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Everything posted by EO

  1. The code i posted is generated from Greenfist's Post Process Editor, when you create an effect this is what's copied to clipboard.
  2. Could be a Launcher problem, maybe "verify integrity of game files" might help, or delete the arma3launcher.exe then "verify integrity of game files". For the record, I've been using the full CUP suite last few nights and not experienced the issues raised by @Larpushka and @Stefano Ravenna
  3. To me, this sounds like a great idea, Stalker vibe most definitely. Let's bring Sidorovich out of retirement...
  4.  EO

    Winter 2035

    @TPM_Aus, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1475551112&searchtext=precipitation
  5. Thx man! ^^ (the t-shirt comes from Frith's Ruin)
  6. Nice work Van, like the sound of that dynamic task generator. Good luck mate.
  7. Lol, I'll probably add a little easter egg here and there, it makes it a little more fun and interesting, if only for me... Scuzzied up that Safari Hat...
  8.  EO


    No direct answer doesn't mean it hasn't been duly noted.
  9.  EO


    I think you've raised it enough times now that if it can be reproduced, and fixed, I'm sure haleks will do his best to remedy it.
  10. lol, he was just too eager to show off his little easter egg. while were here... ...another Safari Hat
  11. Seems addons are the only option atm...
  12. It's a conspiracy against the lone wolf....
  13.  EO

    Red Dead Redemption

    Worth a look if your undecided...
  14. Mods: Ravage, Chernobyl Zone, Sullen Skies, Ravaged/Frithified Gear (WIP).
  15. Mods: Ravage, Chernobyl Zone, Sullen Skies, Ravaged/Frithified Gear.
  16. A head bandage just for the Zone...
  17. So much this. ^^ Nice post Rich.
  18. @phronk, Regarding the Animals Extended mod, all sounds are present and correct, but never quite managed to get sound for insects working yet, I managed to find the pbo's with the vanilla sounds but struggled to add the correct path to the config, eventually gave up. (I remember the PM you sent, but didn't want to continually bug ya about it) I'll go back and take a fresh look at implementing them as it's the most popular of all the mods in my workshop.
  19. Added: Ambient Birds for Chernobyl Zone. Updated: Sullen Skies for Chernobyl Zone.
  20. Mods: Ravage, Chernobyl Zone, Ambient Birds for Chernobyl Zone, Sullen Skies.
  21. Mods: Ravage, Chernobyl Zone, Sullen Skies.