first thing I'll try to do with this mod :D
  17. I might be talking complete bs, because I've never tried this. So you have my apology if this doesn't work. According to arma logic you should be able to place a trigger on the map which reacts to the player entering the area, then synchronize the trigger placed with the support request/provider module.
  18. bakerman

    Helicopter LightOn Problem

    I'm marking this as solved as the code above from F2k Sel turns on helicopter lights (thanks once again). This is not perfect but there doesn't seem to be any other way to do it.
  19. I'm trying to make a helicopter (piloted by AI) keep its main light on while flying with the "lightOn" action, but I can't get it to work. This is what I've tried so far. Helicopter init this setBehaviour "SAFE"; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; player action ["lightOn", this]; I've searched the forum and online for a solution to my problem to no avail. According to what I've read online the above init should work. :confused: How do I keep the AI from immediately turning the light off?
  20. bakerman

    AI's not using AT weapons?

    You could use this to force the AI have AT out at all times and ready to fire. I haven't tested this but it might help. Init for opfor infantry removeallweapons this; this addMagazine "RPG32_AA_F" this addweapon "launch_RPG32_F"; this selectWeapon "launch_RPG32_F"; Init for blufor infantry removeallweapons this; this addMagazine "NLAW_F" this addweapon "launch_NLAW_F"; this selectWeapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  21. bakerman

    AI's not using AT weapons?

    I have been playing for over 40 hours I have yet to see the AI fire AT. It must be a alpha bug.
  22. bakerman

    Helicopter LightOn Problem

    I have already tested the lightpoint method. The problem with it is that the light from the point is not focused like the spotlight of a helicopter. It creates the effect of an invisible lightbulb dangling underneath the helicopter, which unlike the stock lights illuminates the helicopter more than the ground.
  23. bakerman

    Helicopter LightOn Problem

    @cobra4v320 The lightOn action is for the spotlight, works with an empty or player heli. Thanks F2k Sel that works. :) On further testing it seems that a 1ms delay is not fast enough to keep the AI from turning the light off completely, so the light is just pulsating on and off really fast. As long as this pulse is faster than the game FPS it is not visible, however the pulsating light is visible once I get over 100FPS by looking directly at the ground. Setting the delay to 0.001 fixes this for me, however it does seem like a massive waste of CPU cycles. Is there no way to completely stop the AI from turning the light off?
  24. bakerman

    Character run speed

    I think increasing the stride length of running and especially sprinting will make it look natural. At the moment it kind of looks like a power walk in fast forward.
  25. Active Protection Systems for Vehicles Merkeva's with working APS (active protection system) like the trophy are operational today. The trophy detects and deflects incoming ATGMs and HEAT rounds by shooting the incoming round with an airburst charge. This does not make the Merkeva's invincible as the APS as it has limited ammo, does not work every time and does not defend against any form of kinetic penetrator. In arma infantry would still be able to engage a APS vehicle with future shoulder launched hypersonic kinetic penetrators. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2efCYei_FDQ I know this might be difficult for the dev's to implement, but this will really add to the feeling of future war if vehicles can actively defend against certain threats. It could be implemented by simply letting certain incoming threats explode prematurely in say a 5m radius around the vehicle, while kinetic rounds ignores this defence field. The system could also be blinded with a active jammer from a launcher. The idea is that certain vehicles are equipped with APS and that an array of kinetic ammo is added for launchers and guns to counter the defence.